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a stand-in dragon (Rivalry Ellie drops on Drakenguard Fate)
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"As is yours." She holds her hand up to her face, inspecting the droplets on blood caught on the edges. She puffs out a soft breath to extinguish the claws, then licks the blood off her fingers.



"Looks like you can't scratch me after all."


"Not permanently, it seems."


"Fortunate in some ways. Unfortunate in that my sisters are similarly protected."


"As I said, I have other tricks than main force."


"What kind of tricks?" (She still isn't pulling her top back up.)


"Combat relevant ones? Battlefield control, illusions, various debilitations. I have been interested in curses of late. I could also operate in a support role, focusing on enhancing your capabilities. Besides that... I have at least dabbled in every aspect of magic I am aware of, enough that I am confident in my ability to construct a bespoke solution to any problem that presents itself, given time."


She frowns, then, quickly (before she can pause or change her mind): "Can you manipulate souls? Minds? Can you raise the dead, or banish the unliving? Can you target things without a physical form?" And, intensely: "Can you rip someone's magic out of them?" 


"Minds yes, souls are not a coherent concept where I come from. I could heal someone from the brink of death but not restore life. Like souls I have no experience with what you term the unliving. Something without a physical form... if it were otherwise sufficiently well-specified, possibly. To rip one's magic out... at home the entities that grant our magic would actively sabotage any such attempts. If yours is not granted from the same source I doubt the same consideration would apply, but I would be starting from more or less a blank slate."


"Could you transform an animal into a person, or create a person out of nothing? Can you bind people's wills? Can you manipulate time? Can you move between universes or divergent timelines? Can you observe past or future events? Can you grant lasting power to others? If your magic is opposed by another's will, what happens?"


"No and no. Not without a great deal of work. The perception of it but not the reality. Not yet. No. No. It would depend on who is stronger, I suppose; in my world magic can only be opposed by magic."


" - Do you know of an android named Accord?"


"No, I do not."


Thoughtful frown. Then: "Can you observe magic directly? If a body is inhabited by two things, could you target only one of them? - Actually, scratch that, can you try to rip my soul or lifeforce or magic or mind or whatever out of my body?"


"Why do you ask?"


"Does that matter?" she asks, oddly bitterly. 


"If I would be simply indulging a kink, I prefer a little more reciprocity to those arrangements. Otherwise, more information will aid my visualization, which can help avoid... undesired side effects."


"Fucking hell."

"I don't think ripping shit out by the roots will work, but I've got a fucking magic - parasite or shit - hooked into my fucking body and soul. It'll die if it's ripped out of my body. I want it dead, and I don't fucking care if that puts me back in the ground." (From her brittle tone, she probably cares.) "And I can tell what people are fucking doing to me. I'll get info from how you fail."


"I see. Might you permit me a few moments to do an initial survey and make preparations, or do you prefer I move directly to experimenting with whatever comes to mind in the hopes that this parasite will be taken by surprise?"


Huff. "I've been trying to get rid of it for three years. I can wait."


"Perhaps then we might repair to somewhere more comfortable."


"Inside, I guess." She jerks her head back through the cabin's open door, then turns on her heel and strides in without waiting for Eliese.


She follows.


The place is fairly run-down - it looks like it was abandoned for a while before Zero moved in, and like Zero's never intended to stay here long. She seems to have next to no possessions, just her sword and the clothes she's wearing. She perches on what passes for a bed and asks, "Need me to do anything?"


"I require a few moments to adjust the sensory spell. Further background on the parasite would be helpful, though not necessary."

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