In which horrifying unethical experiments
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"Don't mind her, she's like that."


"I'm used to it," she shrugs.


"So, seems like the bounty is still up. You guys ready to rumble?"






"Let's go, then."


The bounty was posted by High Priestess Niren of the Temple of Freyja in Ræl, capital of the Arunafeltz States. According to the description, the roweens and desert wolves that live to the northeast of the city have been getting a lot more agitated and aggressive recently, and they suspect something's up in the Ice Cave up there (and yes, it's in capital letters). The bounty requests that the adventurers that wish to take it come to Ræl to speak with the High Priestess for more details.


Sure, they can get a teleport there.


The Arunafeltz States are located in the western part of the continent of Rune-Midgard, spanning an enormous desert and bordered to the west by a desolate plateau beyond which is the Edge of the World. Their geography is not as hostile as Schwarzwald's, though, as they have access to frequent oases, and Thor's Volcano to the south makes its surroundings downright pleasant, with most of the country's food being grown in farms in that region. But Ræl itself lies at the very heart of the country, having been built at and around one of the largest if not the largest natural oasis in the desert.

And it's beautiful.

Broad plazas and thoroughfares; greenery, completely out of place when set against the desert beyond the walls, with tall trees and neat gardens of flowers and grass imported from Geffen or Prontera; the occasional fountain or statue of Freyja or her Valkyries here and there. The buildings are sandstone, near-identical two-story square things set one next to another like toy blocks—except when they're not, when they're hexagonal or circular or have more floors, when they're crested into domes or minarets of reinforced glass and decorated with their own private walled patios.

But most striking of all is Sessrúmnir, the temple of Freyja, overlooking the city from an elevated plateau. From the central plaza one can walk north and climb the stairs leading up to its gates, always open and giving a perfect view of the extensive gardens that surround the cathedral. It's almost as big as the city itself, or at least it feels that way, with its grandiose architecture designed to give one a sense of awe and reverence.

And that's where they find the High Priestess, protecting herself from the sun's oppressive gaze in a charming gazebo by a water lily pond. "Good morning, and may Freyja's love accompany you in your path," she greets the party, standing up from the bench she'd been sitting at and bowing slightly. "Is there anything I could help you with?"


"High Priestess Niren? I'm Taharqi, and these are my partymates Annika and Lucky. We're here about the bounty."


(This is the prettiest place Lucky has ever seen. The city itself was interesting, completely different than what she's used to, but the temple grounds are the kind of place she could believe someone built to honour a god.)


"Ah, yes, I see. I will be leading a service in ten minutes, and had just been taking a rest before it. Would you care to join me?"




Wait, really?


Wait, really?


"Wonderful. Right this way, then, please," she says, leading the way towards the cathedral. She walks at a leisurely pace, taking in sights she has doubtlessly seen thousands of times already but which she still seems to appreciate. "Is this your first time in Arunafeltz?"


"Annika and I have been, once, recently, to deal with another bounty, but we didn't stop in Ræl then. I believe this is Lucky's first time, too."


"—yes! This is my first time here, too."


"I hope you're finding the place to your liking."


"It's beautiful, I've never seen anywhere like this before." This may be because she's not seen much of anywhere at all before, but she has been to, for example, Prontera, and it's nothing like this. Even Lighthalzen, with its picture-perfect modern buildings, isn't like this.


"I'm glad you think so. We strive to create on Midgard as close a mirror to Our Lady Freyja's heavenly Sessrúmnir as we can."


Annika rolls her eyes so hard they almost make a noise.


"Ah, good morning, Father," says Niren when she spots an elderly man dressed in similar garb to hers intercepting them.


"Good morning, Mother Niren. And who are your guests?"


"These are Taharqi, Annika, and Lucky, adventurers sent by Eden to help with the problem we're having in the northeast."

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