In the weeks after their escape Bonesaw is hard at work, building up a lab and growing food and splitting branches and stitching them into a scaffold so that they grow into a living treehouse.
Bonesaw freezes, caught between a complicated bundle of guilt and anxiety and fear about the 'scary', and an unexpected surge of desperate joy at the 'sister'.
"Oh. That makes sense."
"I don't think I want my sister to be scared of me but probably she should be?"
"Maybe she's not old enough to appreciate it? Maybe it would be fun when she's four or something."
"That would be nice."
"... Usually when I do surgery on four year-olds they still don't like it."
"Maybe! And maybe it'd help if you did the actual surgery while she was asleep, I think she doesn't like that part and she might like stuff like being able to see better in the sunshine."
"Oh that's a good idea.... I could also put her to sleep if she's awake when I come up with an idea?"
"I could do it without her noticing, I'm pretty sure. It should work fine for her to be asleep for most surgeries I might do, unless they require her input or something."