Cam is watching a new recording of Atriama, tail swishing in the gap in his couch, and doesn't stop to pause the show when he feels a summons go by.
"Truce!" Cam snaps at the previous patient, ready to knock him out if he points threateningly at anyone else. "Endbringer truce!" He looks at Flechette. He can't get anywhere with this, he'd need an angel and a miracle.
The cape's eyes refocus. He droops as he realizes what just happened. "I thought she was— I thought— the whole time I was out, I was seeing... I thought Bonesaw had me." He looks up. "Who did I kill?"
"You killed somebody who was saving someone more crucial to the fight than you. You killed a thirteen year old girl." Cam stalks off to find someone else to patch up. Trigger Happy doesn't get medical demoning at this time.
It's not long before one of the people in command arrives. It's the armored cape from earlier, now swordless and not wearing his helmet. "Cinereal. The Simurgh got you to kill an ally?"
"Something like that. I didn't know where I was, just that I was being operated on by Bonesaw. It was really Bonesaw, wasn't it?"
"Doesn't matter either way. She of all people shouldn't have been here, but if she was following the truce she's protected."
"Villains can't come to Simurgh fights anyway, and this wouldn't have happened at any other."
"True, but going public with that's not a good choice either. It'd involve saying you were influenced by the Simurgh, enough to kill someone."
The metal band on Cinereal's arm suddenly becomes painfully obvious.
"Yes. Unfortunately that's not very."
"Simurgh probably killed the thing that was suppressing Bonesaw's power, and the first thing Bonesaw did was go help people with it," Cam says quietly. The wasted potential is just - if she could have been trusted, if he could have gotten to a point where he could have trusted her enough, her power was staggering, she could probably have bottled the cure for generalized old age and then all he'd have to do was ship it -
"So the Simurgh wanted this to happen. Maybe that means Bonesaw could have been rehabilitated, or it could be because the Simurgh wanted everyone to see one of the Protectorate's top heroes break the truce. I'd be wary of assuming it was the first one; helping people might not have been Bonesaw's choice any more than killing her was Cinereal's."
Cinereal, I'm sorry. I'll try to get you let out of quarantine early if I can, but we both know what it means that she targeted you."
Outside, the Simurgh continues Endbringing. She's surrounded by more pieces of Endbringer now, since there were quite a few people equipped with the indestructible material. Every once in a while she absorbs one and her characteristic song gets worse. The defending capes at least aren't completely ineffective; she is taking damage. Just not enough yet.
He sticks his head out the window now and then and applies conventional damage and then goes back to medical demoning.
If anyone has trump cards up their sleeve, they aren't playing them.
Caffeine. Apply directly to the bloodstream. Medical demoning and Simurgh-inconveniencing.
Eventually the Simurgh judges that she has caused Tokyo enough destruction for today. One last wave of her wings as some of Cam's shiny new buildings collapse in a growing ring around her, and she ascends back into the sky.
The few volunteer doctors are predictably overworked and are glad for some superpowered help. The stream of injured keeps flowing as search parties find more, and it eventually dries up. Meanwhile, the heroes' thinkers are plotting out the Simurgh's path during the attack and the variable strength of the scream. They're calculating which parts of the city have to be walled off permanently. Once there's an answer, they give the government the bad news.
At least this involves writing off fewer civilians than usual as lost causes. Cam accomplished that much. It's still a death sentence for the city as it used to be.