instead of Tapa having the prettiest buildings, Calado does
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"It gets paid off faster. We'd rather not have anyone with fines hanging over their head for years."


"Bet the cops don't like that."


"We've got an all-grey elected council on criminal justice and policing reforms, don't do anything without running it by them. It helps with them feeling like initiatives are part of the process of the police working to keep crime down, rather than externally imposed."




"Of course, lots of the time they veto stuff we think would be a good idea. I guess that's how democracy goes. - ah, the interview is concluded, you're free to go if you'd like, or I'm happy to keep answering questions for you."


"...what've they vetoed?"


"Body cameras." Sigh. "We offer a ridiculous bonus for them and some officers take it but probably not the ones we need wearing them. Uh, abolishing the death penalty. Letting the parents of young children see their children regularly in prison. Telling people about their rights right when they're arrested instead of at arraignment."


"Yeah those sound like things cops wouldn't like."


"They've been patient with scaling back use of the death penalty, though. The country used to execute about 3000 people a season, this season it's been sixteen so far. And they approved having a red prison."


"It was a really nice prison! It had a piano!"


"My species can't actually tolerate being imprisoned. We know it's different for Amentans but we still try to make them really nice. The point is that people can come out of prison able to be part of society again, after all."


"I'd never seen a piano in person before. Let alone one I was allowed to try playing."


"I hope no one tries to go to prison for the amenities, that'd be a mess."


"I mean, I had to come back to my baby, but if I didn't..."


"I will suggest they just buy red districts pianos. I don't know if it'll go anywhere, might depend how much of the budget constituent services has put to more important uses."


"The piano might just be me. It was otherwise cozy too but I had like ever seen a sofa."


"Maybe when we designate a red planet we can convince people to move there with pianos and nice sofas."




"Anything else?"


"No. Thank you."


"Have a nice day."


Probation officer has sent her the fine adjustment request form.


She does not need to adjust her fine at this time. She feeds the baby and bangs a crematorium worker and goes to pick up a guy who fell from a height.


Someone suggests to Elves they could do robots in Valinor where there wouldn't be a fuss to prevent it. Elves confirm that they're working on that.


Peka is ineligible to draw straws because she has a baby. The riot is all four year olds and people in their teens and twenties with grown children.


They don't make it back. They kill some Elves and wreck some very pretty buildings. Undertakers get called in to clear up red bodies and Elf bodies. Elves require the chips back, they should be handled as so.

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