instead of Tapa having the prettiest buildings, Calado does
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There is an Oahkar green interested in terraforming and an Oahkar blue there as an observer and representative.


Elves will introduce themselves!


They are pleased to meet them. Terraformer is excited about terraforming.


It's going to be so exciting!! Has he talked to the genetic engineers, they've got all kinds of cool fast-growing algae planned.


He went to their presentation, yes!


He did too! He has thoughts on it and thoughts on the techniques and thoughts on the merits of asking the Valar to help and thoughts on timelines and which of the promising planets to start on.


Vala help sounds likely to be useful while they make up the technological gap.


They're great for that though the Noldor were very eager to get off the planet they ruled and don't want to encourage them to spread out or anything.


What's wrong with them?


Uh, they have strong opinions about harmless things and aren't very pragmatic - like, Elves find abortion very upsetting but are handling this by trying to get everyone starships, the Valar would probably prohibit it the instant they heard about it - and they're hard to reason with and don't understand things like incentives or urgency or path-dependency or the difference between persuading someone and changing their mind around so they agree with you - they don't actually do that to the living without consent, they just don't see why they shouldn't and it's unnerving - and they'd prohibit homosexuality and Amentans would be really upset -


Wow. Maybe they can just go in and do some terraforming things and then leave before anyone else tries to live there.


Yep sounds perfect. 


They can understand prohibiting abortion, it's really sad, almost nobody would want one if they could instead just have a baby, but the homosexuality thing seems random.


Technically they object to all extramarital sex and to marriages which are not for the purpose of producing children. Abortion is really sad and everyone will be so so glad should it never be necessary again.


Wow. Valar, huh.


"It was fine when we were low-tech and learning from them, but eventually it got to be-  well, eventually we decided we had better invent lightleapers."


"And we're all very indebted to you for that!"


Headshake. "If we'd known about you we'd have done it much sooner. No one should live like this in a universe full of empty worlds."


"Well, it's a good thing you ran across us."


"We're so glad we did."


Meanwhile, Rindeya takes a few days off visiting the office and comes back with a stack of complaints.

Reds have a lot to complain about, starting with the social workers and carrying on through cheating employers and abusive goods suppliers and including all the same sorts of problems poor purple neighborhoods also exhibit.


This is why they have a constituent support office, which diligently notes all of these and asks whether a given solution is likely to be safe for them. Auditing this employer? Reassigning this purple?


If they have another excuse for the audit and can sell making them pay reds as a routine part of such an audit, sure. Reassigning the purple is fine as long as whoever replaces them isn't like related to them or anything.


Would training the social workers help any?


Training them to... do... what?

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