a dreamshaper lands on the terrible planet that needs more space
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"Oh, no." He says. His first words.


He wants to land and take the kid. Except they are going to shoot them all for it. He wants to eletrocute the cops that did not budge an inch. Who tried to trick Felix by sending him away.


Well, that is an idea. They wanted Felix to go talk with their superiors instead? Well, Felix is not here, but he is.

He flies towards the city hall, the snowy sky above him turning tempestuous and criss-crossed with lightning. The entire city hears the thunders by the time he lands on the city hall's steps.



"Aitim -"


" - not the time, okay -"


"You're not even doing anything you're just staring out the window."


"- this is all classified - it's an alien. An extremely erratic dangerous alien with weather magic and self-resurrection and the ability to create arbitrarily many parallel dimensions which hook up to the normal one at our convenience. The powers are shareable and a red accidentally got them. Alien confirmed to the government that the powers allow for straightforward transit anywhere - you can just open the portals - and that the dimension'll just keep on growing for as long as the red lives - it's already outside the district. Alien refused to identify the red or cooperate with containing him - well, I think he claimed he'd help contain him, but not credibly. Council decided to send in police with orders not to even scratch the reds but to find the one with terrifying transit magic. Alien showed up and either the alien or the red scalded the cops and then set everything on fire - cops started shooting -"


"And now the alien looks inclined to bring down out-of-season hurricanes. I can only presume that on his home planet everyone just instantly obeys orders from a skymage and he expected that the cops would surrender."


"How many people died -"


"Hundred sixteen."


"The other red districts -"


"The orders given were to increase security around the districts. I contested 'and cut off their electricity' on the grounds it wouldn't actually deny them internet access. The problem is until we get clearance to acknowledge it was an alien we can't explain anything to the other reds beyond 'yeah, that happened, we don't currently plan to do it again."


"I doubt it was the red magic-user. Attacking the cops, I mean."


"I also doubt that."


"I'd only be moderately disgruntled about a powerful alien deciding he wants everyone in Anitam to answer to him if he were less volatile."


"What's the plan now."


"They're debating. The alien hasn't made demands yet."


"Are you going to go talk to it?"


The alien: still sitting on the steps. Playing with electricity. Making it arc around his fingertips.

He had a vague plan to hang out menacingly here, but it turns out that after he had time to think... well, he is unhappy. Felix is going to be devastated.

To outside observers the alien appears to be moping.


Eventually someone comes down to sit vaguely near him.


He looks him up and down unimpressed. "Yes?"


"They've evacuating the building. Do they need to do that?"


He thinks for a while. And then points up. "That is partially insurance. If this body dies the weather patterns that are keeping that safely contained are going to unravel. It isn't as bad as it's looks, but it's bad enough that I don't think it's worth shooting me even if you evacuate. The other part is," he waves vaguely, "I guess I am feeling dramatic or in mourning. Or both."

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