instead of Tapa having the prettiest buildings, Calado does
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Elves tell the police that apparently red communities pick reds to go riot and threaten them if they refuse. That makes it essential to take rioting reds alive, since it's the ringleaders they actually want arrested. Police are not allowed to do independent investigative work to try to figure out who the ringleaders are at this time, that'll tip the reds off. Just bring them in in one piece next time. 


Reds go about their business until somebody mentions robots again.


Elves are diligent about declining to answer questions about the progress of hypothetical robotics projects in Valinor. The red constituent services desk remains staffed.


Rindeya was in the riots. They don't send a replacement.


Wilindë is deeply upset about this. Why aren't they prosecuting those cops.

        (They're trying to pick their battles on police brutality cases and 'killed people who were at that moment murdering other people, under chaotic conditions' is not a useful battle to pick.)

"But she didn't mean to do it, you said, someone threatened her into it."

        "Yes. But the police couldn't have known that. They do now."

"Now we're not hearing about anything that goes wrong in the red communities."

        "I know. I thought they rioted because they expected to be killed once there were robots, I thought if we told them we won't do that and put enough work into obviously not planning to do that and into giving them ways to talk with us they'd maybe at least try that first, I didn't realize it was - some organized conspiracy to coerce them into it -"

"But we should have known that, we should have figured it out sooner."

        "Yeah. I'm sorry."

"And now she's dead."

       "Yeah. I'm sorry."


Peka makes payments and calls her probation officer on time.


And he asks if she and Katin are doing okay and if she needs anything and if she knows that there's a constituent services office for problems with wage fraud or broken infrastructure, they used to have someone report things to there but she was murdered in the riots.


"I didn't know that, if somebody'd tried to tell me I probably wouldn't have the vocabulary."


"Okay. I don't know if the person on duty speaks Tapap but she'll get someone who does if she doesn't. They had an arrangement where someone would go solicit all the problems from all the reds in the country and then she'd bring them to the office and they'd fix them. It doesn't look like anyone's taken over for her, but everyone is still encouraged to drop by the office or email or call."




"Do you need anything from me?"


"Tell them to cut it out with the robots before my kid is four."


"We're working with police on procedures so rioters don't get killed."


"You should take this to someone who's in the policy department, rather than the judicial one. I think they'd be really happy to hear from you."



"Yeah all right who do I call."


" - thank you. I'll send you some numbers."




He sends her some numbers. Red constituent services - Wilindë Sorturon. Internal affairs - Erdellë Larya. Department head for research and development -Aini Eulaldië. Department head for domestic policy - Prince Canafinwë Macalaurë.


"A prince? Seriously?"


"He runs domestic policy, yeah."


"I mean, you think I should call him?"


"They're running around banging their heads on the walls because reds will not talk to them, I think he'd be delighted."


"Huh. Okay."


"Take care, Peka."

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