andalite Elves land in Amenta
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That takes years and years of practice but perhaps the best way to eliminate uncertainty would be to dip them in dye or something before they morph.


Hmmm yes all right.


Cene has to be really pleased that now it's free!


Well, it will still need processing staff and dye and things, but yep, as long as they can borrow the box and the box won't be damaged by being washed off after!


The box would be very hard to damage. It won't work for them, though, Matirin is presently the only person keyed to it with a contingency Andalite should something happen to him.


...well then this is a complete nonstarter.


Because they have a lot of reds and marching them all by him personally after hauling them all the way to Anitam is probably presuming a bit much on Anitam's willingness to let Cene visit their aliens. Right?


Anitam does not want Cene's reds but miiiight let Cene have Matirin for decontamination purposes if Matirin'll give them morph, he'll ask the council.


That would be very nice of him. What are the prospects for using this for small children and pregnant people, will they need to time relative to season carefully?


Should not be used on pregnant people (it's safe for them to morph, but when they get stuck they'll lose the baby.) Sufficiently small children might not be able to concentrate on a morph properly. 


How small?


...he does not know very much about the developmental stages of Amentan children.


What are some tasks of comparable difficulty?


Uh, solving a twenty-piece puzzle, doing simple math problems while distracted for example by being in the water with someone splashing you, performing a short musical piece in front of an audience.


The government of Cene would like Isel to sell reds on no child credits next spring so that their kids can all decontaminate by morph in one shot.


Isel bets they'll be sold if she can also tell them that since the money doesn't need to be spent on decontamination they can keep all the property they own.



Cene is totally still coming out ahead since the land sales weren't going to fully cover decontamination costs. And they'll be hard to sell on it otherwise, can you imagine all the families who were saving up to finally have a desperately wanted baby come spring?


It's never really occurred to them to think of reds in those terms to be honest.


Yeah that's why they literally flew in a consultant on it. 


She's been very helpful. They can't own that much individually, though, since they're not going to be blue.


They can divvy it up! ...though if some Cene blue wanted to own big chunks of Cene's major cities she has an idea and they could maybe come talk to her.


A few people express interest.


Are they men or women it matters.

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