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I don't have a coauthor and I won't let it stop me
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Is she or is she not supposed to shoot these people? She never learned to shoot people without potentially killing them!

Probably she can shoot them until the moment they actually surrender?


"No, please, don't kill them! They're hurt and frightened and don't know that what they're doing is wrong!" screams the elven girl.

(This is, in fact, an odd thing for someone to scream about people who are literally in the process of burning you alive.)

Also, one of those people suddenly falls down and stops moving.


This is all very weird, and Gord is suspicious of weird things, in a city invaded by demons and after the day he's just had. Maybe the girl is a succubus using her enchanted victims to lure in would-be rescuers, or something. The bonfire-in-progress does look suspiciously like it's been in-progress for a long time.

But alright, he won't kill the other guy, he'll just bludgeon him into unconsciousness or until he gives up, whichever comes first.


When the other guy sees he's hilariously outmatched he will in fact try surrendering!

"Please, stop! We're crusaders! I know this is terrible, but we had no choice but to sacrifice her for power, or we'd all die soon to the demons anyway!"

Lann and Wenduag don't not look like they might be demons, but - hey, he recognizes Horgus Gwerm, so probably these people aren't about to sacrifice him right back to Baphomet or Deskari!


"Sacrifice her for power to who?" Are these 'crusaders' actually serving a rival demon lord or, uh, Asmodeus or something?


"To Iomedae! It's the only way we can win against the demons!"


You can do that?! Sacrifice someone to Iomedae for power?


Oh good, you can do that! Wenduag is going to be such a good Iomedaen.


This is insane, and is just the kind of thing a succubus would enjoy making enchanted crusaders believe. The threat here is that she is a succubus, she enchants or dominates one of his party members and then teleports away, and he'll have to subdue them somehow.

Gord's all out of useful spells, but he bets Ramien has something to deal with enchantments. He'll pretend to half-believe them - or at least, half-believe that they're sincere - and get them to follow him to where they can hopefully be dispelled.

"I don't think Iomedae doesn't want you to sacrifice random people to her. Maybe if you sacrificed a great enemy of hers, like Areelu Vorlesh, I can see why you might expect to get power from that. But an innocent girl like her? That's what demon cultists do, not Iomedaens. Where did you get this idea from?"


"I uh, he -" the self-proclaimed crusader glances at his unconscious fellow. "He put me up to it! I didn't want to do it! But the girl, she's a witch. It's traditional to burn witches, the Inquisition does it, right. I didn't want to, but what choice have we got?! Our blades hardly scratch the demons' hides! If we don't get more power somehow, everyone in the city is going to die, including her!"


"You're scared," the girl says gently to her would-be executioner. "You feel powerless, and you think this would help. You don't have to justify yourself - not to me."

"All of you are good people, defenders of the city. You just made a mistake, that's all." She smiles happily, as if that means it's all done with and they can move on to better things.


Yeah that's definitely some kind of succubus.


"Uh, what's up with him?" Lann points at the other 'crusader', who's lying unconscious - and is beginning to snore. "Did you put him to sleep with a spell?"


"I did! It's not a real spell, it's just a trick Soot taught me. I think you can wake him up now."

The crow that's been circling around her head lands on her shoulder and looks Gord in the eyes.


The second enchanted crusader is woken up and appears to be none the worse for wear after his brief nap.

"If you want to be stronger when facing demons," Gord says, "you should come with me. I'm a cleric and I can bless your weapons." And to the girl: "I won't let them or anyone else hurt you. It's not safe for you here, but I know where people are gathering to escape the demons. Please come there with us." Hopefully that will be enticing to a succubus without being too obvious.


"Alright! Let's go!" She smiles, joyous and unrestrained. "I'm Ember! What's your name?"


Now that he takes a closer look at the probably-succubus elven-child disguise, he can see she has horrible burn scars all over her. Also, she's barefoot, and her clothes are halfway to rags.

Why did she choose to appear like that? To incite pity? To make the crusaders' acted-out sacrifice a more heinously Evil act? As a sly reference to making them burn her? Because she's copying someone specific? Gord has no idea.

He introduces himself and the rest of the party, and sends a quelling look towards Camellia and Horgus Gwerm, lest they give away the fact that he is now leading them back the way they came.

Luckily, Ramien hasn't had time to wander very far off.


"Ember! I'm so glad you're alright, I was worried for you!"


"Hi Ramien!" She gives him a wave. 


"Ramien? You know her?" Did the succubus replace a real person after all?


"I do indeed! She's an incredible person. I only wish she had as much care for herself as she does others." His tone is playfully chiding. "Thank you, for bringing her to me."


"Actually I came back here because I think these two are some kind of enchanted. They were trying to burn Ember alive, as a blood sacrifice to Iomedae. Maybe they're demon cultists after all." In Ramien's presence Gord feels much more comfortable about spooking a maybe-succubus.


"They did what?! Ember, are you alright?"


"They didn't hurt me! They were just scared and confused and desperate," she pleads earnestly. "People do bad things when they're terrified..."


Enchantment sight.

"They're not enchanted," he reports.

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