instead of Tapa having the prettiest buildings, Calado does
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"I - the - I understand that you are aliens who have been installed as rulers of Calado instead of the blues."


The blues want the Vanyar to ask what they're going to do with the blues in the medium to long term if anything.


"Yeah. But you're confused about something and I don't know what it is."



The Vanyar ask. 

Thanks for your inquiry! We're going to begin repatriating blues willing to cooperate with the new government as soon as the situation is stable, probably about a month after the coup. We will prioritize anybody with non-blue immediate family from whom they have been separated by circumstances. Blues unwilling to cooperate with the new government are encouraged not to return to Calado, and will at this time be stopped at the border. They are welcome to immigrate to anywhere which will have them, or to set up a government in Valinor or on a colony planet which Calado's citizens will be informed about so they can return to living under blue rule if they so choose.


The red is sufficiently confused he doesn't know what to say to that.


"But we don't want a new government, we want to go back to what we were doing - they have ruined all our lives and kidnapped us from our homes and they seem to think they're being perfectly reasonable -"


She shuffles awkwardly. "Uh. What's your name -"




Vanyar commiserate about the appalling conduct and insufferable unreasonableness of the Noldor! They inquire about whether the blues will be compensated for the loss of their homes and for the emotional distress they experienced being kidnapped and kept tied up in a ship (the Vanyar all make horrified faces). 

Thanks for your inquiry! There is an accounting team on Calado trying to trace embezzled, stolen, and misappropriated funds, which make calculating the net worth stolen from blues during the coup difficult to calculate, but we are committed to recouping all financial losses and providing additional funding towards recouping non-tangible losses. In addition, anyone can file a suit against the government for wrongful arrest and maltreatment, and it seems like Calado blues (particularly those uninvolved in serious crimes) have a compelling legal case! We have attached referrals for some of Tirion's civil attorneys.

"They are being rude," says their interlocutor, reading this out. "Very politely being very rude. I hope Ingwë does ban them."




"Why are they being rude?" someone wants to know.


"Last name?"



"I mean," she says, "the whole thing. They kidnapped you and tortured you and abandoned you and now they observe that you can sue them. That's just - it's not that there's another way to handle it now that would be politer but at least if they profusely apologized and explained why not torturing you wasn't an option it'd make sense...."


"Reds never switched to last names we still do toponyms I don't know which one you want -"


"Yes, they're awful," agrees the blue, "that's what we've been trying to say, sending them stern letters isn't really the right magnitude of thing."


"Is there one that should be in my computer system?"



"- okay but what is."


"Uh - maybe Tower."


"You could help us conquer Calado back and help us defend it if they decide they want to try again!"


She tries that. 



"We can't do that. I'm sorry."


Yep, there he is, parents were awarded a permission eight years ago and put down their toponym as Tower.


"Why not? I mean, not you personally, you make cheese, but your country."


"Yes, found you. Okay. Do you need anything that the government could maybe help with?"



"- uh, no one in our country does conquering. Some people write poetry and some people do theology and some people compose music and we have a lot of mathematicians? And weavers, and theoretical physicists, and botanists and potters and genetic engineers and glassblowers."


"I - I don't -"


"Well - hm - they're getting a lot of leeway on Amenta right now because they're the only people who can offer spaceships. If there were competition people on Amenta who do have soldiers might not want to let them slide."


"There have kind of got to be things, all the other castes have things, but it's okay if there's nothing right now."



"Oh, we do have people who know how lightleapers work. Not how to build them, that'd be the Teleri, but how they work. I don't know if they'd want to go to Amenta."


The red is maybe going to cry again.


"Maybe we should go to Alqualondë then - go to Oahk or somewhere with them and point out there are several kinds of Elves and only one of them embarked on violent conquest -"


"I will write down that the thing you wanted was reassurance about alien policy towards reds, and that I promised not to replace you, and that no followup is required at this time, does that work?"



Vanyar shrug agreeably.




Some of the blues go to Alqualondë.


"It would be really nice to understand why reds aren't using the constituent desk."



Alqualondë is a seaside city! Almost everyone is nude. Many of them are out on boats. Hair is brown or silver.


"We didn't know we had to till the social worker said."


"Okay. But now will people come by regularly?"


"- how often do you want us to send someone -"


" - whenever they have a problem - uh, for the clean castes we've found we should anticipate thirty to forty visits per day per ten thousand people?"




"What's the matter?"


Colse eeps. "I'm sorry! I don't know what you want from me!"

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