a dreamshaper lands on the terrible planet that needs more space
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"I can only imagine how stressful the whole situation must be. Are you feeling any better?"


Slow nod. "I came here partially because I wanted internet access. Partially because I wanted more books recommendations. Oh, and I guess I am curious about the intercaste family and the linguist now that I thought about it."


"Oh? What about them?"


"Generally know how they are doing? I am afraid I might've traumatized the kid. And Afen... approach to my situation might not have been the most helpful, but he didn't do any... damage. There was no way he could've made the situation worse than it already was."


"- I assume they're all fine but I'd be happy to check for you."




She sends some emails. "What are you looking for in additional books?"


"More basic information... I am aware that you wouldn't have books for aliens, but something that could work as introductory material? That was why I wanted an internet connection. I would like to know the... scientific basis for your caste system."


"I can ask for referrals to journal articles about inheritance and so on. Can I ask why you're interested in that in particular?"


"My world does not have castes and I am curious why does your world do. And I guess it might be useful to know how important they are and other relevant cultural details. For all I know, I am quietly making everyone uncomfortable by not dyeing my hair... I guess blue, it's hard not to be a skymage without being blue- or maybe I just committed an insult for assuming blueness."


"It's based on what you do, so it would make sense to dye blue if you're in a role of - ambassador or representative on behalf of Earth, or in a role of 'owner of the pocket dimension', which would be particularly relevant if you let Anitami citizens live there. If you were in a role of disaster relief you might be grey, and if you made and sold things from your pocket dimension that would be purple. But we certainly understand that aliens don't use our system, and you're not making us uncomfortable."


Nod. "I picked blue because skymages families invariable acquire political power and land. The other castes are not allowed to own real estate? Also, I still want to know more before I start making any solid deals, but soon-ish we should talk about putting my magic to good use."


"Oh, people can buy a house, but large-scale real estate development is blue. And we'd be so excited to have the chance to talk about that, especially once we know more about the risks and how to manage them."


Slow nod. "My plan is to compile a proper explanation. I keep wondering if I'm skipping anything because pocket dimensions are just a class of geographic features where I'm from. I don't even know it's obvious to you that one could store dangerous materials in them."


"- moreso than one could store dangerous materials anywhere, you mean?"


"Yes, you don't have to worry about a leak to your water supply. It's probably not the best use of my ability but it's the sort of low-hanging fruit that people would know."


"We're mostly thinking about places to put people - well, I don't think we know enough yet to understand whether that'd be safe, but if there's a way to do it safely that's what would be tempting. The single most important thing that could be done for quality of life would be to have more places to put people."


Nod. "What are the safety concerns? My dimension is safe to live in."


"If a dimension is safe initially, will it stay that way? Will the people within it be vulnerable to the dreamshaper choosing to cut them all off or change the landscape around them? Are there other risks that aren't present with ordinary cities?"


"Yes, to all three questions. At least insofar my dimension is the concern. People really won't have anything but my word that I won't cut them off from the rest of the planet by closing portals, I wouldn't, but again, that is just my word. One can leave a pocket dimension by walking towards the edge which can turn them around or put them on Amenta or another pocket dimension. I can only add to the landscape and I suppose that could be disruptive. But my dimension tends to be... friendly. The magic wouldn't cooperate if I tried to engineer something disastrous. I don't think there are other risks besides those. Have you heard of the fire thing?"


"I heard that that's how you decontaminate."


"Well, yes. Not a risk. The full aspect of it is that my dimension comes with an ambient effect that makes fire not consume oxygen and things in a generally well-behaved way. If you touch a flame not only it isn't going to hurt but the sensation is pleasant. I predict masseurs working in my dimension are going to offer fire massages. ...People that can directly control fire like myself can bypass it though or direct the fire to do precise things like the decontamination."


"What happens to a pocket dimension if the creator dies? I know you're immortal, but for other ones..."


"It just keeps existing... it grows for a while longer, less than a week, and then it stops completely. Sometimes it randomly creates portals by itself but only if the area is particularly empty of portals."


"And no one can open or close portals without the consent of the dimension owner?"

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