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Bonesaw meets Beka in Angband
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"A surprise! I just told you, silly."

And the back end of the bat tail can go into the eye socket, where it suctions onto the optical nerve as designed. Bonesaw then presses the bat-snout at the other end up against the orf's pregnant belly, pressing firmly but not to hard. The orf's vision splits, one eye seeing normally and the other seeing a strange colorless vision of a cavity with something lumpy curled up inside. 


"What is -"


"- oh!!!"


Bonesaw grins!

"If you look closely you can see her heartbeat!"


"Oh it's a girl! Hi baby girl!!!"


Bonesaw smiles - her orf can look at the baby girl for as long as she wants.


"Awwww she's wiggling...... this is so cool!"


"Yeah, I thought you might like it! They have things like this back where I'm from but they aren't as clear and they don't go directly into your optical nerve like this one."


"Will my eye go back okay after?"


"Yeah, you can switch them out whenever you want."


"Cool! Does this thing need to be - fed or anything, I dunno how alive it is -"


"A bit! It'll draw a bit of your blood when you connect it, through the same veins that carry blood to your eye normally. I might have to do maintenance on it sometimes but that's true for pretty much all my projects."


"Huh, is it true of me? Will I need to be maintained somehow?"


"I mean if something breaks down, yeah? Or like, when you became pregnant I needed to fiddle with the paint navel so it wouldn't press up against your womb, so that sort of thing too."


"That makes sense. What happens if I don't get maintained?"


"Depends on what breaks? The nerve blocker could start blocking sensation all the time if it got fiddled with wrong, the paint navel could rupture if things went really bad for a while and that would be a whole mess, the eye could start failing to reconnect if things got in it or something and then there could be an infection in the socket I suppose, the pocket could fail to close and cause muscle strain... Bunch of things like that? None of them should happen by default and if they look like they might I'll fix it."





"You don't have to worry about it though, I'll make sure nothing bad happens to you."


"Thank you!"


"If you're done with the batimoscope, would it be okay if I look at your baby a little?"


"Sure!" She puts her eye back and hands over the batimoscope.


"Oh, she's so small."


"She's working on it, I'm hungrier than I was before."


"Goody! I think she's big enough that with the pre-natal pills mean she'd survive for at least a bit if you had her now for some reason, but I'd still need to get there fast."


"Well, I haven't had any early contractions, so she's got a while longer next to the paint." Tumpat.

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