Cam is watching a new recording of Atriama, tail swishing in the gap in his couch, and doesn't stop to pause the show when he feels a summons go by.
They'll arrive without incident; there aren't a whole lot of fliers who hang out above the Pacific.
When they land, Cam says, "Any preferences for how I attach this to you?" and holds up the head in a jar.
"If you don't usually sleep on your back or something I can just attach it to your spine, leaves your arms and legs free."
And Cam fiddles with a vertebra until it is firmly attached to the jar brain.
Toggling the existing upgrades still works. When the fiddling is done Riley is indefinitely down to normal.
Cam inquires after what else she needs to be comfortable, sets her up, notifies her that if the jar detaches from her spine and he's not authorizing it then boom, and then looks for biotinkers who would like to do a little contract work and can come up with a longer term Hatchet Face Brain solution. And emails the Elite a list of things that he's aware of which are illegal and not immoral, and the Protectorate the memberships insofar as he can produce them of the groups they had in mind.
The Protectorate is probably making use of those names in some way that isn't immediately obvious, and Elite-occupied areas see a spike in crimes Cam doesn't object to.
When he has a design he swaps out the head on Bonesaw's spine for a more permanent model. Back to business as usual.
Clearly every city containing the Elite had a coincidental wave of illegal activity that exactly balanced out their recent change of heart. No other explanation is possible.
Cam thinks other explanations are possible. Would the Protectorate like to swat them? Would they like help?
Up until he shows them the full list of the Elite's activities. In several places the Elite had reputations as strictly business and strictly legitimate, but as it happens the second part was never true. Cue the war between the two largest parahuman alliances.
Whee. Cam helps. Mostly remotely; he sets up floating platforms so he can drop merchandise without worrying about intersecting important metropolis. If the Protectorate would like this merchandise to include tinkertech to go after Elite with he won't say boo. Bad Elite.
Only mostly. More so now that they've dropped the facade. Exposing the Elite turns into an ongoing headache for the heroes on the other side of the Pacific, but they're gradually winning.
In short order Tokyo looks like a functioning 22nd-century city, with the addition of tightly controlled capes.
Which means Cam can spread out his attention a little more. He was already doing a lot of overseas commerce, but in broad strokes - you don't need to be a particularly decent individual to be trusted with a hepatitis vaccine. He checks up on people real carefully for anything else, now, but he goes looking.
Which means more opportunity to run across just what the rest of the world looks like. Eastern Europe has barely got anyone with the reach to distribute things, China is the CUI, and nearly everything in Africa is under the control of one of the many competing short-lived warlords. And the lack of candidates comes even before sorting by trustworthiness.
Yes. Cam singlehandedly brought Japan back out of a previous century and hasn't finished; everyone kind of likes having him around.
...Okay, Japan can keep him for now, but only because he's really short on people to delegate things to. He keeps looking. Occasionally he just literally parachutes food or creates rain over places where that seems like it would be helpful.