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Irabeth nods. "I do have a lead on that, although a poor one. There's someone in the city who can reportedly cast legend lore, a very powerful divination, although they're not a powerful wizard other than that. I'd like you to try to find them later today. There's a separate reason to think they may know something about what's wrong with the Wardstone."


"Of course!" Seelah is very happy to be given obviously-useful orders directions.


"Are there people in Kenabres who could contribute funds to order supplies or mercenaries via teleport, enough to materially affect the situation?"


"Count Arendae is certain to be wealthy enough. I don't know if he'd donate any of it, or if he's still in the city - he might well have arranged his own teleport out - someone should check at his mansion."

"The next wealthiest person in the city is likely Lord Horgus Gwerm, who is here already and has made what contribution he can, so please don't bother him, everyone." 

"After them would come individual adventurers and some of the other merchants and craftsmen; I'll have someone make discreet inquiries to check who is alive and hasn't lost their livelihood. All the temples have already contributed all they can." Because out of the five temples in Kenabres, four are to Good gods and the last one is Abadar's. She feels a firece pride in her countrymen, who may not all be Good or Lawful but who responded to the opening of the Wound by becoming more so, not less.


Most of the crusading and paladin orders represented at the table don't have very strong opinions and are willing to follow Irabeth's lead, as long as everyone else does the same.

The order of the Flaming Lance thinks they should gather as much intelligence as possible before striking. Perhaps some probing raids first, or putting their money towards divinations? A journey to the Blackwing Librarium to look for references to Lariel and the Light of Heaven seems advisable.

The order of the Sunrise Sword is confident in their ability to detect and neutralize demonic possession or enchantments - not that they would speak out against an attack, of course, if it seems advisable...?

The Everbright Crusaders want to focus on rescuing civilians, which is also best done today and not left for later, even if that trades against assembling their resources for an assault tomorrow.

The Riftwardens are in charge of the expedition that was sent to check the status of the Wardstone border and would prefer not to act until it returns.

Lann would like to work on building a safe way for the mongrels to come up through the rift; the cultists in the Garrison are likely to collapse or trap the exit from the Maze now that they've used it once.


Gord wants to visit Ramien again, for several reasons, but other than that he can help with some of those things!


Irabeth will stay here to act as coordinator, dispatcher and emergency backup; Anevia is her second and should be informed of any major developments.

After some shuffling of tasks, she proposes that most of them who are not patrolling should start by going to the central square and then fan out from there. Lann and Wenduag will then join the crusaders already there in inspecting the rift's condition and emplacing ropes and ladders; once that work is done, they can climb down to inform the tribes.

She'd appreciate it if Gord decides which task or tasks he'd like to attempt and who he'll be going with, because he is strong enough for her to rebalance his team to include fewer rank-and-file paladins. Irabeth has several missions of her own to assign, in addition to those previously mentioned. If he's willing, she'd particularly like him to go to the Tower of Estrod; a letter found on Hosilla's body indicates there's a large cultist group there, and they should scout the situation and eliminate it if able.


Gord wants to go somewhere that needs him because he's even stronger now. And he wants to help people and to not be there when the paladins inevitably execute surrendering cultists. (He doesn't say this out loud.)

He can check in with Ramien at the plaza and then go to the tower of Estrod, and then no other high-level fight presents itself he'll do some patrolling and help people.

As to party members, he - completely forgot to find some, didn't he. Lann and Wenduag have their own thing. If he'd thought of it in time, he would have spent last night talking to some of the other adventurers here and not just to Gemyl.


Irabeth recommends partying up with Seelah. They already know each other, and she's the only unattached paladin here, not being a member of any order. (Also, Seelah is already briefed on the inconvenient context that they're both carefully not mentioning.)

Gord's party can use more muscle (but so can everyone else) or archers (she wants to keep them back to defend the tavern) or a wizard (she doesn't have any) - actually -

"There's a man we arrested on a charge of theft, just before the attack. We didn't have time to hand him over to the authorities, so he's still locked up in the basement. He's a wizard and good with locks. Given the situation, I'm going to set him free, to free up my men who are guarding him. If you can convince him to help you, or just to fight in the tavern's defence, all the better." If she tries to convince the prisoner herself, he'd assume it was a condition for his release, but it isn't fair to demand a man risk his life in exchange for freedom if the only crime he's accused of is theft and even that hasn't been proven.


If he's going to be released anyway, then Gord's happy to talk to him. And to any other adventurers he can find who aren't partied up yet.


The biggest group for St Clydwell's Plaza won't set out for another forty-five minutes, to let people who just teamed up introduce themselves and make any last-minute arrangements like praying for spells they didn't choose yet or buying supplies.

Irabeth and a few of her people will keep working through the day, reading reports and sending messages. Any of them who don't need to talk to her are free to leave, but if you were going to bother her, now's the time.

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