andalite Elves land in Amenta
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Morph would be pretty cool!


If they want to screen ten people for responsibility with morph (it, uh, makes assassinations rather trivial, and might not be wise to hand out like candy) he'll go ahead and make them morph-capable.


It seems like it probably makes assassinations less trivial if you don't have a lethal weapon growing out of your butt but sure they'll screen people. Buncha greens, one President's granddaughter.


They can acquire species with lethal weapons, that being how morph works.



He gets the cube and enters an excruciatingly long series of passcodes (none of which matter) and then lets them touch it, which does.


And they go home and fly around and study creatures and publish interesting papers and it's all very exciting.


Yay. How're the delivery chutes coming along?


They're all set up! The reds like 'em.


Cene is maybe considering sending them to Anitam for decontamination. Can community leaders maybe start thinking about who'd be a good first cohort of people to do this with. Qualifications for a job once they're clean are a plus, law-abiding and zero chance of ending up in the news for anything are absolute musts.


Are they allowed to be any caste?


Greens need to pass university entrance exams and no blues.


Are they likely to budge on the blues thing, or should people whose first choice would be blue but can meet the requirements for exemplary first batch as something else go ahead and be in the first batch?


She would not bet on them budging on the blues thing. 


How much not.


If there's some reason it's really important rather than just being nice because being blue is nice, she can go back and raise it again, but she kind of figures she has limited amounts she can pester them and was going to save it for not-overreacting-to-problems and arresting-people-who-hurt-them stuff.


Some people really want it but mostly for personal life satisfaction reasons not because they were planning to do specific accomplishmenty things.


She'll save it. 


Nertel writes Matirin asking what happens if you just stay in morph forever. He explains that you get stuck. She asks what the bodies are assembled from. He says they're assembled from matter in z-space.


She writes that she thinks reds who morph not-red and stay that way until they are stuck really ought to be clean, being entirely made out of clean matter.


The Cene morphers and some other people consider this. It does not seem unreasonable.

Some reds are upset about the idea of losing their genes and having children who are instead related to whoever they morph and not being related to their families any more. Others think the prospect of a two-hour decontamination procedure is great.


Maybe Matirin could be asked about the prospect of a blended morph that is still you but, because of being made out of clean matter, clean, and with the hair appropriate to their new caste?


They're not going to get that on the first try but it's absolutely a thing that's possible in principle.


People are uncertain about still-contaminated reds spending periods of time with morph power and not being stuck.


In case they try to morph insects and fly away or something? It would not be hard to kill them if they grew four legs and giant fragmented eyes and the whole thing could be done in a sealed building so they couldn't get very far. 


Hrmmmmm. And if it would take expertise to accomplish the thing, how do they know if a red has morphed with unclean matter as opposed to all new material.

Permalink would be really weird if any of the matter in z-space were unclean, because in z-space matter is just kind of an evenly distributed film of atoms. If you didn't make them change their hair color there could conceivably be confusion about whether they'd morphed at all.


But they're using their original body as a template. That won't mean that they're partially demorphed, hair morphed?

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