a dreamshaper lands on the terrible planet that needs more space
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"I'll once you call this thing off!"


"There's incredibly dangerous magic involved, sir," someone else says. "Back off and go complain to them."


"I don't plan to leave these people alone for you to beat again."


"Then stop the - heat thing - and fucking watch."


Felix takes flight.


The heat effect is still ongoing. The cops call in backup. 


And Felix uses his wind to put distance between cops and reds.


The cops huddle and draw their guns and scream orders at the terrified reds.


Well, shit... He should evacuate the reds. He could summon mist to prevent the cops from seeing, but not with this wind. Can't freeze a wall.

...He creates a wall of fire to prevent cops from coming closer to the reds.


Cops open fire.


"STOP!" Felix shouts swooping down and bringing a very strong gust of wind.


Nope they're panicked about the wall of fire and shooting until they're out of rounds.


Felix lands on the side away from the reds. "Stop! You're going to kill them!"


It's not even clear if they can hear him over everything else that's going on.


Felix tries shoots fire at their hands. Not to permanently injury, just to make them drop their weapons.


Some drop their weapons and some fire at him


Felix calls off the fire wall first thing. No point of that going out of control. He can't think well through the pain and sends weird weather at all directions.


More cops arrive at the scene. They apprehend reds who are fleeing without shoe covers.


Felix tries to stand up and send more wind at that direction.


This gets more people shooting at him.


Felix can't even tell where he was hit. Or which bullet did the trick. He is down.


And of course he is dreamshaping. Disembodied in a sea of energy...

And absolutely worried. He fucked up so badly. How many reds are going to die because of him? Not just the dreamshaper and his family...

There is no proper outlet for his worry. He is stuck like this for a week.

...Unless he speeds up the process? What he needs is a body and he can make bodies.

He tries. He creates a tiny embryo version of himself to test his theory. The fountain latches to it. Just for a moment, since it can't survive outside a uterus or fountain.

He frets for a moment and then goes ahead with his plan. He creates a full clone of himself and feels the connection snap to it-

-and something goes completely wrong and the connection splits and it's like being broken into two pieces.


And he wakes up. And immediately he knows that he is not Felix.

He stands from the bed where he was created on in the middle of a field.

Well, he might not have a name, but he knows what Felix wants and he might as well do his best to give it to him.

He flies back to the red district.


Swarming with people. Mostly greys. They've handcuffed the uninjured reds and lined them up on the side of the street where they're sitting and sobbing. There are bodies everywhere. There are paramedics tending to some of the greys.


Any signs of Lafa and her family?




Oh, yeah, over there. Someone else is holding the kid. His parents are dead.

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