Miko Miyazaki wakes up in a crumpled heap, smelling grain alcohol, with a burning pain in her chest.
Hang on.
Take that back a step.
Miko Miyazaki... wakes up?
Yeah, they're currently adjacent! Glaiveguy seems to be inclined to defend the more vulnerable archer.
She lands one! It hits pretty hard, although he seems to have some damage reduction up.
It would be REALLY USEFUL if she could Smite Evil right now Miko should really focus on the fight she has, not the fight she wants.
Three wakizashi attacks towards the archer.
Those hit, and they hit hard. The archer really prefers when there's nobody meleeing him.
In light of this preference, he hops backwards a few feet and shoots her four times.
Two of those hit! Which is two more arrows than she prefers to be hit with.
On her next turn she full attacks the archer. This will probably open her up to getting glaived, but she can devote her full attention the next round.
She does get mildly-to-moderately glaived, but more importantly, the archer goes down and she can focus on the melee threat!
Well, she could, if an arrowhead hadn't suddenly erupted from his throat and crumpled him to the flagstones.
The other foes have gone down as well. Camellia dismisses her axe and puts her giant snake back in travel mode.
"It's good that the cultists are nowhere near the entrance," she says brightly. "We might have been ambushed, and then where would we be?"
"At least everyone performed quite well. Does anyone need healing at this time?"
(Reverse Lay on Hands.)
Headshakes all 'round.
"They weren't," Wenduag mutters anxiously. "Hadn't even... what changed... not enough time..."
"I said there were surfacers!" she snarls. "There wasn't enough time since last I checked for them to take over the whole damn maze and put warriors this strong as expendable watchmen at the entrance!"
"Mother of fucking monsters, Lann, it's been sixty. Did you actually think I'd stopped going when I told you to stay away?"
It should not be possible for undead to get headaches. And yet.
"… All right. Well, what was it like when you last came here a month ago?"
"Like I said. Traps, illusions, undead, demons, elementals. And, through the other side, surfacers wearing that symbol. I don't even think they saw me."
"Alright. Well. We don't know what changed; maybe the demon attack emboldened the cultists; maybe they decided within the past month that the maze would serve as a sound hideout."
She shakes her head.
"Wenduag, I know you aren't willing to risk dying for this, but would you be willing to scout ahead?"
Annoyed tch. "I wouldn't be risking much."
She turns back into that vague, shadowy form, darting into the shadows – and she's gone.
That went well!
"Do any of you have better theories as to what might have changed? Not that I expect you to intimately know things about highly illegal cults, of course."
She's addressing the surfacers.
"If they were Deskari cultists, I'd think they knew about the attack in advance," Anevia muses. "His were all busy as bees in the leadup. But Baphomet's weren't, and those two hate each other almost as much as they hate all life on Golarion – it doesn't keep them from working together at all but their cults don't buddy up."
Miko nods.
"… I just remembered, you said you pretended to be a cultist once. Why was that?"
"...d'you think I know all of this because they have a crier on the corners? The best way to find out what the demon cults are doing is to be a demon cultist for the afternoon." She sighs. "If I never see another ritual blood goblet, it'll be too soon. But it'll mean I've retired. Or been murdered. So realistically, there's more ritual blood goblets in my future."
"That sounds like an unenviable position, to say the least. You have my sympathies."
She looks at the ceiling and sighs.
"I hope the encounter earlier wasn't particularly representative. Although, who knows. Maybe now that I've said that we'll have to face five more before we're out."
"We took them out without too much trouble," Seelah points out. "Especially since Camellia turns out to be less delicate than we had any reason to expect."