In the weeks after their escape Bonesaw is hard at work, building up a lab and growing food and splitting branches and stitching them into a scaffold so that they grow into a living treehouse.
I guess I can treat the black eye while he's sleeping...
One poke later the patient is asleep and she is working on peeling the damaged skin off the area surrounding his eye.
Peel peel. Eventually it is time for replacing the skin.
Can you hold his eye away from the socket, like this?
And then, with the help of the supplies Beka brought for her, they can fix the eye soon enough!
Should we just leave them sleeping?
I guess they might get eaten by a bear or something but assuming they don't they'd probably find it less stressful to wake up without us around?
Soon enough they're all fixed up! She surveys the camp with a smile on her face.
"All done!"
"Oh hm, hmmmmmm..... Easiest way to do that might be to make it so that there's some sort of waker-upper drug released in a bit that gets them all to wake-up..."
Bonesaw has some enough tools to rig this up!
Beka arranges a couple of them more comfortably and then can help Bonesaw take all their tools back to their place.
Bonesaw has a bounce in her step on the way back.
"It's nice to have so many people to fix up! Not that I don't enjoy fixing you or Kat up but actually I'm sort of nervous when I have to do that sometimes and this was just fun!"
"Hm... not really? Well, souls are confusing but mostly you're just more interesting to fix than humans, not harder."
"I don't know! It's like...." Bonesaw grasps at the air, at a loss for words, "like if I get distracted and turn you into a monster on accident than I'd have done a bad job instead of something Jack would tell me I should be proud of?"
"Sometimes if I'm not paying attention and just sort of following my instincts? It used to happen more. I think my power wants things to be monsters." Bonesaw's smile fades.
"Oh huh! I wonder why that is - there's a bit in every parahuman's brain that does power control and expression. I can't talk to it or anything and I've only managed to figure out some of how it works but I'm pretty sure mine likes it when I make my art."
"I think it's been happy enough with the sort of things I've been making for our home? And the things I'm working on for if Sauron comes back and still is mad at us."