In the weeks after their escape Bonesaw is hard at work, building up a lab and growing food and splitting branches and stitching them into a scaffold so that they grow into a living treehouse.
She grabs Kat and bolts through the trees, singing to keep her feet sure while she races in the direction Bonesaw went.
On my way, five minutes.
A muscle clenched and stimulants flood her system as she drops the fish she was carrying to bolt back towards her family.
Can you find the green bottle in the kitchen?
Not if you've been heading towards me. What do you know about the ca-thing chasing you.
Bonesaw's location can be sent to Beka, in case that helps.
I'm on my way to you yeah. It's big, breaking trees, it's faster than me even while I'm singing. Hasn't said anything so probably not His Lordship.
Not clear what weapon works then, but Bonesaw has options if need be to make sure it regrets scaring her family.
That's why she's in the trees, so she's not easily snatched even if it's drawn level with her overland!
Glaurung does not know who this strange creature is or what the bottle she is holding does! Possibly if he eats her his Bonesaw will be brough to him as a reward.
"graaaa!" and the dragon is doing his level best to shield his face and chest and from the spray with his front claw which isn't even helping! And he's trying to push himself backwards and with his back claws but that's hard when he's trying to do something else with his front claws!
Glaurung successfully manages to direct his flailing limbs to scootch himself backwards.
Hurts!! he sends the orf and orc, along with a sensory impression of pain and ow and crying and bad.