The following day, after school, Sadde waits for Alistair.
He speaks a ridiculous incantation and is now holding a piece of paper with her number on it.
"For sure. Time!" And he's back where he started. "Hey who wants to see the famous handcuff trick?"
Alistair does. He places them around Sadde's wrists, slowly, watching Sadde's face as he does.
And after a certain point, he'll back off, letting Sadde handle the dramatic portion.
"Now this one is fairly straightforward, considering. Love, help me grab the Through Card from my pocket please?"
He helps.
His smile is more photogenic now, although it's unclear how much of that is acting and how much is enthusiasm.
Who knows.
After grabbing the Card he says, "Through!" The Card glows, disappears, and—
—doesn't do anything.
"You use cards for some of your magic? That's interesting," says one of the audience members near the front.
"Some of it, yeah, although it usually doesn't—fail—well, I don't need the Card, anyway, I can just do—" a ridiculous incantation that makes the handcuffs go through his wrists like they were intangible.
While Sadde continues doing some more magic and recovering from the slight slip, the Cards start becoming visible to Scott.
The Through is gone. So is the Maze. He can find them both but they're in opposite directions and hiding, a lot like they were before he'd captured them and a lot unlike the Cards in his/Sadde's/Alistair's possession.
...well, actually there's a difference between his and the other two's Cards...
There are.
It's probably not smart to wait for the show to be over, in case any more get out.
"Sorry to interrupt," he says between tricks, "but I need to talk to our magician for a minute."