The following day, after school, Sadde waits for Alistair.
There's a girl, not much older than Chris's son. She's holding a phone, which she immediately shoves in Chris's face. It's playing a certain video.
A woman emerges from the kitchen, walking until she stands behind him.
She looks at the phone as well.
"I see. Who do we have the pleasure of speaking to?"
She withdraws and pockets the phone. "I'm Monica Beatson. But Nica will do. My family was informed by a mutual acquaintance that your family seems to think it's funny."
"I think you've been misinformed. Our son may have been...misled, by some new friends. We weren't expecting things to be this bad, or we might have put a stop to it entirely. We assumed they were merely reckless, not dangerously so."
"This is on YouTube. That boy, the one with your son—who is he? He's not from any families we know of—"
"Someone hasn't done her homework," another voice calls from above. Standing on a tree branch is a different girl, about the same age as Nica.
She drops down from the branch. "I'm Megan. Eoh. It's a pleasure to finally meet the Argent clan I've heard so much about."
"I wish it were under better circumstances. Maybe we should all go inside. Victoria can make us some tea."
"The Cardcaptor, chosen by Clow Reed himself, decided that the status quo needed changing. I wasn't going to say no."