An angel is summoned to Amenta
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"I see. Are there many destructive elements in these species?"


"No, not really, but it only takes one, and—we're very, very immortal. If you shot me I'd at most get lightly bruised, if you dropped a nuclear bomb on me my clothes would be disintegrated and I'd be kinda singed—and some magical people—I'm gonna borrow a word from another language—some daeva aren't used to dealing with fragile people so even if they're not violent they could be accidentally careless."


"I see. Do any of these species have the means to settle other planets?"


"In conjunction they could do it fairly easily—movers to take people there, changers and makers to terraform."


"Are you here to convey any specific messages or make any specific offers?"


"Kinda. I want to roll out summoning to your entire species and end material scarcity and all that—but I'd like that to not be too disruptive."


"...these motives are in tension but no less admirable for that."


"Thank you—and, ah, your species has some quirks that make this tension a bit stronger than it was for mine."




"I'm thinking mostly of the, ah, caste system, here."


"Never having examined a society that lacked one I am not sure how its absence would make things less tense."


"...I'm less than hopeful about what will happen to your reds if everyone else gets access to scarcity-ending magic is what I'm getting at here."


"Why, does it make people immortal?"





"We-ell. In a way."


" a way that does or does not eliminate the relevant red jobs?"


"The magic itself eliminates the relevant red jobs, since a mover can very easily, say, move a dead body without touching it, and a changer could completely clean anything with a thought. The immortality is—more like an afterlife."


"Is it going to be remotely cost-effective to hire magic people for all wastewater, garbage, and corpse handling?"


"You could probably manage to hire daeva long-term, although perhaps not for the same amount as you currently pay reds if it's not very much. And people from my planet are ahead of you, technologically, which is itself a problem when you could get a maker to get you stuff if you tell them the title of five Amentan books—I heard automation is a sore subject."


"Quite. If they could do faster-than-light we could just give the reds a planet once there were more than we knew what to do with; if they can't..."


"If FTL is at all possible we have not discovered it yet."


"Sublight I suppose if material scarcity is not a concern we could put them in a very large ship and they could rely on magical beings for their needs."


"You'd need constant acceleration in order to get summoning circles to work, but yes, that's a possibility, I suppose."


"Well, once they got far enough away I assume they could find a planet no one else was likely to want."


"While that sounds like an improvement I'm not sure how to get from here to there without—trouble."


"It would be delicate."

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