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She picks a spot against one wall to lean, and gets out her phone. She's got a little pack of puzzle games she can play to kill time.


A little over ten minutes later, in comes Ryuji wearing jeans and one of his usual graphic tees. He doesn't spot her immediately — maybe he thought nine minutes early was enough to be the first one here? His lips are stretched wide in an excited but nervous grin, and he drums his fingers on his thigh as he looks around.


Akira slips her phone into her skirt pocket and comes over with a smile. 

"Hey," she says with a little wave. "Great to see you."

She's not overdressed, is she...?


Congrats, you've successfully out-styled your boyfriend. I think that means you're winning.


He looks over at the sound of her voice. "Hey, Akira—"


And then he trails off, blushing, mouth agape.









After a long moment, he seems to startle a bit and grins sheepishly, still blushing.

"Wow, you look great, Akira!"


She smiles a smug grin. "Thanks a lot. Shall we grab tickets and snacks?"


"Yeah!" He walks over to the ticket kiosk with her. Looks like there are still plenty of seats available. "Nice! We can get middle seats."


"Works for me!" Akira orders tickets for her and Ryuji for the 11:00 showing, and the machine prints them on the spot. 


"I'll get the snacks, then, if you got the tickets."

He orders a soda and a pack of chocolate-covered pretzels, then looks over at her. "What kind d'you want?"


"Caramel popcorn, please."


He orders that. "Mind if I share it with you? You can have some of my pretzels. Also, want a drink?"


"Yeah, I'd like a pop to go with. And sure, we can share."


He orders Akira a soda of her choice, and then pays for it all.

"Okay! All that's left is finding our seats and waiting for the show to start."


Akira looks over at Ryuji and favours him with a smile. She's really looking forward to this.

"Okay, let's go."


Ryuji grins and leads the way to the seats. "Here we are! Plenty of time for the previews, too."

It's only 10:32, so they have several minutes to chat before the previews start.


Akira settles in, setting her pop in the chair's drink holder and gathering her caramel corn in her lap. 

"I'm really looking forward to this," she says. "These movies are really fun. I hope this third one's as good as the first was."


"Yeah! It's been a while since I've seen one."

He sips his drink and opens his pretzels, tossing one into his mouth.


Akira tries some of her caramel popcorn. It crunches satisfyingly between her teeth. 

She looks over at Ryuji, then away. She's on a date...


She's not the only one taking shy glances. 

"What was your favorite of the two so far?"


"I think the first was a little better than the second. I liked the redirecting cannonballs thing in the second, but it's a little predictable to do kung fu versus guns, yeah?"


Ryuji nods. "Yeah, totally. It's the obvious thing to do. Fun to watch, though."

He crunches a pretzel for a moment.

"I hope this villain is better. Last one just wasn't as cool as Tai Lung."


"Yeah, the peacock guy just wasn't as good."

She offers her caramel popcorn. "Want some?"


"Sure, thanks!" He grabs a few pieces, blushing at an incidental brush of his hand against hers.

"Mm, these are good."

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