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miko's fucking pissed (wrath of the righteous/order of the stick)
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"Yes, I expect so! It seems sort of insane that anyone gets used to it. But we'll see! Our great-great-great-etcetera grandparents did it, and I might not be as heroic as them but I don't think even the least heroic among them reported any trouble."


"Yes, I—"


It occurs to her: her own great-grandparents were born roughly a century before she was. That's… at least one more great- than she'd expect.

"Those generations sound. Short."


"Yes," Dyra says simply. "We do not live as long as our ancestors did... and they did not live as long as they should have, so they say... Chief Sull has lived nearly twenty thousand gongs. I do not know anyone who has lived longer."


Ten thousand days… that's somewhat less than thirty years. Oh dear.

"… I don't know exactly how long that is in years offhand, but it's about my age. Sull looks like he's in the same age category as the former head of my paladin order, who was nearly eighty. Which would be… nearly sixty thousand gongs. I think."

She's now worried that Dyra is actually seven years old.


Dyra nods. "It's what they say. That the First Crusaders saw the children of their children's children... and saw their children's children die. That they were only glad to die when they did."

She pauses. "It does speed up as it goes on. I'll hear my ten-thousandth gong pretty soon, and you can see I'm not halfway to where Sull is."



"Hopefully being on the surface helps. I wonder what could be causing it."

Miko wonders, for a moment, what would have happened if she hadn't been reanimated here. Maybe Deskari wouldn't have opened up that pit and the Neathers would have just… stayed here for however much longer. Maybe Deskari would have done it anyway, but Miko doesn't think Camellia would have independently chosen to go out of her way to help them. Maybe she would have found Anevia and Seelah in time to help, but… maybe she wouldn't have.

Maybe it really is a good thing that she's here. Part of her gods' plan.


"Maybe so!" Dyra says brightly. "...oh, I was going to ask - do you and your party need any supplies? Rations? I know where to get things."


She thinks for a moment.

"I have all the supplies I need, but I can pass on the offer to the others."

She's honestly more concerned with anything that she doesn't realize she needs, but that might just have to come down to trial and error. Or having a lightbulb moment the next time she steps into the relevant shop.


"That would be helpful!"


That would seem to be that! For now. Miko thought she spotted Camellia; she might as well wish her a good morning.

And, since Camellia's from the surface and probably doesn't keep a weird schedule:

"Good morning!"


Camellia offers a slightly tight smile. "Is it?" she wonders aloud.


"Well, it's the closest thing that exists down here. Besides, I got spells a few hours ago."


"That is good news, at least. And I was able to call some more appropriate spells of my own from Mireya... and conjured water can almost substitute for a proper bath. Even if I had to use up fifty crowns worth of spell-quality myrrh making barely passable toiletries."


"Lord Shojo, I can't keep working with Yamamoto."



"Did something happen?"


"She bathes excessively and uses expensive soaps when doing so."


Shojo does not particularly want to ask what Miko means by excessively!

"Did you have an allergic reaction to one of the fragrances?"


What does that have to do with anything.

"… No, my lord. But that's unnecessary luxury. It indicates moral corruption. I could lose my paladin powers if I continue to associate with her!"


"My dear, that rule is about Evil behavior. You won't lose your paladin powers for associating with someone who uses nice soap. You wouldn't even lose them if you were the one using it!"


"Why would I do that? The soap and schedule I use are enough to keep me clean. If I spent money on expensive soap I would have less money for important things like effective equipment or alms."



"Well, nobody is going to try and force you to use a different kind of soap than you prefer. But… Miko, it isn't necessarily wasteful to have nice things. My baths are probably at least ten times as expensive as Yamamoto's!"


That's different! Shojo is getting old and does not live the lifestyle of a paladin, or even of a member of Azure City's military.

"You are the Lord of the city. It is appropriate for nobles to indulge in luxury."


"You're from a noble family, too."

So is half the Sapphire Guard, still.


That may be true, but clearly the noble lifestyle was not in the Twelve Gods' plan for her, or they would not have orphaned her and sent her to the dojo.

"That is true, my lord. But I'm a paladin, not a noble. And I intend to keep living like one."

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