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LessOnline falls into necromantic peril

There is a sea of hundred of nerds having myriad conversations about everything and nothing. Corners, nooks, and crannies are filled with fluffly seats, whiteboards, and free snacks. One woman, tall, dressed darker than the rest, lounges in the shade.

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She's in dark clothes because it's on theme. Being on theme is very important once the base needs are taken care of! Here she goes by Chloris, but that's from a book. 

What are they doing over here? She looks over the gardens, looking at nooks and crannies...


There is a group of five cloaked individuals with scraggly hair in a formation, holding candles. They're chanting softly. A feeling of wrongness spreads over the area.


This looks interesting! She looks at the magic with a professional interest.

"Hello!" She waves enthusiastically. "That's a cool aura you've got going! Mind if I help out?"


The cloaked individuals continue to chant. They have shown no indication that they've seen Choris' friendly offer.


Chloris thinks about if she wants to take this as an insult, and comes down about midway. She draws a small wand from her purse and sets it down in mid-air, and begins to summon up her own aura. It's less wrong, but more acrid and vaguely purplish in hue. "Humph," she says.


The five look slightly confused. They look toward Choris, and one says, "Uh, hey, I'm not sure what the interaction is going to be between our fields. Can you do that.." As he was going to say the word 'elsewhere', the air shuddered. A black schism appeared in midair between the two groups. The faint sound of tormented souls could be heard coming from within. 


"I don't think you should summon up fields like that if you don't know how to control them," Cloris says, scornfully, and picks up her purse.

She looks at the rift with interest. Is that the ontological plane of torment? Doesn't quite look like it. 



The five back away. "You're insane!" one says. "We've no idea what lies beyond the veil!" 

The rift continues to hang in the air, edges rippling eerily.


She follows them, looking though her purse in a distracted way. "Oh, do you want to borrow one of my books on the topic?" She digs around. "I have volume three of Eternal Powers of the Night, but you can start that series anywhere you want." She digs around some more and pulls out something that looks like a dreamcatcher made from just knotted sinew.


"Sh-shut it down now!" The blonde boy looked like the leader. "Do it! Or else!"


Rude. Like it's her problem that they are doing something magical without delineating their aspects. She glares at the boy, and looks at one of the other people, pokes him.

"Say, do you think that rift looks like it's going to one of the Ontological Torment planes or is it something else?"


"T-torment? I, uh, we were just.. I mean, we only know the one ritual. It's supposed to, to tell us what our implicit biases are. But this.."


Chloris giggles brightly, and shakes her head. "No, I think you got the wrong ritual. Self amplification is *very difficult*. Why don't you start with summoning a demon or something? I hear it's very popular."


"I think we already have," the blonde boy said with a hard face. "Fortunately, I prepared for this situation."

He pulled a silvery, curved daggar from a sheath hidden behind his cloak. He lunged at Chloris!


Chloris is stabbed. She feels like defending yourself is beneath her dignity, and abandons the body as soon as it falls.

She reinstatiates immediately behind a tree - she's been in this reality long enough to have one replacement marionette cached locally, so she doesn't miss anything.

She walks out and frowns, and picks her purse up from out of the air where it has hung itself. 

"You're being a very silly boy, you know"


The five turn to sprint in a panic. They head straight toward the direction of the front gate. 

The black tear in reality remains where it was, unchanging. A distant screech emanates from within. 


She follows, wandering after them. Maybe she could get a drink- there were these fun metal capsules somewhere in this direction


And indeed, there was a fridge full of beverages to select from. There was also a series of exclamations coming from behind Chloris. Suddenly, all colors inverted. The crack in reality was now white. The ground began to shake. 


Ugh. Can't people ever clean up after themselves? Still, she wants to hear the music later, and there's not going to be any music like this!

She tosses the dreamcatcher-like artifact in the direction of the bursting rift, and it begins to sparkle in glee, throwing sparks in all directions.

That should do it. It's important to be prosocial at these events! 


The rift was closed, light returned to normal, and the event was saved. Hooray for life, and the ability of music to motivate a lich to not callously allow hundreds to perish in the plane of ontological-not-quite-torment.

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