In the weeks after their escape Bonesaw is hard at work, building up a lab and growing food and splitting branches and stitching them into a scaffold so that they grow into a living treehouse.
Uh.... What?? She is pretty sure that someone would have mentioned if there were other humans. She... is going to watch for a bit. Maybe nab one of them if she can get them alone.
Well that won't do at all!
Bonesaw will march right in and begin doing a check-up on the sleeping one.
It will not get her hit with a stick unless they are quite a bit faster at hitting people with sticks than a baseline human! She can even do the check-up while dodging.
Bonesaw has a vial on her for in case of orcs and she'll only use a bit instead of the full thing given that these are humans but regardless they should all be sleeping soon, unless they are very good at holding their breath.
Very considerate of them.
Finally she can do a proper check-up on the sick one! How is her patient.
Bonesaw can give him a a tiny dose of the no-sleep drug she gave Beka when they fled here, that should counteract the sedative and also wake him up.
Well, he'll have to open his mouth if he can't breath otherwise, so she firmly grabs his nose and scrunches it till the cartilage collapses.
Goody! That'll give her the opening to inject some things into his tonsils that'll numb his symptoms for the next few hours.
Rude but not diagnostically relevant! She can set-up a blood transfusion with her secondary circulatory system to make sure he has better antibodies, even if he's moving around a bit while she does it.