
A habitable moon of a planet. It a rather dry place, the sky is light pink and the vegetation is Mediterranean at best, when not outright desertish. The people who live on this moon are ideological anarchists who came here from the planet a century ago and have managed to eke out some kind of society thereupon. A person is born into this world.

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"A school? What's that?" asked Luzeka,  one of Laurence's male guardians, who was minding him and a gaggle of other six-to-eight year olds in an adobe house on the edge of the medium-sized town where they were residing at the moment.


Hearing Laurence explain in his excited six year old voice about this "school" concept jogged Luzeka's memory - yeah he had been taught about schools at one point in his life. That was one of the things their ancestors used to do back on the Archists' world, and that they probably still do down there. He didn't really see why the idea of multiple adults ruling over many children sounded appealing, but if Laurence wanted to play this game that was fine. "Uh, okay sure. Let's do a school." he replied.

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