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Bella as an Avowed
Permalink Mark Unread

A bell chime followed shortly by a smooth, quiet voice, speaking steadily and calmly, interrupts the evening.

"Hello, Elisabel Meera Swan. In 1963, the peoples of Earth accepted an infusion of magic and technology, as well as a promise of future protection, as part of an agreement with the Artonan Triplanetary Government. In doing so, Earth became an Artonan resource world, with all the accompanying rights, privileges, and responsibilities afforded by that designation."

"As part of this alliance, Earth is required to deliver a number of suitable individuals into contractual servitude. You have been selected for this honor. You may refuse to sign your planet’s version of the Interdimensional Warriors Contract out of personal principle, and your objection will be taken into consideration hereafter. Ultimately, however, you may not refuse to serve."

"Upon signing, you will become one of your planet’s Avowed. As a signing bonus, you will receive an additional gift. Refusal to sign will result in the loss of this bonus."

"Upon becoming one of the Avowed, you will be subject to summons, for emergency and non-emergency purposes, by members of the Artonan wizarding classes. By Artonan law, all Avowed are justly rewarded for any service rendered."

"Your rank has been determined. Your class has been selected as Unique according to factors determined by the Triplanetary Government. Unique Classes may not be traded and have fewer choices available. In exchange, the signing bonus is increased."

"Welcome, Elisabel. And thank you for your future service."

Only after that does the more typical hovering System window appear:

Pre-affixed Selectee: Elisabel Meera Swan 

Divergence Rank: A

Assigned Class: Unique

Elisabel Meera Swan, do you willingly accept your duties as one of Earth’s Avowed, thereby satisfying a portion of your world's debt to the Triplanets?


2159 h: 59 m: 24 s

Permalink Mark Unread

It's like winning the lottery, they said. Smart people don't play the lottery, they said. Focus on other things, on the life you are almost guaranteed to have without ever getting your hands on powers other than wordchains, they said, neither you nor anybody you know will ever -

When Elisabel was in elementary school she read the whole contract, a children's annotated version but the whole thing. It seemed pretty reasonable to her at the time. If she were a rich powerful magical interstellar civilization that was nonetheless not completely past the need for imported labor she'd probably do something more or less along the same lines, with, like, slightly more optionality but she can think of some arguments a reasonable person might construe as justification for doing it this way instead and for all she knows they have those arguments on various Artonas. It's a sweet deal, it screws some people over but even if there's no good reason to screw them over and it's just what made all the rest of the aid package politically realistic for the Artonans back home it maths out pretty well, and if she hadn't decided it was stupid to dwell on wanting powers, she'd, yeah, have absolutely fucking wanted powers with all her heart, and here they are! Apparently! She has won the lottery after spending her whole life responsibly never trying to buy a ticket since they don't even sell those!!!!

It's a good deal. She'll take it.


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Thank you for your agreement and welcome to the Contract.

To complete your affixation, please review each of these categories. Any choices may be freely revised until you finalize your affixation. If you do not finalize your affixation within 90 days, it will be finalized automatically.





Finalize Affixation

Permalink Mark Unread

If she's a Unique there's not going to be much Internet research to do, but it's nice to have the time flexibility. What are her options for Skills?

Permalink Mark Unread


Fortress of Mind (A) - You prevent most skills, spells, and enchantments from affecting your mind directly

This skill is fixed and cannot be changed.


In addition, choose one of the below sets:

Breeze Respite (D) - You reduce the effect of wind against yourself, moving as if the air were more still

Winter Cannot Touch Me (C) - You resist cold environments, preventing your body from losing heat


Refusal of Gravity (B) - You reduce the effect of gravity on your body, but do not change your mass

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A winter coat versus moonbouncing. She'll take moonbouncing.


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She can pick either one D or two F rank spells. There's a pretty expansive list. F rank spells are decidedly unimpressive, like Light Candle. Ds are a lot better, but far from world breaking and many of them consume expensive components.

Permalink Mark Unread

She wanted would have, if she had been thinking about it, preferred Adjuster. They get better spells. Or at least more of them, you could maybe build up a decent synergy out of these. Are the spells ones other people have gotten before, can she find suggested packages to iterate from if she looks for the more googleable names online?

Permalink Mark Unread

She seems to have most of the common spells in her list. Adjusters typically get offered more specific, powerful, and synergistic spells based on one's they've previously selected. There are tons of build trees posted for everything from cryomancy to cooking. Only one D or two Fs puts her far behind any Adjuster except F ranks though.

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No shit, but if Light Candle and Dry Flower are actually best friends for some reason she wants to know that. Any joy?

Permalink Mark Unread

Refreshing Mist and Chill Object can ice something over? Glimpse Afar and Mark Stone can give you a way to peek at places you can throw a pebble to? Dry Flower and Light Candle can actually be useful in camping. Apparently wet tinder counts as both flower and candle.

Permalink Mark Unread

Mark Stone plus Glimpse Afar looks promising, actually! What are their actual textual descriptions?

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Mark Stone: A stone you are touching becomes linked to you for several minutes. It is as though you are still touching it.

Glimpse Afar: You receive a brief glimpse of the surroundings of an object you are touching. You remember this glimpse more easily.

Apparently Glimpse Afar was used with long rods or wires before the pebble trick was noticed.

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She likes Glimpse Afar, and actually still likes it without Mark Stone. Anything else surprisingly handy like that? Minor teekay? First aid type healing spells? Anything else that affects what she's touching? Notetaking-related utilities?

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Slow Bleeding is a D-rank spell impression. Unfold Paper is F. Dry Ink is also F, and is apparently different from Dry Flower. Lots of spells have the 'you are touching' modifier, she may have to be more specific.

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She's hoping for something that makes her "touching" a thing she's not touching, like Mark Stone, though she'll just grab Mark Stone if she can't find anything for text search.

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Nothing for text search at F or D rank, at least. And she might be out of luck on the touching thing too.

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Okay. Tentatively Mark Stone and Glimpse Afar, disappointing though it is to not immediately happen upon an exploit that lets her teleport through walls or something. Foundation is all stat points, she knows how those work and they're not as conceptually exciting though she will certainly appreciate them - Privileges?

Permalink Mark Unread

Signing Bonus (pick one):

Eight Foundation points

Privilege - 10x Unrestricted Summons Refusal (emergency summons cannot be refused)

Item - Any single item costing 100,000 argold or less from the System Catalogue.

Item - 50,000 argold

Privilege - Improved Fragile Atmosphere - A single-use life-saving spell. Provides a stable and safe environment in which to await rescue for up to one hour.

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That's not bad. Or, actually, she has the vague sense that she might be getting lowballed, but they're rich as fuck, so it's not bad.

Can she see the System Catalogue before she affixes?

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Sure! There's a LOT of stuff on it. All kinds of enchanted items, from toys to industrial machines to defenses to mobile homes to weapons to enchanted clothing that does stat boosts or activated powers. 100,000 argold will get a Very Fancy car or a hoverbike (with some asterisks on it) or superhero armor with enhanced toughness and stat boosts or magic maid-outfits that are always clean and give different stat boosts or a spear that teleports back to her when thrown (up to twice a day) (and weapons have their own asterisks) or a very very fancy all-in-one kitchen setup or some kind of robot-rigged workbench or magic rings that give her better grip or-

Well, a lot of Stuff is in the catalog. All of it is magic in some way.

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Shiny, but there are all those asterisks and life is supposedly pretty cushy on Anesidora even without extra swag. Probably she wants the points. She can earn money the old fashioned way(s).

Now it's time to go fuck with her foundation points till she can cure her dyspraxia and all that good stuff.

Oh, also she should probably tell her parents. She goes and tells Reena before she goes and fucks with her foundation points.

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The Foundation Points are pretty standard. She already has a few pre-selected, as all Avowed do. There is plenty of online material about them- You can specialize and apply dexterity specifically to your hands and processing specifically to your proprioception to get better at wordchains, for example. You can opt out of the empathy-enhancing side of Appeal if you like too, and just be prettier.

She has 10 points to distribute, and her presets are:

Sympathy for Magic +0

Processing +0

Appeal +0.5

Agility +1

Dexterity +0.5

Speed +0

Stamina +2

Strength +1


Permalink Mark Unread

She likes how she looks fine but she will go in and fuck with the details on her already-assigned half-point of Appeal. Does the internet know what Sympathy for Magic actually does? It's obviously not the same thing as being able to learn spells like a wizard, but it's right there.

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The internet is pretty sure it mostly makes magic items and tools easier to see and use. It might help you read other people's powers. The exact details are unclear.

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Not amazing. Maybe she'll bump it up some if she winds up with magic tools and other people's powers that she's having trouble with.

How many points till her dyspraxia has fucked off forever?

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The System chews on that question for a bit and then gives her a window that says: 


1.5 Dexterity (specialized), 0.5 Agility (specialized), 0.25 Processing (specialized).

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That is a surprisingly complex answer with less weight in Agility than she expected! But she can afford it no problem. Goodbye, dyspraxia.

What've we got in the sub-sub-whatnots of Processing, that looks fun.

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Some standout interesting ones include Proprioception (what was suggested for her dyspraxia), Visual Processing, Language Processing, Memory, Social Understanding, Numerical Processing, Kinematics Intuition, Auditory Processing, Task Switching.

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Does the internet want to tell her what kinematics intuition is?

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It's the thing where you can predict where thrown objects are going to land and also know how to throw them correctly! Some internet nerds are very excited about it and explain it in detail. Animals really have terrible throwing accuracy but humans can, like, play baseball. Kinematics Intuition points also give you the ability to call how dice or coins are going to fall a moment before they do, at high levels, or see intuitively how forces are playing out on bridges and buildings, or exactly how something is about to break if you know what it's made of, or help you 'feel' the flow of cars on a road. Avowed use it for sports, or like, grenades.

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Or Marked Rocks?

She can tell she's going to pour a lot of points in here, but if the Internet wants to sell her on speed or agility or dexterity now's the time.

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The Internet's Points Against Processing:

1. The System itself tells you too much processing is 'suboptimal', and that 1 point per three months, or less, is best.

2. It doesn't actually make you smarter or more creative, it mostly makes you faster.

3. Some of history's greatest geniuses were absolutely miserable, you know.

Processing certainly has plenty of fans too though.

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Does the System care to elaborate for her on why too much processing is suboptimal?

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Avowed will see greater overall improvement for the same investment of points in Processing if the points take effect over time. Rapid affixation of Processing can also cause undesirable side-effects in extreme cases.

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Side effects like what?

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The Contract does not answer her.

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Rude?? Like, not wildly more rude than just declining to talk to almost anyone on the planet in the first place, but.

Does the internet know?

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The internet has wildly inconsistent information about this subject. The anti-avowed crowd think it turns you into an INSANE MURDERER. The pro-avowed crowd think these people are idiots for ignoring System Warnings. One guy says he insisted on affixing six points of Processing all at once woke up a week later in a House of Healing, missing a bunch of childhood memories and also the ability to sing. He was, though, happy about this, as his parents had tried to murder him for being Avowed.

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What the fuck. Okay, she'll go slow on that! She guesses! Does she need to use all her points in affixation or can she save some for Christmas.

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You may save up to four Foundation points for later at this time. Additionally, up to four Foundation points may be allocated to Processing to come in over time (over one year), and these do not count against the limit of saved points.

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Okay. Two and a quarter points are already eaten up in an anti-dyspraxia effort. She's going to bank four - the folks on Anesidora will be able to give her advice better than the Internet's, probably, especially since she's a U and doesn't even know what she'll be summoned for - and put one in Processing to start and two to grow in later. That leaves her three-quarters of a point to do other things with. She goes and sprinkles that around in dexterity microsubskills that will make her better at writing and typing, and puts a bit in speed so her brain won't wind up outpacing her body too much. Is there, like, a Critique My Build forum anywhere that looks nonfarcical?

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There are, with varying levels of seriousness. The most serious ones want a verification of registration at an Anesidoran consulate before letting her sign up.

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Right, how long does she have before Australia kicks her out once they know about this? Will she have time to go visit her dad?

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Technically she doesn't HAVE to leave until she actually affixes, up to 90 days from now. Internet says that you tend to get bugged, a lot, about how your travel plans to Anesidora are shaping up, though. Maybe even some cops coming to check that there aren't any problems. 

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So possibly she wants to be AT Charlie's place when they find out, which would be fine except he lives out by Alice Springs and she doesn't think they even have a consulate. Maybe she should get Charlie to visit her in Sydney. She calls him to arrange this. Then Reena wants her to have dinner, which is reasonable, so she does that, then back to the internet. - oh, the points for her signing bonus are not already incorporated into her available stat boosts, are they. Wow. She's got a lot of them to spend and could really use consultation, yep. Travel to Anesidora is a free teleport, right? She wraps up her affairs here and then poof?

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Free teleport from any consulate or other approved spot! If you can't make it to one of those, you can get an escort, just call this hotline! Straight to the Intake Program! Meet new friends and real life heroes! See new places! Learn about Anesidora! If you're worried for your safety as an Avowed, call this hotline!

They have a lot of material dedicated to making Intake seem appealing and easy. The apartments look really swanky.

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Ironically that's making her far more concerned that there is something terribly wrong with the place. Her baseline wasn't super high, and it's probably the right marketing call on the whole, but ick.

She'll go to bed and in the morning after breakfast she will let Reena take her to the consulate to register so she can get on a forum and get advice on her ridiculous heap of stat points. Charlie should be over soon.

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Once she's ready, the consulate's front desk person has her approve a System request to see her class and rank, and then she is sent to a different person (not the actual Consul still) and there is Glorious Paperwork to fill out! Charlie and/or Reena can come with.

Also: A lot of pamphlets in the waiting room. Going by their tone and subject, a lot of new Avowed are freaked out by having to leave behind everything they know. There's an Anesidora Prep Checklist, and lists of hotlines and information resources, and slightly patronizing 'how to deal with sudden life changes' stuff. There's material on how Intake works (there's a point system with various events and intro classes, and advisors, and some sort of schooling is mandatory until age 20), and what to expect from Anesidora, and how summoning typically works, and all the education options available there, and so on. Also, apparently family visits to Anesidora are restricted for the first few months.

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Yeah, okay, she will take pamphlets and stock up on hugs. Are the pamphlets going to say... why... family visits are restricted for the first few months. Like, some people get picked even younger than her, right? This is not the standard age at which human beings fly the nest.

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Anesidora believes strongly in creating a clean break and fresh start, so you can make the most of your new life. Frequent visits from friends and family can distract you from settling in! Exceptions can be made for family emergencies.

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It's not actually Anesidora's fault that they have had to build a civilization out of exiled teenagers but they are sure leaning into it.

She can get into politics later. Now she needs to get advice from the forums.

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The big pinned advice post has this to say:

--This is a forum for discussing skills, talents, spells, equipment and other aspects of your choices as an Avowed. We don't discuss trading or politics here.

--Here is a proposed-build-template-maker plugin! It's handy.

--Here is the Master Link List of Reference Materials

--Everyone should know that what they are accepting from the System, they are permanently making a part of themselves. Choose things that you can actually live with and imagine how you would use it in your daily life as well as in heroing/Avowed work/emergencies. There are lots of stories of "optimal builds" that end in tears because they were poorly thought out or didn't end up working for their owners.

--Keep in mind that the choices you make might make you more or less appealing to be summoned by the Artonans.

--Keep in mind that many powers are restricted in many places, even on Anesidora. Someone with volatile and destructive abilities has a harder time getting travel permits.

--Discussion about the Chainer class is officially banned. It inevitably derails. We don't care. Talk about it somewhere else.

--The Sway Discourse is relegated to the Sways subforum. Bring it up elsewhere at your own peril.

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This will handily eat her day so it's a good thing that Reena is letting her cut school about it.

She inputs what she's got so far in the template-maker thing, makes sure she's looked at all the relevant reference materials - is there a list of things that make you more or less appealing for summonses? What's her own personal Unique delay time on answering summonses?

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The System tells her she has a minimum of 48 hours to answer non-emergency summons, but some may be issued further in advance, and prompt acceptance may carry bonuses in some cases.


Things that probably make you more appealing for summonses:

Specific wizards knowing about you and looking for you by name (See: Boaters[link]).

Certain classes or skills, especially the Rabbit class, and especially the following list of skills.

Official System-recognized commendations and awards of any kind. Artonans almost never issue empty/pointless awards though, you have to seriously impress them.

Choosing the 'volunteer' option in the system interface for reduced pay (you typically do this to start building up a reputation and contacts list, or gain experience with your talents).

High power rank

Having a non-combat class


Things that might make you more appealing for summonses:

(A whole lot of speculation.)

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay, so she's a non-combat thingamajig - probably - actually she might be specifically good at apprehending rogue Sways? Sheeeeee should probably read up on the discourse about that before she does something like wear "ask me about apprehending rogue Sways" on her system profile. Skim of the Sway containment zone.

Permalink Mark Unread

You want to trade Sway for basically anything else unless your lifelong dream was to be Vega from Falling Stars or something. They get treated terribly. (Well, some people think low-rank Meister is just as useless and at least Sways get taken seriously.) They have far more restrictions on their powers than anyone else, even though some guy with super strength could sure punch someone to death just as easy as a Sway could make them jump off a building, maybe easier. On the other hand, mental stuff is creepy and has WAY more potential for subtle bad shit than physical stuff! Mind control is especially evil when it could be subtle and thereby utterly annihilate the social trust and whatnot. On the third, morphed hand peoples' careers have been ruined by false accusations of Sway-hood before - look up Bridgit Fairfax, hero name Morgana, retired 1988 due to persistently low public opinion polls even after she was cleared of Swaying at a sports riot in the process of de-escalating it. On the fourth hand, Sways with specific limited powers can earn a lot of money if they are willing to put up with intrusive verification and the like. The big one is lie detection, but some Sways have also gone in the direction of something like an unofficial Healer of Mind.

The people who have a Sway (Verified) badge in their name seem hesitant to talk about it too much but consistently say that there's a real sense of community among Sways, if only because of the common enemy effect.

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Wow. It's not like the Artonans run a central clearinghouse where you can return your Sway assignment if you don't like it, somebody has to be them. Probably she will not be running a one-girl rogue-Sway-apprehension arrangement, especially since she doesn't have lie detection and would just be bringing people in on suspicion or something. What... is she for, then.

She makes a forum post with her fixed characteristics and tentative picks on it and asks if anybody can help her figure out what this power is meant to even do and where her heap of stat points should go.

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The posters in this forum are (mostly) helpful and polite!

Wow, Unique! U types are cool!

Oh, U-types are ALWAYS weird. It's really hard to figure out what they're for. Some alternate theories: Maybe some demons are Sways? That's a scary thought. Or maybe there are wizard labs that are mind bending just to exist in, like some kind of nuclear reactor situation.

Forum agrees that Refusal of Gravity is better than the other two combined; It has more potential for constant use and sounds more trainable. 

She gets suggestions for alternate spells to pick- One creates an updraft, maybe she can use a glider with it- But they're kind of stretching.

Someone notes that both her Skills are active, meaning that she should look for some way of alerting herself to things before she needs the mind shield. Maybe a warning will be available on a level up, or grow out of Fortress of Mind as an upgrade? Lots of Shaper skills turn into fractal upgrade flowers like that.

People suggest a fairly even spread of Foundation points if you don't know what you're going to do in the future. Strength and Stamina and Agility are all good for general health.

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Whoa, mindbending magical reactors sound strangely cool actually.

Some kind of warning would be good, she makes a note to keep an eye out when she gets level-up options.

What stats will be best for navigating by moonbounce? Probably mostly Agility but she was surprised by the distribution to nix her dyspraxia.

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It kind of makes sense? Agility tends to go towards improving muscles and tendons and flexibility, dexterity more specifically towards control. Ballet dancers and gymnasts need DEX more than AGI- Soccer players or pole vaulters the reverse.

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Oh, huh. Are there any stats that are like Processing in that you don't want to whack them too high all at once or is that one special?

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It's considered best practice to do them a bit at a time (like, four at a time at most) and get used to it, but Processing is the only one the system actively waves you away from blasting all at once.

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Okay. With eighteen points to add on top of her presets...

Processing got none as a preset but it gets +1.25 (with the .25 being antidyspraxia specialized and the 1 spread out), plus four scheduled to come in over the next year. Appeal can sit at .5 minus the don't-fuck-with-her-brain parts. Agility gets the dyspraxia extra half point on top of the preset one. Dexterity has half a point out of the box and she'll stick three on top including the dyspraxia stuff. Two to speed. One and a quarter to stamina on top of her two default, maybe she'll be able to leap small buildings in a single bound with the moonbounce skill. Two strength on top of her one default. Four in the bank. That's eighteen. What does the forum think?

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Does she want to try to be summoned often? If so, more Appeal and some Sympathy for Magic help with that. As a starting point it's probably fine if it sounds comfortable to her. You don't really ever need more than ten or so in the really physical stats unless you want to be a hero, but she has a lot of points to throw around even before the signing bonus. They might come slower in future. Saving some is a good idea, the System doesn't always let you do that.

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Does anyone on the forum want to make a case for Sympathy for Magic? She has heard it doesn't help with wordchains or spells or anything and mostly just makes magic swag a little more user-friendly or something but maybe it lets you sense wizards in action or... something?

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Doing work for the Artonans sometimes involves a LOT of interacting with magic swag. It gets kind of essential if you can't remember where 30 unmarked buttons on mystery magic appliances are. It is pretty niche though. Most people don't get much, just a point or two for convenience. 

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Eh, she has banked points if she decides she needs supernatural button-identification help.

Oh, speaking of summonses, she knows it's expensive to do System calls between planets, but does anyone carry hard copies (possibly of digital content, like, a USB stick) to and fro, is that a thing?

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This forum is pretty harsh about staying on topic but yeah! Long term stays are much improved by someone bringing a laptop with a buncha movies. More info on this other forum about dealing-with-summons tactics.

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She will go make an account on the other forum, sure. She's not so much thinking about entertainment while on summon, though, she's thinking about correspondence and trade. She's never seen, say, an Artonan movie. Why not?

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Artonan film is... Really weird??

The go-to example is a coming-of-age type movie where the hero achieves his dreams of heroic importance but ends up utterly miserable, and the lesson is that he should have just stayed on his bean farm and been thankful for a peaceful life. This is one of the more comprehensible ones.

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Well, anime is weird until you get used to it, too. And summonses would be less onerous if it were easier for people to have, like, Artonan pen pal, classified ads, that kind of thing. There should be more correspondence is her point.

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The System seems to default to keeping secrets, when it can. And talking to random Artonans won't get you anywhere, it's the wizards you have to make nice to if you want the shinies. They consider non-wizard Artonans second-class compared to Avowed, you know! Well, sort of. Things Artonans say about Avowed conflict a lot: That they're blessings from the universe, that they're immature and in need of guidance, that they're honorable for their sacrifices...

The Artonans should have stayed away from Earth entirely, one person opines. Her forum thread threatens to derail quickly after that.

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Does she have moderation powers or is it a loss?

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She can report him and threadban, as thread creator at least.

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That's good enough, yeah. She'll post a chirpy little admonishment about how this is not the place to argue about space colonialism, it's about interplanetary correspondence! She wants media and pen pals on other resource worlds too!

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This sort of thing is mostly put off by the transaction costs, and also Artonans' general hard-to-describe hesitancy around Avowed. The other aliens are even harder to get into contact with.

She should try getting a Griveck as a pen-pal. That would be funny.

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Maybe she will!

When she decides she has milked enough use out of the forum she goes on her last hurrah of Australia with Reena. Even if she affixes on the sly there's not time to learn to surf, but they can hit Dreamworld and the zoo and stuff like that in a whirlwind week punctuated by quiet evenings with Charlie.

And then she presents herself at the consulate to be zhooped over to intake.

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Her System interface counts down to zero once she accepts the teleport, and then she is in a small chamber- With nice trimmings- But closed, metal walls all around.

"Welcome to Anesidora, miss Swan!" A speaker announces. "I see it's your first time here, and you're heading to intake. Congrats or condolences, as desired! Now I know it's a bad first impression, but everyone entering Anesidora must either consent to a security scan for contraband, or request an in-person evaluation instead."

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"Just like, you're making sure i didn't accidentally bring vodka? Scan away."

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"Precisely. One second... You're good now, thanks for the cooperation!"

The steel door slides open, revealing a spacious atrium, with a few other people walking to the right. 

"Can you head down to the customs office at the end of the hall? Green door. We have a few things to get sorted out before you can head down to Intake."

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Yeah, okay. She wants to be somewhere safe when she affixes in case she faints, so she just walks at her accustomed pace down the hall to the green door. Hopefully there's not a line.

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No line! Just a bored middle-aged man at a desk.

As journeys through the cogs of bureaucracy go, it's fairly painless. Ten minutes, really.

Present Australian ID. Sign here. Stamp. Consent to pulling medical records so they know she's up to date on vaccines and the like. Sign here. Consent to a partial System profile pull, or fill out a long boring questionnaire. Sign here. Acknowledge that you've read and understand the Anesidoran law primer. Sign here. Receive passport and Intake Papers (both in the System and as physical documents). Be wished a lovely day and told to go with the nice man who showed up a couple of minutes ago for a taxi ride to Intake.

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They are really trying their best with the teenage refugee thing.

Into the taxi with her.

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Driver helps with her luggage. He, like a lot of people, has a System nametag over his head in her vision. [Samedi - Intake Driver]

"Hey, good afternoon. I'm basically an errand-runner for Intake. Whatever you kiddos need. It's going to be about half an hour driving. Feel free to ask any questions you have- 'Bout intake, life on the island, whatever."

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"That's a weirdly long drive, why isn't there a closer teleportation spot?"

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"The teleportation complex is the only major transfer center on Anesidora. A few people have private pads- Hero teams, important public figures, and the Artonan ambassador. The houses of healing. But for most people, it's the main complex. Mostly a security thing as far as I understand? And it's not like Anesidora is tiny either!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It looks pretty tiny on maps, but fair enough! I haven't affixed yet because I wanted to be sure I was on something soft if I fainted, is here good or should I wait till I'm in my room?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh, I was wondering why you had a squishy warning. I think it's fine? You wanna be sitting down for it, but, yeah."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm sitting down! I'm buckled up! Here goes nothing."

Everything where she expects it to be? Good.

Finalize affixation.

Permalink Mark Unread



She is in a white place. Featureless, but oddly un-dreamlike. Some people get System visions when they affix, it's a known factor. They mostly don't remember much of it, going from anecdotes.

There's some sort of pressure in here. It's a little uncomfortable, but not in any sensible way.

A blue window appears before her.

Hello, Isabella.

I am the entity known to you as the System. Due to your Unique Class, your affixation is more complex than average and your awareness during affixation is necessary. I usually help Avowed experience this process as this a virtual reality scene generated based on their memories, but my guess was that you would not prefer that.

More of the Contract's attention is focused here than usual. If you have questions for me, now is the time to ask them. I do not promise to answer, but I promise on the Interdimensional Warriors Contract to not lie.

Permalink Mark Unread


"Why did I get a Unique Class?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Before telling you this information, I would require you to agree to not reveal it to other people without the System's permission, with penalties to be assessed if you deliberately or carelessly do so.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

I am responsible for an entire planet, and my actions affect the entire universe. Information is a weapon. I can assess that you are likely to keep secrets if you see the importance of doing so, but not whether you will consider my reasons sufficient on their own. I am weighing the certainty of a small gain for you against a tiny chance of great harm to others.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are you reading my mind?"

Permalink Mark Unread

I am slightly reading your mind, in order to perform affixation safely. An automated system is reporting some summarized aspects of your mental state to other automated systems, which are operating this conversation and performing the affixation.

Without this information, affixation has an unacceptable risk of failure. Records of your mind will be deleted after affixation. However, though I use first person pronouns, the System is not best described as a person.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess that's okay... what kind of penalties to be assessed are we talking about and can you say anything more about your reasons for keeping this secret to begin with?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Possible penalties include additional information restrictions going forward, loss of non-emergency teleportation privileges, lowered summons rewards, and loss of System Shop privileges. The most likely case would be additional information restrictions.

Certain interpretations of the secret may do great harm to the public perception and esteem of Unique Classes.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have not actually had the impression that you cared about your PR much. - do I have non-emergency teleportation privileges?"

Permalink Mark Unread

I care about PR less than I care about other objectives, but it remains a factor.

Yes. Avowed may request delivery to any location on Earth when returning from assignment. Avowed may also request instant teleport-based delivery of System Shop items. These privileges can be revoked.

Approaching 1/3 completion of affixation.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. Uh, I will do my best to keep your secret assuming it's not blatantly horrible or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

'Assuming it's not blatantly horrible' is not, actually, sufficient, but the gestalt confidence level for secrecy reported by the affixation monitor is sufficient.

Unique Classes can be considered extreme outliers. The property of Avowed which allows affixation of powers is not a simple number, and sometimes it can be, for lack of a better word, biased and unstable. In some cases instability can result in the painful death of the Avowed in question, as well as uncontrolled manifestation of powers, among other negative outcomes.

Unique Classes are designed to work with the bias and create stability, while also creating a set of powers that are at least marginally useful to the bearer, and secondarily, to Earth and to the Triplanets.

In your case, your stability is high, but your bias is very strong. It makes you unsuitable for most Classes. I decided not to deny you the opportunity other potential Avowed receive and arranged for the design of a Unique Class for you to affix if you accepted the Contract.

Permalink Mark Unread


"Why didn't the instability thing ever happen before the Artonans found Earth, then?"

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm sorry, but I will not answer that question.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Gosh. Okay. Well, I do like my Skill, and am glad I'm not exploding or anything, and I guess I will go along with your model of the PR consequences. Anything else I should know about my class besides that it's working with some kind of magical bias I have?"

Permalink Mark Unread

You may request features of future skills offered for affixation. However, there is no guarantee they will actually be offered.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I'd like some kind of warning when I'm going to need my Fortress skill operative, for one."

Permalink Mark Unread

Request noted.

Affixation 2/3 complete.

Permalink Mark Unread

"What are my level-ups going to be like in general? Will I get more spells, for instance?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Do you want more spells?

You are likely to receive mostly Foundation points, skills, and skill upgrades. Spell impressions are moderately incompatible with your bias.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. I mean, most spells at the rank I was offered aren't great, I guess. Why are they incompatible?"

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't think I can answer in a way you understand that would not be a lie or breach secrets. Spell impressions are very different from Skills 'under the hood'.

Permalink Mark Unread

"What about wordchains? I know I'm not a Chainer but like if I just learn them extracurricularly are they in conflict."

Permalink Mark Unread

Wordchains are just as different from spells as skills are. You may use them without worry.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay... is it a coincidence that I do really like my primary skill or is that related to how I'm biased?"

Permalink Mark Unread

That is unknown and debated even to those wizards who study such things.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are they gonna wanna study me, will I get research-subject summonses?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Unlikely. The ethical constraints built into the Contract to prevent abuse forbid invasive study. They will have to convince you to volunteer or content themselves with passive data from skill use.

Affixation is almost complete.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I wasn't imagining invasive research! - who's getting passive data about my skill use, what do they get about it."

Permalink Mark Unread

The System throws up a section of the full text of the Interdimensional Warriors Contract.

TL;DR: The System monitors the strength and growth of skills and other magical features of Avowed and records data about their effects on the world, in order to better match summoners to summonees, prioritize emergency responses, and know when and how to affix new features. Only "Knights", "Honored" wizards of high rank, or "Arbitrators", have any ability to look at the raw data of exact times and circumstances powers were used, rather than the summarized profile that merely describes capabilities, and only if they have a reason, and the reason is recorded.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Can I access those records?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Affixation is now complete. You will lose awareness of this scene momentarily. 

Thank you for your future service.


And she is in the taxi again. They appear to be on an enormous bridge. The Contract section is still up, and she has a new interface button - Activity Records

Permalink Mark Unread

"Whoo! How long was I out?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"About five minutes! Feeling alright? Please don't do whatever you do in here if it's flashy."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I feel fine, and it's not at all, I'm very defense-oriented plus I can moon walk which I can't try very well with a seatbelt on."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. Well, congrats! You might want to set your name tag. What's your class anyway? I just get told 'fetch them for Intake'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm a unique!" What's the driver's nametag say, so she can copy the style?

Permalink Mark Unread

It used to say [Samedi - Intake Driver]. Now it reads [Samedi - Intake Staff - Brute - D]

"Cool! I jope you'll like the Rabbit building- Uniques are rare, so they get shooed in there."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Rabbits sound like good neighbors to me."

[Elisabel - Unique A]

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. There's a lot of cultural norms to absorb but Rabbits have very good-neighbor ones. Very friendly and helpful and outgoing. A lot of them get summoned even before they leave Intake. There's a tradition called Spree Day, where Rabbits hold a huge, expensive party. Lots of gifts, lots of food. Kind of conspicuous consumption, but they get a little looked down on so I think it's fine, personally."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's so much politics about classes! What am I looking at as a U-type?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hmm... Jealousy. A little bit of isolation maybe, just because of not having class solidarity. U types are always strong and weird. Speculation and brainstorming about your skills. Maybe an expectation that you'll show off but that's kind of everyone above a C."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I did get a bunch of stat points, I could take up parkour or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If anyone wants to watch you get hit and not get hurt or something screw them yeah."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is that common? Yikes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's... Not unheard of especially among brutes and meisters."

Permalink Mark Unread

"All fun and games till somebody loses an eye."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Regrettably, occasionally literally. We try our best to keep it down but some people are just that determined to be reckless. And ultimately, Intake is to orient you, not baby you. Swimming in the ocean at night, jumping from buildings because the System says they can withstand it, trying parkour or rock climbing or fighting with real weapons without the fancy safety setups CNH has... Making Wright-stuff outside of a hot lab..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good to know there are designated parkour zones, at least."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There are gyms for it. Varying levels of fancy, from just really fancy padding to magic fall arresters and protective suits and stuff. Kind of expensive once you get really superhuman, but Avowed at that level can afford it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's the price range look like for Intake newbies?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You mentioned moonjumping? Low-grade movement powers... Probably like thirty argold a month if you just want somewhere to bounce around safely? But I wouldn't want to say for certain without seeing it in action."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And I get a stipend, right? I have no idea what my summons situation is going to look like and I'm supposed to be in school for the next five years, so."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, students get a stipend and living expenses. I think the basic government assistance is free housing, cafeteria, and fifty argold a month? Also, there's a resettlement fund that most Avowed qualify for."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yay. Consolation for Australia exiling me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...Yeah. You wanna get into that now, or nah?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Eh, as you prefer."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not, then."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sights you recommend I see, or anything? Restaurants?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You might have to give me a category or I'll just list my favorites. There's way too much. Everyone trying to keep busy and all. You'll probably get a lot of flyers- There's a pretty good no System spam mail norm, so the spam becomes physical instead. But it's decent at showing you options."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Flyers, okay. I like Chinese food?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Samedi hems and haws for a bit before suggesting three places- One cheap, one 'western Chinese food' and one traditional Chinese. He really likes a certain kind of soup at the last place, apparently.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks!" Can she notes-to-self in the System or is it only for communications to others?

Permalink Mark Unread

The System has a private notes function if she asks for one.

Permalink Mark Unread

She puts restaurants in it. Are they there yet?

Permalink Mark Unread

Not quite! They're off the highway and going through semi-suburby areas now. Three and four story apartment buildings, lots of green spaces and parks, with shops interspersed. Traffic is fairly light, and it looks like a lot of the streets are pedestrian-priority.

"I want to suggest going to a gym and getting used to what your Foundation points do," Samedi says when she seems to be done. "There's a big shared gym facility for Intake between the Brute and Meister buildings. Pool, running track, weights and cardio machines. I bet you can get permission to moonbounce there, now that I think of it, it's just you won't be in Intake forever."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I should take advantage while I can, then. How can I tell where the places marked for no power use are, and can I just run as fast as feels safe to me anywhere else, or?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The System signposts them really strongly, and there are physical signs too. There are speedster lanes in Apex, but not really in F City. Down here in F City, keep big flashy powers like throwing boulders around down unless an area says its okay, like the Sandbox we have for Shapers to play around in. Or, well, it's kind of context dependent."

They turn.

"End of this road and we're there!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I appreciate the ride, thank you!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Your daytime intake counselor is called Neha, she knows what's up. I'm sure you'll hear from her soon. You should be getting your room assignment any second now, and the door locks are System-integrated so they'll open for you."

Samedi pulls up to a particular apartment tower. One side faces the ocean, and there's a beach just beyond. He gets out and unloads her luggage from the taxi's trunk, then offers a handshake.

Permalink Mark Unread

A beach! Maybe she will learn to surf after all. Shake shake.

To the building go her and her rolly suitcase.

Permalink Mark Unread

There's a polite security person and an atrium and an elevator bank and signs to ground-floor facilities like counselor offices and a pool and a copy center, and a couple of Fellow Teens leaning against a wall arguing about which restaurant to go to in French and looking like they're considering coming to say hi. The System gives her subtitles. Her room is apparently 1803. Top floor.

Permalink Mark Unread

Little wave to the French kids?

Permalink Mark Unread

[Jean - Meister of Rifles] and [Camille - Wright - C] wave and approach!

<Hello, new neighbor!>

<Yes, hello! We were not so different from you one week ago!>

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hi! Nice to meet you."

Permalink Mark Unread

<Yes yes. Always with the nice meetings.> Jean says.

Camille elbows him. <Ignore him. Will you perhaps be a tie breaker for us? We are friends, but-> A shrug. <Do not agree. Maybe we also invite you along, our treat. To lunch.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"- sure, though I'll want to put down my suitcase first!"

Permalink Mark Unread

<Of course!>


<Don't feel pressured to come. If you must settle in, needs must. That said, Hawaiian food or classic French bakery-cafe?>

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ooh, good question. I'm leaning bakery-cafe personally at this moment."

Permalink Mark Unread

 Jean sighs in defeat. Camille pats his arm.

<Thank you for letting us welcome you, Elisabel! The place I have in mind is just a few minutes by bus, so we will wait here for you. Feel free to ask us me any questions you have after you deposit your luggage. I am trying to make the most of my Intake period.>

<Don't let her pressure you into overworking if you're not a studying addict.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"I do like studying but only if it's the right things!" And she wheels her luggage to the elevator.

Permalink Mark Unread

<We'll wait here.>


Her floor seems to be mostly empty! Aside from this one guy reading a book in a sort of common area. He has bright purple hair and eyes and no nametag.

Permalink Mark Unread

...probably if he wanted to be talked to he'd have a nametag and maybe not be reading a book. She leaves him be and goes to put her suitcase in her dorm.

Permalink Mark Unread

The French duo are still on the first floor. They will banter with each other while showing her to the bus stop. It seems they knew each other tangentially before both being selected around the same time, and have mixed feelings about now being entangled with each others' everything. Camille, the Wright, also thinks she's going to make it big in the Wright-equipment secondary market, fixing used magic stuff. Meanwhile Jean is interested in medical school.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I was probably going to wind up in medical school if I hadn't been selected but who knows what I'll decide makes sense now."

Permalink Mark Unread

<Powers sure do change a lot for those lucky enough to get the good ones. At least I have foundation points for steady hands. Unique, eh? What is that like?>

Permalink Mark Unread

"Saved me a lot of dithering, since I couldn't trade it. Also had a non-negotiable skill come with it, mental defense thing. Somebody on the internet thought maybe there were magical reactors in space that were mind-bending to be near and I could have a future repairing those but I think they were making that up."

Permalink Mark Unread

<...That is a point. At least most of us have the chance to trade.>

<I have heard of wizards who study demons and chaos. Only the fact that they exist, not anything about how they work, though.>

Bus is here! A bunch of people get off. They get on. You don't have to show a pass or anything.

Permalink Mark Unread

The transit is public as in library! Cool. On the bus with her. Does she actually feel different with the stat points installed when she's not actually trying to do anything special?

Permalink Mark Unread

She absolutely feels different. There's a lightness and ease to moving around that simply wasn't present before- The stamina and strength seem to be helping more than dexterity or speed, at least when just walking around. And she hasn't threatened to trip even once so far.

Jean looks at her getting on the bus a bit strangely, then nods. <Oh, right. You probably just affixed. You can kinda tell you're getting used to the stats. Also- You have a bunch. A rank, eh.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's a lot, yeah, the System actually let me bank some for later so it'd be a less huge adjustment but I'm really glad I don't have dyspraxia any more!"

Permalink Mark Unread

<Dyspraxia? If anything would be an instant solution, dexterity weould. I think I like you because you seem to have avoided wasting it on Appeal.>

<Appeal is not a waste, Jean. Empathy is a real skill, and however much you disdain it people do treat you differently based on your appearance. It is the way the world works.>

<I'm going for the cranky surgeon archetype. Or maybe I will wash out of medical school and become a store clerk.>

Camille huffs.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I didn't really want to have anything mess with my mind and was fine with how I looked, so yeah, I am only as appealing as I was last week."

Permalink Mark Unread

<Just out of curiosity and not criticism, did you review exactly what the mental effects of Appeal are before rejecting them?>

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cursorily but it makes less difference to me than you might expect. I can buy in later if I change my mind."

Permalink Mark Unread

<I suppose. You don't get whatever fraction of a point back, though.>

<I don't think most people want to optimize every facet of their lives, Camille.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"I might like to but not with mind control!"

Permalink Mark Unread

<It's not- They're entirely new pathways, new neurons, like a little bit of bonus specialized Processing!>

<Peace, peace. Stop after next is ours.>

<Fine. I will be quiet.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"I would actually be interested to hear about it but it's certainly not urgent."

Permalink Mark Unread

This is a good way to get an amateur neuroscience lecture from Camille. Apparently Processing and to a lesser extent other Foundations make neurons measurably faster/more resilient/more active, and there's a lot of medical study on just what Foundation points are and how they work.

They get off the bus. The cafe is right there by the stop, all brightly painted awnings and smell of fresh coffee and croissants in the air. Signs are in French and Chinese, with more System translation.

Permalink Mark Unread

Huh, maybe she'll be able to actually learn to read more than a couple hundred characters of Chinese if she tries it with live translation and bonus Processing. School wasn't very good at that.

Permalink Mark Unread

The place is counter-service with cutesy themed dishes and mugs. Everything smells delicious. Her new friends repeat that it's their treat, and order two bagels, a chocolate croissant, a slice of lemon cake, and two custom coffee orders for themselves.

<You have to appreciate little things.> Jean insists. <For all that I wanted a different place... The smell of fresh bread and the pleasant chatter of conversation on a warm day. It's good.>

Permalink Mark Unread

She'll take a baguette sandwich and a giant double chocolate muffin and an iced tea. "It's so atmospheric, I love the dishes."

Permalink Mark Unread

<The owner designs them all, you know? I had to ask her where she got them, and it's one of the pottery places in> "Boomtown"* <-So they're wrightwork, just a little bit, for being fired in a magic kiln, at least.>


*This one word is said in English, and untranslated

Permalink Mark Unread

"Does that imply anything about the finished products, particularly, or does it just make the firing process better in whatever way?"

Permalink Mark Unread

<The glaze is one that wouldn't normally work. It has antimicrobial properties!>

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, cool. Going for an A plus from the health department."

Permalink Mark Unread

<Copper nanoparticles! I am, I will proudly admit, a bit of a nerd. I don't think there are any Wrights who aren't, because of the trade system.>

Jean sighs. <Yes, yes, the trades. Everyone wants the good classes, and there are not enough of them to go around.>

<We've talked this to death, Jean...>

<It's the natural right of the French to complain. I'm done now.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"I didn't touch the trade system, obviously, I assume it's vicious - I wish they'd let us trade on an interplanetary basis."

Permalink Mark Unread

<It's vicious. I ended up paying eight thousand Euro to get Meister at all- And it's of rifles, not knives like I wanted. Surgeon, you know.>

<The Avowed Council gets into arguments with the ambassador all the time about class distribution and talents. They've been pushing for new-model Sways for decades.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are those arguments on public record? I'd be so curious."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oui." <Partially at least. Let me send you a link...>

A moment later, it comes through as a new message on her system window. Camille eats lemon cake slowly, savoring it.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks!" Is there like file storage or something where she can stow that, she doesn't want to watch ambassadorial debates right now while trying to make friends.

Permalink Mark Unread

The System has not lost track of any of her messages so far. There's also a notes feature.

<It's politics, so don't expect bastions of sanity, rationality, and morality,> Jean opines. <I'm surprised they didn't kick Aulia Velra off the Council sooner than the Gloss thing...>

Permalink Mark Unread

"Gloss thing?"

Permalink Mark Unread

<They did a monstrously strong, fate-bending luck wordchain of some sort and spread it across their whole family. When you look at the aftermath, that screwed a lot of things up for a lot of people- From dropping fresh muffins in a Velra's lap to political opponent's secrets being revealed. One of the Velra boys' schoolyard rival broke his leg, and it's all being blamed on the Gloss. This was... A month ago, I think?>

<Yes, just after we arrived at Intake. It didn't affect us personally but it's all anyone would talk about for a few days.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's awful! Why did they do that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

<Who knows? They're certainly doing their best to keep things quiet. That's what the Velras do. Rich people things, keep it hush-hush. Probably they had to impress some important wizard from the Triplanets and had to be in top form for it. Something like that.>

Camille purses her lips. <I think it has something to do with Hazel Velra. She was going to be stuck without Chainer unless they did it, I heard. That this poor boy got bamboozled into giving up the class in a trade to them at a funeral. It's just rumors, but that's the one that seems the best supported to me... Or maybe there were multiple reasons. Who knows, really.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"Messed up! And they'd've had to pay it back, too, what'd they call down, a meteor?"

Permalink Mark Unread

<Their yacht nearly sank. Car crashes. One of them flunked a test, apparently. Aulia getting booted from the council, maybe? It's hard to pick apart the general backlash and actual bad luck.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess it would be. Was this not... illegal?"

Permalink Mark Unread

<Wordchains, being illegal? When a Velra is on the Council?>

<It is now, of course. They drafted new legislation about it, but it's being challenged by guess who.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess I was imagining it was legal in some more minor form."

Permalink Mark Unread

<I think they're mostly moving to classify wordchains as just like any other potentially-destructive power now. Before, everyone thought they were too weak to merit that.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"The ones they teach at the embassy are weaksauce, yeah."

Permalink Mark Unread

<I only know Peace of Mind.> Camille shares her head. <So much else to do and learn...>

<I'm trying to learn Traveller's Pace but it's not going well.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm glad Peace of Mind exists for people who need it but it kind of freaks me out. Traveller's Pace was really handy when I still had dyspraxia, though I imagine I'll have less call for it going forward."

Permalink Mark Unread

<Maybe you can tell me what I'm doing wrong?>

He switches to Artonan and does the hand gestures.

<Today, I am walking far. Let me borrow another's patient pace. I shall one day offer the gift of my own feet's ability in return.>

(He seems to have learned the gestures subtly wrong.)

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think your pronunciation's close enough but your pinky's following your ring finger too much." She demonstrates the hand gestures.

Permalink Mark Unread

He watches carefully, then attempts it. Too slow, but correct aside from that. 

<Like this? I don't know how people without Dexterity do this.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think if you do it like that till you're solid enough and then speed up you'll be all set - it takes practice and weird hand exercises, our hand muscles aren't exactly like theirs, but it's doable!"

Permalink Mark Unread

The French pair will keep chatting about shallow topics for the remainder of the meal, wandering from Intake gossip to the coolest power demos they've seen this week to debating what class famous historical figures would have gone for. Is there anything in particular Bella wants to talk about?

Permalink Mark Unread

Gossip and random speculation is great, it helps her feel like this is a normal situation she is in. After they bus back she'll go up to her room to unpack.

Permalink Mark Unread

Purple Guy is still there, on a laptop with headphones this time. One eye tracks her while the other keeps watching the laptop. He gives a hesitant little wave.

Permalink Mark Unread

Wait, literally? Does he have some kind of Artonan eyeball mod?

Permalink Mark Unread

Apparently, yeah. He notices he's doing it, blinks, grimaces, and looks at her with both eyes after a moment. Then he sighs.


Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. Is that as disorienting as it looks, the eyeball thing?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's not disorienting at all, I barely even notice which... Fuck, actually, I don't really want to go into my powers right now. I'm sure you know what I mean."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I suppose I can guess. Elisabel Swan, I'm moving in to 1803."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Andrei Sovak. Do your powers not come with some giant asterisk or interestingly upsetting drawback? Uh. Not that I mean to pry. I thought that was true of all U-types..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not especially? They're not flashy, I got a really defense-oriented Skill."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And it's not... Involuntary, creepy, or painful?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No! It just makes mind control bounce off me."

Permalink Mark Unread

...He sighs again. "Lucky you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're giving me a new angle of appreciation for it, for sure."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean, it's not intolerable. It just - everything all at once. The System acting suspicious and, let's go with inconvenient powers I had no choice about, and having to move here, and... Everything. I don't really intend to be a huge grump. It's just hard to not right now. Wanna let me complain about my creepy powers? Or nah?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Go ahead, at this point I'm pretty curious."

Permalink Mark Unread

When I touch people and certain objects I - absorb? Mimic? Riff? Something from them. Usually it's some kind of weird body alteration. There's no rhyme or reason to it. System says it's not affecting the things and people I touch. But my actual, active power? Is to reject or purge the weirdness, or focus on not letting it happen. So I can just be walking along the street, not paying attention, and brush against someone and have fire instead of hair. True story. Lost my favorite hoodie."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Whoa, weird. Is it skin to skin contact only?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's not, which is bullshit. It goes through clothes unless they're seriously heavy, like multiple winter layers, which stops it sometimes. And sometimes I just have to be near whatever to mimic it too. I'm trying to find acceptable stuff to kind of... Fill the slots. It's less trigger-happy that way."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, that sounds like the way to go. Do you want to poke me? Maybe you'll get my ultra passive thing."

Permalink Mark Unread

He makes a face, but... "If it's bad, better to know now. If it's good, also better to know. Sure. Thanks."

Andrei stands and cautiously reaches out and pokes her hand.

His skin turns orange and he starts to smell strongly of mangoes.

Sniff. Shrug. "Could be worse!"

Permalink Mark Unread

It startles a laugh out of her. "How am I mango themed?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"When I said no rhyme or reason I really meant it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you keep notes? Maybe a weird pattern will emerge."

Permalink Mark Unread

"When I'm not moping too much and actually know who or what I touched, yeah. I'll write this one down and let you go unpack and stuff though. Welcome to Intake, I guess."

Permalink Mark Unread


Off she goes to put her clothes in the closet and her notebooks on her shelf.

Permalink Mark Unread

This activity has attracted another girl out of her own room.

<New roomie!> Declares <Jian Xue, Rabbit, C>. <Oh wow, A rank. They told me this block would probably be full in a few days but you're the first!>

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hi! I'm Elisabel, it's nice to meet you. I guess there's probably a steady trickle."

Permalink Mark Unread

<Jian Xue, it's lovely to meet you as well. I like gardening, fashion, and puzzles. Our intake-friends will be our buddies until we're settled so I am trying to make a good impression on everybody.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"I like reading and aliens and wordchains."

Permalink Mark Unread

<So I know what to get you if I feel like you need a present now! Do you need more time to unpack, am I bothering you?>

Permalink Mark Unread

"I didn't bring much, I was actually just about due to get a new batch of clothes anyway and figured I'd do it here, so I just have a week's worth and some books that I can," she picks up eight of them at once and hefts them onto the bookshelf, "get done pretty quick."

Permalink Mark Unread

<There are certainly a lot of clothing stores here. This place was compared to Hong Kong to me before I arrived. Dense, busy. I don't think it's entirely wrong. There's a lot to do, and if you can't find your hobby, you can rent a space and start it yourself!>

Permalink Mark Unread

"Reportedly it's an economic miracle, yep! My mom loves big dense exciting cities but obviously it's hard to get a chance to come here, that might be her favorite thing about my getting selected."

Permalink Mark Unread

<I think it's pretty obvious. It's because the Artonans pay Avowed lots of money, and all the Avowed are right here.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, by itself money's nothing, you just get inflation that way, and we're paying extra for anything from Earth because its got to get shipped to what's otherwise the middle of nowhere, so - I don't know, I should maybe take an econ class, I assume the high schools here are fancy enough for those."

Permalink Mark Unread

<Likely. It doesn't interest me. I'm going to go for general studies at Weilu High School and become a florist and gardener. I even picked my talents for it. There's a Rabbit skill called Tend Plants.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"Neat, what's it do? Directly perk them up or give you insight into it or what?"

Permalink Mark Unread

<Some insight but also I think magically hitting the plants somehow? It's definitely one plant at a time. I target it and activate the skill, and the plant perks up a little bit right then, and I also know what to do to make it even perkier. But that second part is a lot more vague. You have to guess right and follow the feeling of 'yes, that's it'. And being actually familiar with the plant helps. I like that, that knowledge and skill is still useful.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sounds fun! Gardens and also, hm, if I had that I'd be going for endangered plants, probably, those trees that are so rare that where they are is a state secret."

Permalink Mark Unread

<Well, none of those are here on the island, are they? I suppose it's a route towards getting permission to visit China. Artonans are very serious about certain kinds of plants. Magic ingredients, I think. I'm hoping to be summoned often and learn about alien plants.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have no idea whether to hope to be summoned because I have no idea what they'd want me for," snorts Elisabel.

Permalink Mark Unread

<I don't know much about U-types. I know 'Ghosten' is a famous hero U-type, but...>

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, I've heard of her, but I don't think she'll be very predictive."

Permalink Mark Unread

<Maybe the floor advisor knows more. Neha is a Rabbit, but she's an experienced one.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"I should ask her when I meet her, yeah."

Permalink Mark Unread

<She hasn't texted you yet? We should go bother her! She might have missed you somehow. Or just be busy...>

Permalink Mark Unread

"Where does one find her?"

Permalink Mark Unread

<Either walking around the building or in her office on the first floor! I could just text her. She's more likely busy than forgot you.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm not used to that yet, go ahead."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod, nod.

Jian Xue looks focused for a moment, but then shakes her head slightly and starts air-typing instead.

<Mental texting is hard. I'm still not used to it. It comes out like bad autocorrect but I'm getting better.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh, I've been doing notes to self and stuff and haven't noticed typos yet."

Permalink Mark Unread

<We all have different talents? Maybe you just think in a text based way.> Shrug. <Okay, I texted Neha, so we'll see. Want to see this room block's special feature? Each set of rooms has one. To encourage people to mingle and visit. Ours is I think some kind of alien video game or art piece?>

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, if thinking in a text based way helps then that's probably what it is. "Ooh, yes, show me!"

Permalink Mark Unread

The special feature is a big circular table with a completely black top. It's a giant hi-def touchscreen. When you put objects on it or trace or hit it with your hands, soothing colorful rainbows in different colors ripple over it like soap sheen and slowly blur together and fade back to black.

<These buttons down here change how it works. There's a lot, but this one is the prettiest I think.>

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh, you thought it might be a game?"

Permalink Mark Unread

<Some of the other modes are more game-like.>

She taps one of the buttons and cell-like bubbles in different colors appear, flowing around slowly. She nudges some. Same colors merge, different colors annihilate. There's quiet music.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh, I wonder if there's a win condition." Poke poke.

Permalink Mark Unread

<Save as much green as possible. Red and blue eliminate each other.>

Poke poke poke.

<Don't make them fast, that makes it harder...>

Permalink Mark Unread

Elisabel will try accumulating as much green as possible, sure.

Permalink Mark Unread

Eventually they have a few big green blobs floating around a field of tiny ones of other colors.

She gets a text.

Hello Elisabel, this is Neha, your Intake guide. Sorry I didn't contact you right away! Some days get really hectic. I like to have a chat with every newcomer about their goals and how to pursue them. When is a good time for that?

Permalink Mark Unread
Right now I'm just playing the alien art game, so whenever you're free works for me!
Permalink Mark Unread

Right now would be great. Down in my office or should I come up to your room?

Permalink Mark Unread
I don't know how to pause this thing so if you can come up that would be cool!
Permalink Mark Unread

On my way!

Neha knocks before letting herself into the apartment common area a couple of minutes later. She looks fairly ordinary, and her nametag just says "Neha, Intake Counselor".

"Hello, Bella!" <Hello, Xue!> "Bella, do you mind if miss Jian is here for this? Usually I talk to people privately because we're talking about their futures and that can be a little sensitive, but it's up to you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess if privacy is customary we can do it that way. Jian, do you mind if I kick you out of the common area, I think I'm getting the hang of this -" Poke poke.

Permalink Mark Unread

<I don't mind in this case. Try not to make a habit of it, please. Common areas are common. Have fun. I'll go back to my book. The one you recommended, miss Neha, it's good.>

She stands and waves, then heads off into her bedroom.

"So, Bella. Unique. That's a tough one sometimes. But let me introduce myself- I'm Neha, S-rank Rabbit, and it's my job to do whatever it takes to set you up for success. I'm good at it, I have capital-S Skills for it. What does success look like for you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I don't know yet. I was aiming at probably medical school before selection, but if I have the leverage to do something more specialized now I'm interested - I just don't know what my Skill is good for."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's the problem with Uniques, yes. I've found that the System is often a lot more willing to tell U-types just what your Skills do and don't do, compared to the average Avowed- It absolutely will still refuse to say things, but something about Uniques means it owes you a bit more than usual, is the impression I get. So one thing you could do to clarify your plans is ask it questions. I don't actually know what your Skills do except what you wrote in the intake profile. As for medical school- Why medical school? A passion for the field? Wanting to help people?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I wanted to do medical research, actually. Eradicate the flu or something. My skill makes mind-affecting stuff bounce off me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So still helping people, but more in the abstract? I'm racking my mind for mind-affecting magics... You might want to try and get a feel for where the border is, do illusions count? Stunning effects? Sleep spells? There's Object Shaper talents that make objects attention grabbing or hard to notice and other things that don't quite get classed as Sway. All that doesn't need to be answered today, of course. It sounded like the mental shield is your big one. If you want to get more magically powerful, get more and better talents, you'll want to use it creatively and often. And when you don't have a clear direction in mind, it's often best to just self-improve as much as you can, and something will turn up. Not that I'm forcing anything. Just a lot of thoughts."

Permalink Mark Unread

Notes notes. "In the meantime while I'm working on that I need to be in some kind of school, though, and I assume the normal default thing for English speakers is going to be fine for most possible life plans?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Talent development programs are schools. The normal default thing is for normal default people. You sound at least slightly more ambitious than that. How far did you get in your planning to do something about the flu-or-something?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Supposedly Johns Hopkins is the best place for it, I was poking at student visas. That's sure not happening now that I am a member of an oppressed minority."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I want to make a sarcastic comment, buuuut... Yeah, being kicked out to a place you don't know just sucks a lot of the time. We try our best to make it suck less. I'll have to research who's on the cutting edge of magical healing research for you if you're set on the medical field particularly. Are you? Or is it just a big lever?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's not Anesidora's fault, Anesidora's doing its very best, but there's basically nothing else I could have grown up to be that would have gotten me exiled from Australia and forbidden to even apply to Johns Hopkins... It's just a big lever, I'm into big levers and not partial to epidemiology."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Every time you say things, I'm more tempted to recommend some kind of talent development program... It's cliche, but skills, spells, foundation points, and talents are the biggest lever most Avowed ever get their hands on. Here's an icebreaker. How old do you think I am?"

She looks young. Twenty five or thirty at most.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, you look twentysomething, but since you asked and Jian said you were particularly experienced I assume you are noticeably older than that actually?"

Permalink Mark Unread

She nods.

"I became an Avowed in 1963, right after the first treaties. S rank Rabbit. So I'm over seventy. The really powerful wizards and healers can do so much on the health front. It's rare, not impossible. If you want extra years, it's definitely something you can aim for. Extend the length of time that you're a total badass who mastered her skills and has plenty of contacts and resources, accomplish whatever you want."

Permalink Mark Unread

Whistle. "Only Artonans can be wizards, though, I thought?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's what they want everyone to think. I'm not sure it's absolutely true, but nobody I know who tried to learn it got anywhere. They clam up real good if you ask them about it, too. I was more making the point that you can earn extra youth by impressing Artonans, if that's your goal. And even if it sounds selfish, time is a lever."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, gotcha. I don't know how to impress Artonans, though. I don't know if they'll ever want to summon me with my oddball Skill, and if they just want me for my heap of stat points surely I'd also need to learn some less-oddball non-capitalized skills to go with them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, that's the thing isn't it? It's not impossible. Resistance skills are weird, especially. If you decide you want to go on a track to getting summoned and working with Artonans I'll write up stuff for that. If you decide you want to train your talents as much as possible it's a slightly different plan. If you decide to say screw it and start some sort of charity- Difficult, but I can work with that too. I just... Make sure it's a path you like, would be my advice. Something that brings you joy. I've seen too many kids destroy themselves a bit trying to be some imaginary version of themselves who's a superhero or a genius Wright."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I definitely don't want to be a superhero. Not that I can't see the appeal but the numbers don't work for me. What's getting summoned like, what are Artonans like when they're at home?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Neha taps the side of her chair.

"...They're mostly just people. They have personalities, hobbies, preconceptions, and expectations. Some are nice. Some are jerks. There's a lot of culture I can't sum up in a sentence but under it all they're people. For me, getting summoned has long since turned into a core part of my life. I'm not sure I still have the new Avowed perspective at all. I get the call, i get teleported, I get told what to do, and I do it. Professional and polite. There's room for exploring or joking around and friendships, even with Artonans, but it's a job first."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What kind of range is there in your jobs - I know mine would be different but just for a loose sense?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Rabbit skills are all domestically inclined. The Artonans actually keep me busy because I've spent a long time building myself up. I'm on a month-long vacation from that right now, just long enough to do a batch of intake- Which is probably my favorite job. Most of the time I'm doing office work. My S-rank skill is all in here." She taps her head. "Locate Resources. Subtle, right? But very strong. Plus some other talents to help tune the results to the summoner's needs. So a lot of office work, managing people, pulling supply lists, instructions, and schedules out of the blue for them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Locate... resources... gosh, it sounds like a cheat in a computer game, that sounds really cool! Does it work outside officey contexts? Are you a metal detector and amazing to have along at the thrift store too?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Aren't all powers cheats on the game of reality? And anything ranked S had better be solid, right? I've had it for so long that I have a sort of feel. Different skills have different amounts of play in them, but the good ones respond to your focus and practice. It works best with... Institutions. Data that's in a computer somewhere, bureaucracies that can be managed and poked into shape. Schedules. Offices. Forms. Permits or allowances or scholarships that are theoretically available but have annoying hoops to jump through. I think it has something to do with magical symbolism. I find magically useful endangered animals for wizards sometimes. There are reserves with a really long wait list for a hunting license and the like. Thrift stores, yes, absolutely. And it's good for class trading or trying to buy or sell something really niche. Sometimes even for finding people who'd make good friends or coworkers or contacts, but that's really unreliable. And I can't actually run it constantly."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I would like to be able to run mine constantly, especially if I can't get an upgrade that makes it turn on when I need it. - can I see if it confuses yours? It probably doesn't but I'm curious."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have no idea if you'll be able to run it constantly. Skills definitely fatigue faster if they're under strain- If you get mentally attacked a lot or by really strong people, it'll eventually quit on you. As for trying it with me, sure. Say when."

Permalink Mark Unread

Go go gadget skill activation?

Permalink Mark Unread

There is a handy little mental button for it. When she tries to do the thing, she does a thing. A little shield icon appears on the corner of her interface.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, convenient. "When!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. I'm targeting you with summoner-customizing stuff. There's a few."

Neha flashes blue at various brightnesses. Bella can feel a bit - shoved in the head - in time with each one.

"-Huh. It's counting a lot of edge cases. Neat! What if I just look at your body's needs... That one worked. That chair's bad for you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Whoa, I felt that, that's interesting! What kinds of edge cases - what's wrong with the chair, are they all the same or can I swap with one in another apartment?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Back support. And sure, or I can scare something up from Facilities. It's keeping me from telling what annoys you about this room even though I get the kinesthetic power-sense that one's about the room, what kind of food you would like and would be good for you, whether you're a good fit with your roommate, how much attention you're paying to me and how interruptible you are, and the sense I'm getting of whether a hypothetical schedule would work for you is weirdly tentative. That's really neat! I wonder if you can let certain things through while the skill is up."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe, do you wanna try one of those again and I'll try to see if I can detect what it is and decide to let it in?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. I'm going to do the nutrition one. Three... Two..."

Permalink Mark Unread

It's fine with her if Neha knows what Elisabel likes to eat!

Permalink Mark Unread

Neha flashes blue and Bella is poked-in-the-head.

"Maybe you have to let things through by person and not by kind of effect? Like, your power can't tell what I was trying to do and was suspicious of it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe. I saw you glow blue for a second."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's probably a System assist... Well, I'm sure many of your new neighbors would be interested in helping you test it out- Maybe even the Sways, but ask me for an intro for that one please- But I'd like to refocus on your goals so I can prepare a few recommendations for once you settle in."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Makes sense. Uh, I'm smart and learn fast, I know some wordchains..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And you want to acquire the biggest levers you can. Which probably means talent development schools. The kind that focus on training your Avowed side above all else. To grow your powers and learn useful things and network with other ambitious people. Do you have any other system skills? Spell impressions?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have a skill I haven't tried yet that makes gravity affect me less, Refusal of Gravity. And a couple spell impressions, I got Mark Stone and Glimpse of Afar."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's a great little spell combo, especially if you get touch-based talents or spell impressions later... Now, the very best programs for talent development are actually superhero prep courses. They train the hell out of you, get you in great shape, make you use your powers really creatively. It's not like they're going to shove you in tights and throw you at bad guys once you graduate. I think you might be able to get in if you really focus on it and try your best. Maybe. It'd be better if your A-rank skill was more flexible, not just defensive. But you might hate the culture, and it's an awful lot of hard work. What do you think just on hearing the option?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm still getting used to no longer being disabling levels of clumsy, but I think that even without that I'm temperamentally best suited for big levers that don't involve me being in great shape."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, it takes all kinds. What kind of schooling does appeal, then?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I was wondering earlier today if normal high schools here are fancy enough to have economics classes? I'm interested in interplanetary trade and communication, and in aliens..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Powers grow best in response to stress. We're pretty sure on that one. But we can definitely get you economics classes, in a normal high school or not. Artonan Studies? Maybe a politics track?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Artonan Studies maybe, though I'm also interested in the other aliens and it seems weird to me that our interactions with them are basically all gated on Artonan involvement at this time."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They really paint themselves as the center of the universe, don't they?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, and they have the leverage to make it cash out that way too, but I'd like to be able to have a normal conversation with other kinds of aliens too."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, all the teleportation is through the System. I think there are a tiny number of aliens on Earth, but they're rare, even moreso than Artonans here. It sounds like you'd be a lot more comfortable in higher education or some sort of diplomatic or political type role, rather than strictly going for power development above all else."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sounds about right to me. Like, I want some power development, but." Shrug.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. You kind of sounded like an idealist at first with the wanting big levers. And we get a lot of hero hopefuls. So I had to shift gears. I think I have enough to go on, to start looking at options! Anything else you want to cover right now?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I wouldn't say I'm not an idealist, just not specifically about powers getting bigger and shinier in particular. I'd like that fine but there are lots of kinds of levers."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're not wrong. So maybe you want to get rich or earn the ear of the powerful. I'd better go for now but I'll set something up soon! And I will be replacing that chair, and always feel free to text me if anything is wrong! Have you seen the event calendar yet?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, where is it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Should be in your message inbox somewhere, and also posted on the bulletin boards and in my office. Along with all the other intake rules and processes."

Permalink Mark Unread
"I'll check it out, thanks so much!"

You can come out now
she tells Jian, and then she checks her inbox.
Permalink Mark Unread

I was leaving soon anyway so goodbye

Several more messages, yep. The Event Schedule is pretty full - Intro to Anesidoran Civics, Meet the Neighbors, Boomtown Tour, Franklin High Tour, Job Market Guide, What to Expect from Summons, Rabbit Floor Potluck - and has a points value attached to most of the events. Apparently there's a minimum number of points you need to get before you're allowed to move to your own place that you've found. Other Intake Rules are pretty relaxed. They're not restricted to the block or anything. There's a curfew, but it's late. After midnight they'll send someone looking for you. The rest are just common sense good-neighbor stuff about trash and noise and not starting fights or having irresponsible sex and damage to the rooms.

Permalink Mark Unread

She'll sign herself up for civics and What To Expect From Summonses - what's that do for her point total?

Permalink Mark Unread

A bit more than an eighth. The programming says most people are out of Intake in 4-6 weeks, and if you're still around by week 10 the classes start being mandatory.

There's plenty more, ranging from tours of different universities and apartments, job fairs, apartment-choosing workshops, adapting to Anesidora guides specialized for certain countries, Home Ec type things, how to develop your powers...

Permalink Mark Unread

She schedules herself a couple tours, and a class on budgeting to get herself used to working in the relevant currencies, and a roommate matchmaking event.

Permalink Mark Unread

Neha brings up a replacement chair, then gets caught in a talk about entrepreneurship with someone else. The chair is very comfy.

None of the events she's interested in are happening right now. A bunch of other Intake people in the neighboring rooms come say hi; They're almost all rabbits, except for one Adjuster. Intros on Anesidora apparently involve names, ranks, hopes and dreams, and gossip about one's powers. Her roommates are certainly eager to show them off, cleaning things and fixing chipped paint or crinkled paper and making beds with magic and offering free magic haircuts and more. 

What about her power? Some kind of mental shield is one thing and the guy who suggests they find a Sway to poke her is chastised by the rest, but what about Refusal of Gravity? Has she tried it? What does it look like? How does it work? Excited neighbors will take her straight to a gym as a guest if she'd like!

Permalink Mark Unread

"I haven't tried it yet and I'm excited to! I need to find a good place for it, if you know a gym I'm game!"

Permalink Mark Unread

There's the Newbie Brute Gym right here in Intake, or this Rabbit- Sammy- Can bring guests to a magic-safed dirtlot practice area. Sammy has a power called Azure Rabbit, which is also kind of moonbouncy but only works on Ground.

Permalink Mark Unread

The dirtlot sounds good. What does the magic-safe thingy do?

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, it's a little complicated. Let me text you the website."

Bajeen & Bargas Outdoor Practice Range has a low-rated enchantment throughout the property paired with special belts, bracelets, and anklets you wear! It detects falls or impacts between persons and the environment that are about to be injurious and telekinetically damps things.


Permalink Mark Unread

"Sounds perfect for an antigrav power I haven't ever tried!"

To the dirtlot!

Permalink Mark Unread

The prices on the board are a little eyebrow-raising (40 argold an hour base with various discount plans), but Sammy the rabbit covers it and waves off any concern. At least for this first time.

She has to sign a waiver and tell a sporty lifeguard-looking woman what she plans to do today.

Sammy waves. "Hey Marnie. I'm practicing running on different surfaces with Azure Rabbit. Same as usual. And see Bella here do her thing!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have a thing called Refusal of Gravity and I want to moonbounce around so I know how it handles!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. Never heard of it. But I see your nametag, U-type. So you expect to be just running, jumping, walking? Going to try climbing or obstacles?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Walking running jumping and probably some climbing, not sure if it'll play especially well with any obstacles."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That sounds fine to me! We're not super a coaching place so just go at your own pace. But first, gear check for both of you. Arms out, legs wide please..."

The gear check is quick and efficient as the safety person verifies everything is buckled and secure, and holds a tablet near her until it beeps.

"Yep, you're both all good to head on out. Enjoy!"

Permalink Mark Unread


And in she goes and - moonbounce activate!

Permalink Mark Unread

There's a mental sense of effort. She has to actively focus on it to keep it up.

Moonbouncing is weird. It takes a lot longer to fall. A normal walking and running stride does not really work with each step bouncing her higher, for considerably longer between steps. Her arms shoot up too fast when she lifts them, too, since by habit one applies a lot more force.

Sammy's Azure Rabbit step clearly works differently. They bounce into the air just fine, but also fall just as quickly. Bella is a lot more floaty. It actually makes her less mobile than Sammy, but running and jumping is clearly less physically strenuous for her than the Rabbit, too.

Permalink Mark Unread

So probably what she'd ideally want to do is bounce toward something to catch and ricochet from?

Permalink Mark Unread

"So... Want to throw around a medicine ball then? Or do you mean wall jumping? You could also try, uh, flickering it. To fall faster."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, flickering's a good idea! I was imagining something overhead like a branch or a streetlight or whatever but ricocheting off a wall could also work..."

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, she'd probably have a bit of trouble reaching streetlight height consistently. Those're big up close. The skill seems to reduce gravity by about two thirds, letting her casually jump to about waist height. It seems like it would make climbing a breeze.

Sammy bounds over and fetches a medicine ball from the equipment racks. A light one, fifteen pounds.

"Hop around and play catch?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"All right, but go easy on me, I had clinically severe clumsiness yesterday."

Permalink Mark Unread

Some experimental catch reveals that things she holds benefit from reduced gravity, but keep all their inertia. Catching or throwing the ball hard midair sends her moving noticeably away, or even falling onto her back.

(There's a sudden tug when this happens, the safety systems keeping her from hitting the ground head-first or too hard.)

Sammy thinks this is wickedly cool and is excitably brainstorming acrobatics to try.

Permalink Mark Unread

"...huh, are there things that bounce?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Trampolines! And maybe circus rope type things? I think there's a trampoline over there- Yeah, there is-"

They're set into the ground and surrounded by lots of padding.

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"I meant like a bouncy ball, I'm wondering what happens if I slam one into the ground, then turn the skill on and jump and catch it for bonus oomph."

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"Hmm... Can you even slam it that hard? I think most bouncing-type balls are pretty light. Kickballs or whatever."

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"I think of basketballs as being pretty substantial but mostly because I got hit in the face with one once."

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Well, there are basketballs around and Sammy is sufficiently invested in getting used to moving and jumping with Azure Rabbit to bounce one around with her.

It's pretty tricky. It kind of feels like she ought to be able to adjust the anti-gravity more than '100%' and '0%' but actually doing so is... Not really happening.

Eventually, the Skill cuts out. It just quits working on her suddenly.

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"WHOA I was expecting it to - warn me or something -" Fortunately she spend a buttload of stat points and can land pretty nicely.

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"Oh yeah, skill fatigue. I heard about that. Learning when you're almost out is apparently important if you want to use it a lot. And I hear some people learn to tell when it's about to go. You okay?"

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"I'm okay, just startled."

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"Yeah. Our two hours are almost up anyway. The gravity thing is really cool though! Thanks for showing me! Mine's a lot weaker, you know, it's a trait instead of a skill. I have to be constantly using my power to keep it up. And Ground is weird. Lots of things don't count..."

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"Yeah, my Artonan language courses didn't really get into it but I assume it's a weak translation of something that's more precise and obvious in Artonan."

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"Probably they'll cover things like that in Anesidora-style high school?"

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"I hope so but I wouldn't be terribly surprised if you had to really dig for it. I took Chinese in regular high school and the teacher barely gave me enough to Google for about how radicals work."

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"Yikes. I went to a private school in America. Fancy Christian type place, with hundred year old buildings and everything. Franklin High is huge. It's really different..."

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"Neha's looking into talent development for me so I don't know if I'll ever set foot there. I think a big school would be good in some of the ways a big city is good? More niches, if one in a thousand people is into a thing a really big school has a club for it."

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"That makes sense! There will be a miniatures club, an animation club, an animators club..."

The bracelets beep once.

"Oop, that's our five minute warning."

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"Better go give back the doodads." Doodads: return!

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"Refusal of Gravity seems like it has a lot of potential! I kind of looked like it also works on stuff you're carrying. Something about the way the balls flew. So you could carry heavy stuff- I mean, so can a Brute, but still."

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"I could! Could also take window exits once I'm more comfortable with it... I should see how much stuff I'm carrying it can affect and if it matters when I pick it up..." She is taking System notes about this.

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"It's exciting! Lots to learn. Even more than usual since you can't talk to people who've taken the power before you. My big limit is I have to be using my other power- Animate Paper- To do Azure Rabbit. So it's more a bonus than a core feature. Took a while to get the hang of activating it but not doing anything with it so I can hop."

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"Huh, I guess if there's no other way to use Azure Rabbit at all then there's not much question of whether it drains you faster to be doing two things at once, but I'd naively expect it to... how come you picked Animate Paper?"

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"Origiami! Art!"

He grins and fusses with his courier bag, then pulls out two white sheets of paper and focuses on them. They slowly morph into a simple rabbit and crane, then start dancing around each other.

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"Oh, that's really cute."

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"I know, right? I think it mostly gets used for fancy invitations and parties on summons but I love origami. I'm going to do big, dramatic projects once I have my own place."

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"Why would you need an animated invitation - or does it not stay animated past the part where you get it folded up in that case?"

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"I mean, I can do origami really fast and origami invitations seem to be a thing, and I can put on shows at parties. That's kind of what Rabbits are about. Lots of people think it's stupid, but that's what trading is for, nyeh."

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"I don't think anybody thinks it's stupid that popular actors and singers get rich and that's not strictly useful at all! It just gets a little stranger-looking when there are aliens involved."

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"You haven't met a lot of hero hopefuls yet, then. Good for you."

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"I have not! Heroism is very glamorous but heroes need the same things as everybody else from the entire rest of the economy."

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"That's a good point. Someone makes all their gear sure, but also they live somewhere and wear clothes and eat food and use a computer- If they don't just use the System."

The bus they want to get back to Intake shows up.

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On the bus they go. "The System's great for most of the utility and comms use of a computer but I don't think I can play Civilization on it."

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"No, you can't. I guess game developers are still safe from us. Civ's good but I like the more like... Small scale games. Like Chaos Ward, where if you expand too fast the demons get way stronger. Maximum effectiveness per colony size."

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"I haven't tried it, maybe I should - though I'm the kind who likes building wonders of the world more than the kind who likes conquest, in Civ."

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"The victory condition of Chaos Ward is finishing a System but that's not really a wonder, no. I wonder if the Artonans have video games? I've never heard of any..."

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"That's a good question! Are we unique in the world, for video games?"

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"Artonans seem to take everything so seriously. And like... Poetically? They'll have different genres, I bet, if nothing else. Less shooters and conquest stuff, more atmospheric stuff or puzzles, I would guess?"

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"Now I want to play alien video games, thanks for that."

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"Uh, no problem?"

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"It's going to be so inconvenient to get ahold of them if they aren't already a known thing on Earth, but it's nice having goals."

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"I mean- Hold on, let me just Google it, I mean do a search-"

He starts pecking away at invisible System windows.

"-There's at least a few. This one's translating as 'Collector of Essences' and looks like an action-puzzle? 'A relaxing game to train the art of seeing a larger pattern', uh... 'Be mindful of waste and plan your movements without hesitation'... 'Rotate the rings and move each object to its correct place'."

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"I guess that sounds either Artonan or like the copy was written by somebody who thinks about Artonans a lot."

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"Well, the page is in Artonan at least. Some company called Comet Games publishes it. Five argold. Can I text you the link?"

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"Sure, thanks!"

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She gets a text a few seconds later.

The Artonan in the description and screenshots is pretty fluent and sure scans like something an Artonan actually wrote and not Earth authors imitating them. There's a short gameplay video and a warning admonishing the young mind to not simply look up how things in the game work, but rather discover it through 'joyful exploration'.

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She needs to have a sitdown with her budget soon. For now she just bookmarks it for later.

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Sammy the Rabbit is happy to text his buddies in silence for the rest of the bus trip.

He hops off one stop before the bus actually gets back to Intake.

"Going shopping. I had fun! Good luck with your moonjumping, see you later maybe!"

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"See you around!"

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A bit later in the evening (it's getting late), Neha sends her an e-mail (or whatever System messages are called)

It's pretty detailed, but boils down to asking if any of these three appeal:

Celena North High Political Science Track. Neha's Notes: Celena North is highly competitive, and does what they call 'talent development'. The idea is to stress you out and push students to the limits, both on power-related and non-power things.. It's in the rich part of town and is a good place to make connections. The culture is a little elitist. It's more known as a hero school but it's a big place and one of the best for a LOT of different things.

Franklin High, Econ/Law Prep Track. Neha's Notes: The idea is to go to a 'normal high school' but optimize everything for a future political career. Stack lots of electives, stand out from your peers, volunteer at things like charities and student organizations, and other sorts of merits, then go for a polysci or econ college program and eventually intern with one of the Anesidoran councilmembers or go into activism with a visible public profile, etc etc.

West Beach High, Artonan Studies Track. Neha's Notes: It still covers all the gen-ed bases, but is geared towards people who want to be summoned often and get along with Artonans. There's Artonan language intensives, culture studies, politics and history and geography of the Artonan Systems, and studies on what is commonly known about magic. They advertise a few events with real Artonans and wizards for practicing the language and etiquette in final year.

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With some dithering Elisabel rules out Franklin; normalcy is overrated. The other two are both compelling in their own ways... does she have to do all the superpower gym class dueling stuff at Celena North if she's tracked for poli-sci?

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Nope! In fact, she couldn't even if she wanted to! The competition for timeslots in CNH's gym is fierce. It's booked solid even overnight.

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How convenient. What are the alumni up to? The poli-sci ones. Compared to the West Beach folks.

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This one's an ambassador to Canada. That one's assistant to the Councilman for Brutes. This one runs a law firm. This one works for the Velras in an unspecified capacity. The West Beach folks seem to mostly end up having summon-heavy careers; Lots of Rabbits with photogenic social media profiles.

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She really, really wishes she had any idea what she'd be good for on a summon.

Elisabel tells Neha she's tentatively leaning Celena North.

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We should schedule another time to meet tomorrow and go over what you need to do to prep for it. When works well for you?

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Elisabel hands over the schedule of all the mandatory enrichment she's signed up for.