Bella as an Avowed
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"And you want to acquire the biggest levers you can. Which probably means talent development schools. The kind that focus on training your Avowed side above all else. To grow your powers and learn useful things and network with other ambitious people. Do you have any other system skills? Spell impressions?"


"I have a skill I haven't tried yet that makes gravity affect me less, Refusal of Gravity. And a couple spell impressions, I got Mark Stone and Glimpse of Afar."


"That's a great little spell combo, especially if you get touch-based talents or spell impressions later... Now, the very best programs for talent development are actually superhero prep courses. They train the hell out of you, get you in great shape, make you use your powers really creatively. It's not like they're going to shove you in tights and throw you at bad guys once you graduate. I think you might be able to get in if you really focus on it and try your best. Maybe. It'd be better if your A-rank skill was more flexible, not just defensive. But you might hate the culture, and it's an awful lot of hard work. What do you think just on hearing the option?"


"I'm still getting used to no longer being disabling levels of clumsy, but I think that even without that I'm temperamentally best suited for big levers that don't involve me being in great shape."


"Okay, it takes all kinds. What kind of schooling does appeal, then?"


"I was wondering earlier today if normal high schools here are fancy enough to have economics classes? I'm interested in interplanetary trade and communication, and in aliens..."


"Powers grow best in response to stress. We're pretty sure on that one. But we can definitely get you economics classes, in a normal high school or not. Artonan Studies? Maybe a politics track?"


"Artonan Studies maybe, though I'm also interested in the other aliens and it seems weird to me that our interactions with them are basically all gated on Artonan involvement at this time."


"They really paint themselves as the center of the universe, don't they?"


"Yeah, and they have the leverage to make it cash out that way too, but I'd like to be able to have a normal conversation with other kinds of aliens too."


"Yes, all the teleportation is through the System. I think there are a tiny number of aliens on Earth, but they're rare, even moreso than Artonans here. It sounds like you'd be a lot more comfortable in higher education or some sort of diplomatic or political type role, rather than strictly going for power development above all else."


"Sounds about right to me. Like, I want some power development, but." Shrug.


"Okay. You kind of sounded like an idealist at first with the wanting big levers. And we get a lot of hero hopefuls. So I had to shift gears. I think I have enough to go on, to start looking at options! Anything else you want to cover right now?"


"I wouldn't say I'm not an idealist, just not specifically about powers getting bigger and shinier in particular. I'd like that fine but there are lots of kinds of levers."


"You're not wrong. So maybe you want to get rich or earn the ear of the powerful. I'd better go for now but I'll set something up soon! And I will be replacing that chair, and always feel free to text me if anything is wrong! Have you seen the event calendar yet?"


"No, where is it?"


"Should be in your message inbox somewhere, and also posted on the bulletin boards and in my office. Along with all the other intake rules and processes."

"I'll check it out, thanks so much!"

You can come out now
she tells Jian, and then she checks her inbox.

I was leaving soon anyway so goodbye

Several more messages, yep. The Event Schedule is pretty full - Intro to Anesidoran Civics, Meet the Neighbors, Boomtown Tour, Franklin High Tour, Job Market Guide, What to Expect from Summons, Rabbit Floor Potluck - and has a points value attached to most of the events. Apparently there's a minimum number of points you need to get before you're allowed to move to your own place that you've found. Other Intake Rules are pretty relaxed. They're not restricted to the block or anything. There's a curfew, but it's late. After midnight they'll send someone looking for you. The rest are just common sense good-neighbor stuff about trash and noise and not starting fights or having irresponsible sex and damage to the rooms.


She'll sign herself up for civics and What To Expect From Summonses - what's that do for her point total?


A bit more than an eighth. The programming says most people are out of Intake in 4-6 weeks, and if you're still around by week 10 the classes start being mandatory.

There's plenty more, ranging from tours of different universities and apartments, job fairs, apartment-choosing workshops, adapting to Anesidora guides specialized for certain countries, Home Ec type things, how to develop your powers...


She schedules herself a couple tours, and a class on budgeting to get herself used to working in the relevant currencies, and a roommate matchmaking event.

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