andalite Elves land in Amenta
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They are unhappy about splitting up families, they were anticipating neighborhood-by-neighborhood.


Then they can do that.


There is some argument internally. They are also nervous about having replacements trained in a place because then the replacements can train more.


What about doing job-by-job? Train garbage people, move the garbage people. Train undertakers, move the undertakers. Train plumbers, move the plumbers. Save autopsy and medical dissection for last because there aren't many of those and not skillsets a country is likely to want to leave itself without.


This breaks up some families but fewer than evacuating all the kids, okay.


And not for very long, hopefully. Is this a place where private security firms are legal?


Yes, but they can't have guns.


She doesn't need them to have guns. She wants to meet with them and explain that she's looking for private security to get reds out of the country without hiccups, are any of them going to have a vaguely promising reaction to that?


Will this be before or after they're clean?


Calado doesn't want to clean them so Miolee's doing it, they'll still be red. Security won't have to go particularly near them, obviously.


They will want a lot of money and the promise of more if they do wind up near any reds.


If anyone ends up touched by a red and manages not to murder the red she will fucking buy them a child.


Oh, Calado is still working on a permissions system similar to the Oahk Empire which used to rule them, but the sentiment is appreciated.


They can work out a contract. She tells the reds that she hired security to escort trucks and supervise the stages of the process where tension might be expected and they are outrageously bribed not to bother the reds even if touched and it's obviously a bit much to expect the reds to feel reassured by their presence but she hopes they at least won't add stress and she thinks they might deter it!


She tells the government that the reds are prepared to train garbage truck workers and that she's gone to the trouble of hiring private security to make sure reds get escorted out of the country safely once their jobs are obviated and she's so pleased to tell them that they can sit back and do absolutely nothing and inside a season all the trainings and replacements will be done.


Wow, cool. They like doing nothing and having things happen.


She figured. 


Purples can learn to drive garbage trucks. 


It is surprisingly complicated!


Biyan learned this lesson unpleasantly! Calado can learn it more pleasantly.


So much more pleasantly. The senators find excuses to credit their great-grandchildren with the plan and award them child permissions.


As one does. 

Garbage-truck drivers and their children and great-great-grandparents and some reds in internal roles can head out to the border! Security can stay well away and make sure no one bothers them until they're on Mioleen soil and loaded into trucks.


Several security people claim to have been touched! They want money!


They were wearing cameras, right?


Did she say to wear cameras?


She highly recommended it! It's okay, disputes can be cleared up anyway because she has an in with the mindreading aliens and they can just verify the story for her and then she'll pay them.


That seems like a lot of trouble to go to over some miscreant reds!

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