andalite Elves land in Amenta
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Oh good, can #4 be at a party while Aitim's here?


Yeah, sure?


She appreciates it so much!


So does Aitim he just really likes meeting people, how's Voa, are their greys as madly excited about the war as Anitam's, they should be so excited about being red-free it improves the cities tremendously and he really recommends it.


Their greys are really excited about getting to be everybody's heroes, taking planets from evil aliens to colonize! Being red-free will be great.


Anitam's military has been flooded with applicants, it seems like every grey three or older wants to go be a space warrior. He has an ex-red cousin-in law, she's lovely, it's convenient how well they fit in once they're clean. 


How's the marriage doing?


They seem very happy! Little blue son and another planned for spring and maybe they'll get a third, what with all this planetary adventuring. Her husband adores her and everyone has been at least courteous.


Good for them.


"My poor grandfather isn't quite sure what to make of us, one grandson married ex-red and Isel doing - her thing - and my father run away playing green. But he was charmed by Shasali when he met her."


"'My thing' is very generously remunerated these days, haven't you heard?"


"I have. You are certainly less expensive than a riot and we're all grateful to avoid all that."


"Voa's easy to work with, they weren't super tempted to try the massacres route in the first place and I don't have to worry some loon'll wake up in the middle of the night one day and go 'hmm why not though'."


"We're pretty conservative for the most part," agrees #4, whose name is Orevo.


It worked out so badly when they weren't! She doesn't say that.


"And I think size helps - Anitam and Voa are both too large for massacres to really have been a solution even if I wanted my new relatives to have instead been murdered. Word would get out and you'd have utter chaos in places. Biyan and Orvara and Evalee were smaller."


"And it still didn't really go very well."


"And that. Poor Biyan. Evalee's bleeding financially but at least you can walk down the streets without fearing pollution."


"Don't know how they're going to make up the cost though. Maybe Biyan'll pay them to help them out."


"Biyan tried hiring Mioleens to do the work. Mioleens turned them down. I don't think Biyan could very credibly ensure their safety."


"Or their cleanliness. I guess they'd know something about handling that without help though."


"What astounds me is that the people involved still haven't resigned. If there are two obligations we have to our people, it's to keep them safe and clean, and you could hardly fail more catastrophically - how they expect to have public confidence -"


"Also they tortured children."


"They deny that."

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