Cam is watching a new recording of Atriama, tail swishing in the gap in his couch, and doesn't stop to pause the show when he feels a summons go by.
"Okay. You can just technically not surrender over there." Cam moves on to finding and drugging other capes who have been firing at him.
Some capes are harder to find than others and there's no way to know that he caught them all, but none of the rest are immune to being knocked out as easily as looked at.
Right, any further resistance to him continuing the process of annexing the city? No Moord Nag?
She's flying in atop her shadow, dark and large enough to look like a skull-shaped cloud. She herself is standing motionless and silent, and the monster has an almost eerie lack of noise.
Cam's not going to test his invulnerability on her if he can help it. Moord Nag, have a Hatchet Face head in a jar attached by ten-foot-pole to your foot. And she can have a parachute, if she falls.
The shadow dissipates, and the parachute comes in handy.
Cam flies over to her. "Hi," he says. "Any chance you'll just surrender? That'd be real nice."
"I mean, if that's the only thing you care about in this exchange then I guess we're not going to get anywhere with the concept of 'surrender'."
"That depends what it is you want. Sovereignty, to be the one everyone else fears and obeys? That is the goal of most of my subordinates, and I always assumed it would be of whoever managed to dethrone me."
"If you want to make food and buildings in my territory, I will not interdict that. Hardly a surrender, if well-being is all you're after."
"I mean, you'd also have to stop killing people, that's what I'm expecting would be the sticking point."
"I mean, if we can't work something out you can be powerless and dead because you're too much trouble to keep an eye on. Is that better?"
I am obeyed because I am feared, and I am feared because I have lasted. Do you imagine my subordinates will follow your orders, or will you fight them one at a time like you did Rei?"
He kicks a rock at his boss. It flies past her, predictably faster than it ought to be moving, and smashes into the jar of Hatchet Face. Moord Nag's shadow swells back up from nothing, and strikes at Cam even before reaching its former size.
Then he remakes the Hatchet Face head.
"So we're not going to be coming to any kind of consensus here?" he sighs.
"It seems we won't."
"And you have way too many allies for me to just keep you in custody like I did with Bonesaw. Aaaaand if I send you to the Birdcage you'll probably just slaughter everyone in it. Killing people is not my favorite activity but you're not giving me a lot of options."
"I could agree to kill no one unless they are the aggressor, if that is what it takes. And if in the future you decide to kill more people, you can always give them to me instead."