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I'm making a note here: huge success
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There is a muffled song coming from somewhere. It's not a song she's familiar with. In fact, the whole place is nothing like anything she's familiar with. She seems to be in some metal-and-glass pod, for starters, which is itself inside a rather peculiar...

There are no doors.

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She hops down into the room. The strange springy boots indeed do wonders to cushion her fall.


There's the voice again: "Please place the Weighted Storage Cube on the 1500 megawatt Aperture Science Heavy Duty Super-colliding Super-button."

Simultaneous with that, one of the space holes appears on the stone wall behind her, and the connecting one appears in the room to the right, on the wall opposite to the cube.


She puts down the radio. She goes to the cube. She wrestles it toward the space hole. Stupid heavy lumpy square.


The space hole disappears just as she reaches it, trapping her in the side room. It appears in the other side room.


"If I have to walk through glass I'm going to be annoyed."


The space hole disappears from the other side room and reappears in the exit room.


She waits.


It reappears in her room after a couple of seconds.


Shove shove shove out goes the cube! Out goes Sable right behind it!


Now it's in the other side room—


The cube goes buttonward as fast as Sable can manage.


But the portal disappears from the wall before she can go through it again.


Scowl. Wait wait wait.




And back through!


And now the other end of the portal is in the exit room.


She scoops up the radio, and out she goes.

Is there another of those stupid blue sparkle things there.


Yep! And the voice says, "Perfect. Please move to the chamber-lock."


"Do you have a fond sentimental attachment to the continued existence of this Material Emancipation Grid," she inquires.


"The continued existence of Vital Testing Apparatus is crucial for the safety of test subjects and others."


"And yet," she says. "If I have to go through it, it is not going to be in a condition to emancipate any material at the time."


No comment.


She really doesn't want to ground-rip another one so soon after the first, though. Her ground is still unpleasantly sparky. So she sits in front of the Emancipation Grid and closes her eyes and inspects it. How does it work? What is the deal with all this not-aliveness? It's almost like - veins or nerves, in an alien metallic sort of way. Maybe she can do the equivalent of severing an animal's spine instead of ripping its whole ground away so it collapses into a pile of dust.


Yep, all these veins and nerves seem to connect to each other and to a single vein/nerve place that leads away from the thing.


Ooh. Tiny metal wires, with the not-aliveness flowing through them, going to all the places where stuff happens...

She retreats around a corner again, but this time reaches out much more precisely. Better do both sides at once again, but if all she has to do is cut a few wires on either side...

The power goes dead instantly on both the wall fixtures. She barely even winces. A couple tiny morsels of copper is nothing compared to last time. She can still see the previous set of wall fixtures splattered across her ground, slowly being absorbed.

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