Cam is watching a new recording of Atriama, tail swishing in the gap in his couch, and doesn't stop to pause the show when he feels a summons go by.
"Sure, why not. But what you should really do is, give Flechette a proper weapon. I've been telling her for ages, poking things with needles isn't going to cut it. Make a twenty-foot sword if you can make it light enough, she'll catch it. Let's see Ziz dodge that."
Cam gives her the sight and the heads-up glasses. "She's the other non-Eidolon person lit up green?"
The current round of capes is harrying the Simurgh as much as they can, though nothing other than Flechette and sometimes the Triumvirate appears to deal much damage. The boy with the lance disintegrates the hovering objects that the Simurgh uses for both offense and defense, and strikes at her directly when she floats low enough, only to be smashed downward by an unexpected piece of building. The Simurgh gets blasted backward by a laser just in time to not be hit by a crossbow bolt.
He asks his armband where Flechette is.
"She's the one marked green!"
Flechette is one of the comparative few standing on ground level. She stops while loading another bolt to dodge a projectile, then fires when no teammates are in the way.
"She's still on that? Here?
...well, the arbalest isn't working like I'd hoped. That might actually help. Does have to be scaled down to where I can move it, unless you're planning to using my power on a flagpole and just topple it on her."
Flechette looses another shot, the three-foot needle flying straight through where the Simurgh would be if she hadn't stopped short.
"What kind of a structure? It has to be long and thin, like the arrows. A thread won't hold the shape." Another bolt.
"It'll - here." He hands her a twenty-foot-long sword, light enough to wield with one hand.
She concentrates on it for a moment, then swipes it toward the Simurgh.
The Endbringer just flies twenty feet higher, and is then struck back down by Alexandria.
"I wish I had known about you sooner I would have given you wings and taught you to fly," mutters Cam, adding six feet to the sword. She's got both hands on it, should be fine.
She swings the sword, and it cuts through some of the Simurgh's wings' wings on the way toward the core. Feathers flutter down, along with a few more substantial pieces, but the Endbringer twists out of the way.
The road beneath the Simurgh cracks, then flips upward and launches itself at Flechette.
Cam anchors the road to the ground below it and trips, wings outflung, between the chunk and the girl in case it keeps going.
The Simurgh takes advantage of everyone's distraction to extend a wing through Eidolon. He briefly turns gaseous and then resumes blasting her slightly less powerfully.
"Yeah but I can't insta-teach-you-to-fly," Cam replies, getting himself back into a standing position.
"She could do that all along?"
Cam hisses and says, "How fast can you apply your power to a sword, if I make it handle first and make it through her?"
"Split second at least, and I can't infuse anything that isn't there yet. But we have to try it."
And as soon as her hand is posed to accommodate a sword, he makes sword straight at the Simurgh, very very fast.
As soon as he starts, the intervening space fills with the densest pieces of debris from the immediate vicinity. Air rushes out of their path. Creating more sword suddenly gets correspondingly harder, but it's clearly a temporary defense.
"Other hand," he suggests anyway. And when her other hand's poised he arms that one too, so defenses will have to split between two paths.
The Simurgh solves this problem by interposing the most swordproof object available. Cam feels a wrenching sensation, and is suddenly directly between Flechette and the Simurgh regardless of how the other two move.
Cam can permit a hole through himself if he wants and the Simurgh doesn't get a say in the matter. "I'M FINE DO THE THING!" he yells before swearing loudly about having a sword through him.
She knocks a flier out of the sky with a barely-visible strand of hair, and then the third group of capes starts rotating in.