Cam is watching a new recording of Atriama, tail swishing in the gap in his couch, and doesn't stop to pause the show when he feels a summons go by.
The armored cape is apparently still alive. He starts battering the Simurgh by shrinking his weapon and extending it explosively, each time punching a hole through her outer skin. Eventually the sword does intersect Cam's, and it falls apart the way the cannonball did. One small sword that looks like a scaled-down version of the original, one similarly small aluminum one, and one thirty-foot giant made of Endbringer flesh.
A sliver is cut off the largest blade where Cam's sword intersected the hero's, but the other two fall away unharmed. Short enough that they didn't reach the intersection point. The Simurgh releases the cape, having gotten what she wanted. The blade starts twisting around her unpredictably, twice her height, blocking ranged attacks and sometimes lashing out at close combatants.
Cam doesn't slice Alexandria. He just stabs the Simurgh again. Get her to go away, that's the idea, as fast as possible.
While snapping that one, the Simurgh maneuvers the sliver that got cut off the giant sword and inserts it end-first into the deep gash Cam gave her. Stray feathers flutter upward and attach to it. Her new wing is shorter and less angelic than the others, but unmistakably a wing. The scream gets louder again, and adds a new strain of disharmony.
He's perpetually occupying a bit of her attention as she neutralizes each blow before it connects, but that might mean more if she had ever been observed to run out of attention.
Eidolon manages to sever one of the smaller wings. The scream does not go down to the intensity it was at before the Simurgh gained one.
Well, Cam's not going to get any tireder than he is right now. He will continue trying to stab her until she gets out of town.
After a few attempts at stabbing, one connects. Nothing happens. And it wasn't a carefully timed severing of the leash, because it's still taut and the next stab does equal amounts of nothing.
Flechette is collapsed and not moving. She did have bodyguards, but they apparently failed. Right now they're rushing her to the battlefield medical center in case she's alive.
When he arrives, Cam will see that the current supply of injured is getting the very best in medical care.
"I didn't do it! But I got my power back and I thought, what would I be doing if I were good, so I came down here and started helping. Please don't put the brain back."
One of the capes who rushed Flechette here interrupts, "This is Flechette. She's important. Can you save her?"
Riley glances at her current patient, then at Flechette. "He might wake up any time, I was expecting to be done pretty soon. How importan—"
"I'll save her."
"It's okay, she's only mostly dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. Cam, can you make me a... I'm not sure it has a name. Can you make me a copy of all the tools I used for building the double-cape you killed in California?"
Riley grabs one of the implements and starts making an incision, babbling about Wollstone's ratios and the exact voltage to restart a dead human.
And mid-scream, "You!" He scrambles away from her, ignoring the fact that he's still only most of the way through a surgery, and throws out a hand toward her. There's a flash of flame, followed by a pile of ashes where Riley used to be.