instead of Tapa having the prettiest buildings, Calado does
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Uh, be more responsive to community needs and prepared for reds to not be pretending to be cheerful at them and stuff?


If they think they can like... actually get that result... sure.


They don't really know why it's hard. But they'll try. Some of the other problems can be solved with money. Constituent support offices have a budget for that sort of thing.




Of course!



"What's going to happen with us once people're colonzing planets?"


"I think there's talk about having a red planet? Or you could stay like this, or go to Endorë where they don't care. I'm not sure. I can ask if you'd like."




She asks. "Yeah, once terraforming gets cheaper they'll probably do a red planet. Or if we figure out how to chip Amentans they said if people wanted we could chip them and then kill them and make them a new body that'd be clean."



Rindeya bows and leaves.


Elves start putting in dense housing in the former blue districts. People don't usually want to live in mixed-caste housing but a purple skyscraper next to three yellow skyscrapers next to two thousand grey units curved around a stadium and sporting complex next to an orange skyscraper next to a green one is tolerable, if a bit eccentric. 


Maitimo writes the military to ask if they'd be interested in training Elves for operations where they might expect to lose people, since it's obviously better for Elves to die than Calado greys.


They will put a trial squad of Elves through basic and see what happens.


Elves: are really fast and strong and have good endurance and fairly extraordinary senses! A few of them are even temperamentally pretty grey. The freaking out about being imprisoned is a potential problem, as is the needing everything to be pretty. 


Yeah, those are tough to accommodate. They'd be pretty good for suicide missions or short acrobatic sort of strike things.


That makes sense! They are happy to be on-call for that. 


It'd be cool to have in-Calado Elf resurrection so they don't have to wait on Mandos for it; a project gets underway for that.


All of the red complaints get quietly and responsibly handled.


Rindeya comes back every week or so with new batches collected from the whole country and bows and leaves after she's turned them in.


Those get handled too. The constituent support offices are popular; Elves build a bunch more of them. It gets to be spring. 


Calado experiences a baby boom.


Elves are so glad they're happy. Every caste is invited to elect two representatives for discussion of tax reform. Every caste is invited to elect two representatives to help set immigration policy. Greys are invited to elect ten representatives empowered to propose or to veto criminal justice and policing reforms. Calado is invited to hold a vote on whether to have the Valar come try to season the rainforest (advantage: if it worked, more land! disadvantage: Valar are weird powerful aliens.)


"Why are we having that decided by people who don't even know what the Valar are."


"I've talked to Yavanna enough to be convinced our people will be safe and it's - the things I'm actually reluctant to hand over to democracy aren't the ones where I think they might make a cost-benefit decision different than I'd make, it's the ones where I think they are just morally wrong. We're not voting on what to do with our reds. This isn't a moral question, though."


The vote is in favor of more land.


Yavanna comes to visit. No one tells her about abortion or extramarital sex. She hangs out in the rainforest and every once in a while the whole country and also several of its neighbors are bathed in golden light and all their plants perk up. 


Calado apologizes for the inconvenience and will lend out their god if she can pull off seasons.

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