a dreamshaper lands on the terrible planet that needs more space
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"So he might cause trouble because he's too young to understand and then they'll kill him and - be upset with you - I don't know what they'd do to an alien -"


"It does not have to come to killing. And, Ah... I am immortal. If they kill this body I'll get a new one in a week and then I guess I can just move to a country that is willing to overlook things..."


"What else could stop the problems, if there are problems -"


Felix thinks for a moment. "Underground! I mean, he could try expanding his dimension such that it is underground relative to everything else. In that case if a portal opens it opens to a cave."


"How would he do that -"


"Huh..." vocabulary problems," tell him that... when the energy is doing the thing around the edges of his pocket dimension, he can push it to a certain direction and then the pocket dimension will expand there."


"All right. We'll try that."


"The opposite - going up - is an alternative too, but still with the risk of opening visible portals."


Nod. "If you'd be able to tell would you be able to close them?"


"Yes. Easier if it's between our pocket dimensions. I could displace a portal between his dimension and Amenta with one of my own. But it would be hard enough that come to warn you and tell him to do it himself might be faster. He can erase the portals himself. My concern is that he forgets about or he makes one that opens immediately and people notice."


"Or that he can't erase them himself because he can't follow your instructions because he is a baby."


Nod. "I don't know how it's going to be for him. The youngest dreamshaper I know of was over 14-, three and a half of your years and she wasn't particularly bad."


"That's different, that's nearly an adult."


"Yeah. I know."


She follows him silently.


Eventually. "I am going to open the portal," he draws an circle in flame and the portal opens," when and how should I check on you?"


"Could you email?"


"I am not hooked to your internet. And I don't think I could get something from your government that wasn't monitored. ...I have a flying drone that we can use to communicate. Or I could piggyback on your wifi strictly for this purpose."


"If it gets noticed..."


"I can make a tiny portal, just enough for a signal to go through. ...Would someone be willing to trade a local device for something?"


"What kind of thing?"


"A better pocket everything? Food? Basically anything in the house you just left because I can make an entire house trivially?"


"People'd probably like minor repairs but the social workers get suspicious if it looks like we have nice things we shouldn't have been able to afford."


"Social workers? I can't change existing things but I can make materials to repair things. Going to need a list. My pocket dimension likes to make nice things, but it isn't restricted to that. Or it can make things that don't look nice, but are high-quality underneath."


"The social workers come check up on us. Things that last but don't look nice are safe."

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