Cam is watching a new recording of Atriama, tail swishing in the gap in his couch, and doesn't stop to pause the show when he feels a summons go by.
"I'm not actually doing this," he gestures vaguely "thing, because I want to draw a really big circle on a map? That's not the point. Anybody who manages to be good to their population can do what they're doing."
"Oh. I'm indestructible and awake all the time and don't really have a range limit and I can fake a lot of Tinker stuff and, yeah, if a bunch of parahumans formed an army I would probably just put them all to sleep? And then maybe a few of them wouldn't go to sleep but it wouldn't be an army's worth and I'd do something else with them. I don't want this to happen because there might be collateral damage and I don't like collateral damage, but if some army would like to go fight me in low earth orbit we could get this question settled without putting anybody else at risk?"
The speaker's compatriots look at her like she just violated some taboo, which is reasonably likely.
"I mean, I haven't tried it, but my indestructibility is pretty all-purpose. Are you talking about Moord Nag or is there another one?" Ha, ha.
"Yes! Her! That's what comes after the army, if you're right about that. She'll kill you by looking at you, and end up even stronger."
"I'm not specifically planning to go pick a fight with her. People in her territory seem to be doing better than a lot of other people."
"Well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I hope you didn't think I decided to conquer Angola without being aware that Moord Nag existed."
"Nope. I considered going and hassling her first, actually, but while she commits a ghastly amount of casual murder she's stable and her constituents aren't dying at as high an overall rate as some of her neighbors', so I prioritized other things."
We can go pass that message on? Can't promise anyone will believe it."
"Be my guest. Please stop attacking my buildings. Orange doesn't go well with a lot of other colors."
She and her equally orange teammates start getting out before the implausible person changes his mind about letting them.
And Cam goes back to trying to balance making sure everyone has enough to eat with making sure the locals are capable of managing their own food infrastructure when, say, he's gone for a while fighting an Endbringer. No reason not to bring local farms up to 2159 standards of yield and encourage them to rely on that and mostly call him when they want other stuff.
In pretty much no time Cam's chunk of Angola is the best chunk of Angola—it already was, but sustainably—and some nearby regions that aren't on the south border ask to be annexed. The existing leadership can't very well stop them.
Cam is delighted to be invited to annex things! That is the best thing that has happened in ages! He annexes the things.
The formerly existing leadership finds an elsewhere to be before Cam comes for them. It's like a revolution but without the revolution.
Now that being annexed by the post-scarcity genie has worked well in the past, there may be a bit of a domino effect. Some places this is more controversial than others. In Lubango, for instance, the people who call for defecting tend to be the targets of some parahuman-led enforced orthodoxy.
Okay. So now he can pick a fight with Moord Nag's crowd...
...or he can permit atrocities to be committed against a city which is literally trying to call him personally over to help it, no contest, to Lubango he goes.
When a single faction controls a city, they're usually pretty attached to it. No advance disappearances this time. Instead, shootings of Cam's spaceship out of the sky. (At least to whatever extent it's vulnerable to generic tinker firepower.)
The spaceship isn't heavily armored. He lets the ship disintegrate around him and swoops in on his own wings.
There's a fair number of capes, and Cam doesn't know yet exactly what minions are present.