And this flap goes there, and this other bit gets peeled off here and then a pin and....
"Yay! All done with the setup. How's it feel?" Bonesaw asks her patient.
"A present! Just gotta activate it."
And "Boop!" she says, booping the bellybutton.
The blue non-pomegranate unfurls inside the orf, tendrils of the non-seeds reaching out and wrapping around various veins, nerves, and portions of the orf's digestive track. From the outside not much happen but the orf can probably feel the tendrils move underneath her skin.
"All done!" says Bonesaw, smiling at the orf after a moment, "You should have a new set of muscles you can squeeze now?"
A jet of rainbow liquid comes squirting out of her bellybutton, right at Bonesaw who is still perched atop the orf.
"Mf, ack, no not that hard!"
"Yeah, there should be a set of eight muscles, and if you do them not super hard it'll just fill up the bellybutton and you can dip paintbrushes into it!"
It doesn't! The tendrils are distributed enough that she's not actually going to notice it's there at all.
"If you make a lot of paint, yeah. And even more for solvent - that takes lots of calories to produce even if you can't make as much of it."
"Yeah, if you sort of pull in the other direction on the muscles it'll slurp back up any paint and produce a tiny bit of solvent you can use to wipe away the paint from anything that you don't want painted. Otherwise it's pretty hard to get off."
Bonesaw's skin, clothes, and hair are not getting less rainbow at this point.
"I can make some of my own, don't worry. Also I should make breakfast."
She can set off the do that! She's going to leave the paint that got in her hair though, so she can have rainbow hair.
It's pretty! The orf will experiment with producing and mixing her own paint and eat an extra large helping of breakfast.
It's rather intuitive to use and have a fairly customizable pool of paint in her bellybutton.
Breakfast is Lucky Charms and orange juice (which has been getting steadily orange juicier), same as always.
Bonesaw is off to work! The orf is welcome to take some of the paintbrushes to pair with the navel pallette. Navellette? Bonesaw is never any good at naming things.
Beka's going to paint herself! Her tattoos are almost all black and white and they are going to be colors today, at least the ones she can reach.
Soon enough there are Flower seeds ready to be planted across Middle Earth and Bonesaw is moving on to her next project which advances more quickly than she (or her labmate Melkor) expected.
And so one day Bonesaw is taking the new project, which looks like an unusually wormlike Komodo Dragon at this point, on a walk through Angband.
Most of the orcs give Bonesaw a wide berth if they haven't got instructions to do otherwise, but the orf doesn't!
"Oh, what's that?"
"A dragon! Melkor and I made him! Isn't he cute?" asks Bonesaw, holding up the eighty pound pet.
A "rrrrrrr," sound that's a cross between a hiss and a purr can be heard coming from the dragon.