"Hello," he says generally to the group, somewhat distracted by his inspection of all of this magic. "Oh, I see what Mial meant about the problem with lights..."
"Well, you have very nice tidy healing magic, but it doesn't work on anyone who has the same sort of nice tidy healing magic, which I imagine is probably very troublesome."
"It could cease to be part of the deal," says Lazarus. "The deal could change."
"Kaylo, can you think of anything I haven't seen that might interact with lights suddenly being able to heal each other and themselves?"
"If they automatically heal themselves without faceplanting," says Kaylo, "then that could cause problems under the sorts of circumstances you usually need a trained-light for - removing foreign objects is the usual example."
"But if they only healed themselves while actually, er, lit, that wouldn't be a problem?"
"Hmm. That makes it slightly less elegant, magically speaking, but I suppose there would be coordination problems with asking all of the lights in the world what they think of any more complicated tinkering I could do. I will make it require deliberate contact beyond just making the light. Is there anything else?"
He tries the wish on a six - a hex, rather - and then on a star. The star goes.
"Lights are now able to heal themselves and other lights, but in order to heal themselves must touch their own light-spheres separately from manifesting them. By for example sticking their thumbs in it. Or faceplanting."
"I don't see any obvious problems with sorcery or merfolk magic, those seem perfectly nice... um, I imagine most people aren't happy with the procedure for activaging magecraft, though."
"Still. It would be nicer if mage powers could activate in some less terrible way and you did not have to be given sedatives, probably."
"Activation businesses won't take you till you're past legal majority unless you've got some very special circumstances," says the mage.
"Well, they could come in at some suitable age equivalency, then," says Lazarus. "Like with third-siahrs. I will think about it. And tell Mial so he can also think about it."
"So I see," says Lazarus. "They're very... hmm. Very something. I think I would like to watch someone make a complicated potion sometime, but I don't think I would gain any revolutionary insights or uncover any terrible problems beyond the sort of problems that arise naturally from people being able to make magical substances that can do a wide variety of things."
"Thank you for finding me these magic people to look at. Thank you for coming here so I can look at you, magic people."