Cam is watching a new recording of Atriama, tail swishing in the gap in his couch, and doesn't stop to pause the show when he feels a summons go by.
"If someone manages it and then decides they want to rescue Crawler I will drop a Hatchet Face brain on him."
"It's not a likely scenario. And that's a thing you can do now, isn't it. Welcome to being every cape's worst fear."
Cam summons his spaceship.
And the heroes start returning from what was at least a success, if mostly not theirs.
When the spaceship arrives: "Into the ship with you, Riley."
"Out of curiosity, would it actually be possible for you to perform a brain transplant on yourself? I wasn't expecting you to be able to wriggle out of your encasement," Cam remarks as they ascend. "I might want to make you a vessel with no surprises. You could keep the pain thing."
"I haven't done anything like that to myself before, but probably. I'm good at that kind of thing."
"The immunity to everything, the immortality, the stuff to keep my hands perfectly stable, the vision upgrades... there's a lot."
"Oh come on, that could be a hidden weapon at least as easily as the others!"
"If I try to make your vision upgrade and it is not a vision upgrade, then it won't appear."
"They'd make you harder to put down if somebody other than me needs to do it and the hand stability presumably makes you faster at tinkering in a way that would become quickly inconvenient if you found a way to ditch the brain and skedaddle."
"If I get recognized, I'd rather not be able to be killed by a little old bullet."
"So stay indoors. Go brunette, if you like, although key people will still know who you are."
"Change their hair color? Yes, they do it all the time, although I was actually offering to make your hair in your new body just grow that way."
"Then you can keep it, assuming you haven't done anything weird to it that you aren't telling me about which won't come through in the copy."
"Twenty feet or so. Enough that capes would want to stay away from me so they don't lose their powers."
"Hmm." Cam pulls out his computer, does some figuring. "I can probably do my own brain in a jar setup - well, head in a jar, simplifies things - that'll last for at least until I can find a biotinker who isn't you and owes me a favor who'll do it. But I am planning for your entire transition to a less terrifying body take place here in this spaceship which you cannot drive with no company but me and it doesn't have that much room. Is this enough room for you to work or do I need to make an addition anyway?"