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listen now to the wind howl
a stand-in dragon (Rivalry Ellie drops on Drakenguard Fate)
Permalink Mark Unread

Eliese has seen a lot of shit over her many years of service. One would think that retiring to a teaching position would cut down on that sort of thing, but alas, there is no idiot like a young idiot. She is among the most qualified of the staff to clean up the various messes, so when a giant mirror-head snake abruptly appears and starts causing a ruckus, she's the one to deal with it.

She was not expecting to get eaten in the course of so doing.

She was also not expecting to see something other than exploding snake guts after such a thing happened.

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She suddenly finds herself in - a pretty normal valley, actually. One with a small waterfall spilling into a lake, that lets out into a slow river. There's a somewhat dubiously constructed wooden cabin perched between the lake and the grey cliff. She's on the other side of the lake from the cabin, with only a thin wooden bridge leading across it.

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There's also a woman stepping out of the cabin - long white hair, white (and somewhat skimpy) dress that's cut on the sides, baring her thighs, and has a low neckline and a diamond cut out over her stomach. She has a white sword with a black edge strapped to her waist. And, notably, she has a flower in place of her right eye, and her left arm is made of metal. She pulls up short as soon as Eliese appears, her hand going to her sword's hilt. She doesn't say anything, though, just stares suspiciously. 

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Interesting fashion sense. And body mods.

"Hello there."

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"Who the hell are you?"

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"Eliese. And you?"

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She crosses her arms. "Zero."

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"A pleasure to meet you, Zero. I don't suppose you've seen a large snake with a mirror-like face around anywhere, have you?"

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"No. Though I wouldn't put making that kind of abomination past my sisters. Why? You hunting one?"

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"One was the reason I appeared here so suddenly. Or so I assume."

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"It teleported you or something?"

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"Apparently so."

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"Then where are you from?"

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"The academy on Vulstix, most recently."

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"Don't recognize that name. Is Vulstix an island?"

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"It is a planet."

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"What the hell's a planet?"

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"A world that orbits a star. Typically spherical."

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"Like, in the sky?"

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Eliese is rapidly reevaluating her opinion of how much of a backwater this is.


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"Huh. Knew about other universes. Didn't know there were also a bunch of sky people."

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"Other universes?" she says, raising a brow.

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"Like whichever fucking one the dragons and Cathedral City came from."

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"I am not familiar with those."

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"Then you're lucky."

"Cathedral City's this massive city with weird ass buildings. The whole thing appeared overnight, like, a couple hundred years ago I guess? It was totally empty except for monsters - the dragons and wyverns are the only ones that left the city, but there's also these giant flying skeleton assholes and demons and shit still hanging around. People tried living there, found out it had magic, then they fucked around with the magic and the whole fucking place got depopulated, again. People were smart enough to stay the hell way after that - until recently when the Intoners set up shop."

"The dragons are people - obnoxious people, but they can talk - but I don't think any of the other monsters are."

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"Interesting... And how do you know these are from other universes? The dragons?"

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"Yeah, and the city had like a ton of books in it even if I guess it took a while for people to figure out how to read them, and there's some stuff with the magic. Magic's from the city."

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"I should very much like to see this city."

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"Its leader's on my hit list."

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"And why would that be?"

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She crosses her arms again. "We're both Intoners. If I kill her, then I take her power."

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She frowns (as far as Eliese can tell, mostly at the topic of discussion). "Six magic assholes right now - one magic asshole when I'm done." Her frown deepens and twists into an intense scowl. "We're the most dangerous things in our world."

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That is no longer true, Eliese suspects. She hums.

"I see. Have you a more concrete plan for facing your enemies? I ask because, as it happens, my primary occupation before this unexpected translocation was training magic users to kill others of their kind more effectively. As I find myself presently in need of a native guide, it seems to me we might come to a mutually beneficial agreement."

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"There's an order I need to kill them in," she admits, grudgingly. "And I'll pick up their disciples after I kill them to help me with the next.

"Each of them's set up ruling a different country. I'm going to walk in and fight them until they're permanently dead."

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"You certainly don't lack for audacity."

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"Pussyfooting around's never helped."

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"Indeed not."

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"How strong are you?"

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"I once glassed half a planet."

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"Strong, then," she acknowledges. "Definitely enough for all the trash around them, and any demons they summon. Intoners can only be permanently injured or killed by other Intoners though - or by dragons. Strong alone won't cut it there."

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"I do have some more subtle tricks."

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She thinks then shrugs. "Let's see if you can hurt me."

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"Do you have any preferences as to the location?"

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"How hard's your minimum?"

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"It is an entirely variable scale. Anything from, say, a sunburn to vaporization." Headtilt. "Were you an ordinary person, of course. I myself have ways of mitigating damage and I cannot yet say how you might interact with my magic."

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Shrug. "I've already got a source for prosthetic arms, if you might blow a limb off. But if all I'm risking is a scar, I'd rather that be hidden under my clothes."

"The major regen'll only kick in for massive damage, and even if you don't block that it's still an inconvenient pain in the ass, but it'd cover vaporization and shit. I'll still heal quickly and without a mark from minor shit, though. And it should be all or nothing - either you can scratch me, or you can't kill me."

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"Shall we try a scratch, then?"

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"Sure." She pulls her top down (with the first smile Eliese has seen on her face) and gestures to the left side of her chest. "Under where the clothes go."

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Smirk. "As you say."

She crooks her right hand into a claw and incants, "Five-fold Storm Talons!" Sharp blades of lightning fizzle into existence on each of her fingers, and she shallowly slashes up along the outer side of Zero's breast.

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Her expressions stays perfectly even throughout - she doesn't flinch or make a sound when Eliese cuts her. "An interesting trick," she says - and the wound closes, leaving behind only the blood that Eliese drew. 

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"As is yours." She holds her hand up to her face, inspecting the droplets on blood caught on the edges. She puffs out a soft breath to extinguish the claws, then licks the blood off her fingers.

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"Looks like you can't scratch me after all."

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"Not permanently, it seems."

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"Fortunate in some ways. Unfortunate in that my sisters are similarly protected."

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"As I said, I have other tricks than main force."

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"What kind of tricks?" (She still isn't pulling her top back up.)

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"Combat relevant ones? Battlefield control, illusions, various debilitations. I have been interested in curses of late. I could also operate in a support role, focusing on enhancing your capabilities. Besides that... I have at least dabbled in every aspect of magic I am aware of, enough that I am confident in my ability to construct a bespoke solution to any problem that presents itself, given time."

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She frowns, then, quickly (before she can pause or change her mind): "Can you manipulate souls? Minds? Can you raise the dead, or banish the unliving? Can you target things without a physical form?" And, intensely: "Can you rip someone's magic out of them?" 

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"Minds yes, souls are not a coherent concept where I come from. I could heal someone from the brink of death but not restore life. Like souls I have no experience with what you term the unliving. Something without a physical form... if it were otherwise sufficiently well-specified, possibly. To rip one's magic out... at home the entities that grant our magic would actively sabotage any such attempts. If yours is not granted from the same source I doubt the same consideration would apply, but I would be starting from more or less a blank slate."

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"Could you transform an animal into a person, or create a person out of nothing? Can you bind people's wills? Can you manipulate time? Can you move between universes or divergent timelines? Can you observe past or future events? Can you grant lasting power to others? If your magic is opposed by another's will, what happens?"

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"No and no. Not without a great deal of work. The perception of it but not the reality. Not yet. No. No. It would depend on who is stronger, I suppose; in my world magic can only be opposed by magic."

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" - Do you know of an android named Accord?"

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"No, I do not."

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Thoughtful frown. Then: "Can you observe magic directly? If a body is inhabited by two things, could you target only one of them? - Actually, scratch that, can you try to rip my soul or lifeforce or magic or mind or whatever out of my body?"

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"Why do you ask?"

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"Does that matter?" she asks, oddly bitterly. 

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"If I would be simply indulging a kink, I prefer a little more reciprocity to those arrangements. Otherwise, more information will aid my visualization, which can help avoid... undesired side effects."

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"Fucking hell."

"I don't think ripping shit out by the roots will work, but I've got a fucking magic - parasite or shit - hooked into my fucking body and soul. It'll die if it's ripped out of my body. I want it dead, and I don't fucking care if that puts me back in the ground." (From her brittle tone, she probably cares.) "And I can tell what people are fucking doing to me. I'll get info from how you fail."

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"I see. Might you permit me a few moments to do an initial survey and make preparations, or do you prefer I move directly to experimenting with whatever comes to mind in the hopes that this parasite will be taken by surprise?"

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Huff. "I've been trying to get rid of it for three years. I can wait."

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"Perhaps then we might repair to somewhere more comfortable."

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"Inside, I guess." She jerks her head back through the cabin's open door, then turns on her heel and strides in without waiting for Eliese.

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She follows.

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The place is fairly run-down - it looks like it was abandoned for a while before Zero moved in, and like Zero's never intended to stay here long. She seems to have next to no possessions, just her sword and the clothes she's wearing. She perches on what passes for a bed and asks, "Need me to do anything?"

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"I require a few moments to adjust the sensory spell. Further background on the parasite would be helpful, though not necessary."

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"...I don't like talking about it." She huffs, though, and gestures at the flower growing out of her eye. "This fucking thing's part of it."

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"More of a symptom than a cause, I assume."

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"Not really. The flower's its physical form. ...Kind of. It's complicated. The flower sprouted after the last time I died."

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"How many times have you died?"

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Uncomfortable shrug. "First time was before this damn thing crawled into my body. Dunno how long I was dead, but it brought me back. I've died like, two times since. Last one was thanks to a fucking dragon blowing off my arm."

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"Quite unusual. Hold still a moment."

"Eyes of Heaven with Sight Beyond Sight." Eliese's eyes flash purple with mystic power, and she turns her gaze on Zero and her parasite.

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Zero's not too happy about the scrutiny; Eliese isn't exactly getting the sense that she's a private person, though, more that she's been burned a lot in the past. 

The flower in her eye has roots throughout her body, wrapping especially around and through vital organs - and many of its roots terminate in something beyond sight. It's immensely magical, far moreso than Zero. Possibly, actually, the source of Zero's magic - other than the evil flower infection, she looks like a normal human. Not even a dead human - though her lungs are thoroughly fucked, and it looks like the flower's taken their place, and what's left of her own lungs are badly scarred. She has deep marks like lashes on her back, too, though her skin is unbroken and perfectly smooth.

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She shakes her head once and cancels the spell.

"You'll need new lungs, at the very least."

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"Explains all the blood I was coughing up the first time," she says, only somewhat sarcastically. 

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"It would."

"Unfortunately, I do not think any of my arsenal suitable for attacking this problem as it stands."

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"You said you can develop things."

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"I did, and I can. But it will take time."

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"How much?"

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"A few days. Perhaps a week."

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Thoughtful frown. "...How sure are you that it'll work?"

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"I am very good at killing things. Even- perhaps especially- magical things. What I am more concerned about is limiting the collateral damage. If I wanted to vaporize the parasite, and you, and everything else including the terrain in a five mile radius, I could do that today. Perhaps tomorrow morning if I wished to be excessively certain of my own survival."

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"...I still care that it dies more than anything."

"But I suppose a week isn't that much more of a delay."

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"It is not, as these things go."

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"It'll get stronger over time. But it's already been growing for years."

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"Just try to avoid dying again in the meantime."

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"My sisters haven't come after me since last time. They'll probably leave me alone until I start attacking them again."

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"Very considerate of them."

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"Their mistake."

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"Always appreciate when your enemy makes a mistake."

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"They've made a lot, though more would be better."

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"As is ever the case."

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She's quiet for a long moment.

Then: "If your plan works... I might not have to fight them."

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"...Flower's rooted in me, but - anchored in them. I have to kill them to get rid of it."

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"Whereas if you had a way to attack the parasite directly instead... I see."

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"Might still complicate removing it entirely, though."

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"I think you will lose your magic, if you do."

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"It's not my fucking magic. I don't need something else's power." She actually sounds like she means it, unlike with her declarations that she doesn't care if she outlives the parasite.

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"As you say. I wouldn't want it to be an unexpected surprise, in the event."

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Small huff. "Thanks."

"But I've been expecting to die without it for years. Anything else is a pleasant surprise."

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"Fair enough."

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"And even people without stupid parasitic evil flowers growing in them can learn to use magic, and even if most of them are trash - I won't be."

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"I see."

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Another huff.

"I'm getting tired of talking about this."

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"A change of subject, then. I believe it might be your turn to ask a question."

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Hum. "You worked at some kind of school, right?"

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"Indeed. The Imperial Charter, it is called. The finest center of magical education in the entire Domain." Her lips quirk. "Of course, it is also the only such institution..."

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"Got better when they recruited you?"

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"If you will not think I flatter myself overmuch by saying so."

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"Not if it's true."

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"Then yes, I do believe I made a positive impact in the overall quality of education given there."

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"Good for them."

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"And for me as well, it must said. It was... a welcome change from the front lines."

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"You were a soldier?"

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"'Warrior' would be a more accurate word. Not much good at orders or teamwork, you see. No magical girl really is, at the end of the day."

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"I've never been one for orders, either. And I suck at teamwork, so."

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"The trick is too be good enough that you are easy to work around, and can easily work around others."

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"Other people get in my way." (Or, usually, die stupidly because she can't protect them.)

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"I will strive not to repeat those mistakes."

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"Perhaps I can even teach you a thing or two."

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"Going to put all your teacherly talent into it?"

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"If required."

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"Give it your best."

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"Already planning to be a difficult student?"

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"No teacher's survived me yet."

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"I am rather hard to kill."

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"Though I would be obliged if you didn't try too hard."

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"Then where's the challenge?"

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"I'm sure something else suitable could be arranged."

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"I note you've yet to put your shirt back on."

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She snorts. "If you want something, say it."

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"How about this for a challenge- if you can get my shirt off in one piece, I'll let you keep it." She's wearing a rather nice blouse at the moment, soft, breathable fabric in a dark green flatteringly fitted with half-length sleeves.

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"You planning to fight back?"

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"That would be more challenging, no?"

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She smirks and steps closer to Eliese, teasingly - and blatantly - reaching for the bottom hem of her shirt.

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Eliese's hand slaps Zero's away, blindingly fast.

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Oh she's on.

(Zero's hand: fails to be properly slapped away. Eliese needs to course correct mid-slap, for one, as Zero yanks her hand to the side - and even once she makes contact, Zero's hand is remarkably not-going-anywhere; Eliese is stronger but would probably need sustained pressure or a much harder hit to really knock Zero off balance.)

Also, relatedly: Zero's now trying to punch Eliese in the face, also blindingly fast. (Eliese said no tearing the shirt. She didn't say anything about the rest of her body.) (Her form's pretty blatantly not formally trained; she's an experienced brawler, not a soldier nor martial artist. She's remarkably good at not telegraphing her movements - one movement Eliese is pushing her hand away, the next Zero's other fist is flying at her.)

...And, simultaneously, she's kicking at Eliese's ankle, and grabbing Eliese's slapping hand.

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Her ankle she doesn't allow to give at all, though Eliese will deign to allow her head to be twisted to the side by the punch. (An unaugmented human's extremities would still be broken by the impact in both cases.) The latter action is mostly to make it harder for Zero to read her lips as she incants a spell that causes her grabbed hand to burst into flame.

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Zero's reaction to holding on to a fiery wrist is, as befits her name, exactly zero. She instead squeezes and twists, as if she's testing the breakability of Eliese's joints - 

- And digs suddenly clawed finger-tips into the skin, and she grabs for Eliese's neck with her free hand. 

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"Clingy one, aren't you?" Eliese says as Zero connects. Her fire hand extinguishes itself, and Eliese slowly forces it out and to the side.

And then, seeing as both Zero's hands are occupied but she still has one free- "Gelskin," she says, and Zero loses all purchase on her body as Eliese delivers a full-force palm strike to her sternum.

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That moves her! She goes flying back. ...Though she decelerates faster than physics would suggest possible, flipping and somehow ending up in a crouch about ten or so feet from Eliese.

"You're strong," she says, approvingly, and then she takes a swing - 

Without getting any closer. Instead, a red shockwave trails from her fingertips like claw slashes, hitting even harder than she does as it snaps at Eliese's legs. 

Followed very quickly by Zero, who blurs - 

And is suddenly behind Eliese.

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It's been a long time since she's sparred this close to her level.

Hop up into the air over the shockwave, spin and snap a kick at Zero's face.

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Zero grabs for her leg before she can make contact. 

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"Ice Spike," which grows out of her foot at the same speed, continuing the trajectory.

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Zero ignores that! (The blow lands, and does actually successfuly cut her. Like every other time Eliese has plausibly damaged her, she doesn't react.) And instead yanks at Eliese's leg, possibly trying to get her off balance, possibly trying to rip a joint or two out of alignment, while striking for Eliese's core with her other hand. 

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Hard to get leverage when Eliese can support her center of gravity at will, hovering in midair. Incidentally, this makes it much easier to do improbable twisting dodges.

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She does her own improbable twisting (partially supported by Eliese's leg) to try and kick Eliese in the head as she's dodging the earlier blow.

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Head: is bonk. Head is then spinning back around to deliver Zero's head a bonk of its own.

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She's apparently aiming to turn the oncoming collision into the world's most aggressive kiss, and she grabs Eliese's shoulders.

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She's fine with that.

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And what about Zero slowly, sneakily pulling up her shirt while kissing her? 

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She's not quite distracted enough for that to work, alas.

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She can increase the distractingness of the kisses (though she's going to get frustrated soon).

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Perhaps she should occupy her hands in other ways. Eliese can demonstrate.

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Hmmm... Still doesn't result in Eliese's shirt coming off. 

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Seems conventional means aren't helping Zero there...

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As a magical girl of her experience, Eliese is more or less immune to inducement by conventional force, it's true.

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Then it's time for unconventional means - 

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Which apparently translates into Zero screaming as she starts to glow - a brilliant white fading out into bloody red light, power swirling around her, probably outright disintegrating any normal clothes in her blast zone - 

Also: not particularly safe to be standing this close to her. 

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After one accumulates enough power to push themselves beyond normal limits continually, the next trick learned is extended that superhuman durability to the things one wears. Unless one happens to be a particularly showy sort, admittedly. Eliese has known one or two girls of that persuasion, who prefer to spend that magic on fanciful glamours. Not her preferred approach.

Still, best not to spend too much time in the vicinity.

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She swipes at Eliese - 

And multiple overlapping claw-like shockwaves - as if she's condenscing all the attacks she could've done into one blow - snap at Eliese - and Zero's significantly faster than she had been (to her, the rest of the world looks slowed down, distorted like it's moving and being seen through thick water, light bending at odd angles - this is incredibly difficult to tell from outside her, since she's glowing brightly enough there's not a lot of visible details from her body, but she does seem oddly blurred) - and she's attacking again even before her first attack technically finishes, pursuing Eliese, keeping close - 

The intentional attack is far, far more deadly than simply being near her.

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Time to get a little more serious, then. She snaps out the words of a spell to invert a target's perception of time to buy a bit of space to reposition- a quiet favorite of hers, usually unexpected and scaling in effectiveness in proportion to the ability of the opponent.

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That... Doesn't seem to actually affect her. (She's swinging more or less blindly at Eliese, and as far as she's concerned, she's at her baseline perception of time - )

(Her time is just a little bit different from Eliese's time right now.)

She continues pressing the attack, more and more viciously. 

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Unfortunate. A change of stratagy, then. Barriers, physical and magical, bindings, delaying actions, aiming to slow Zero down or box her in, while Eliese pours speed into her flight. Let's see who runs low first.

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Bindings don't take, and she has some trouble with barriers but can burst through them with a few slashes - she keeps up with Eliese's speed, continually attacking her - 

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And then between one moment and the next, the weird glow ends and she snaps back into the normal timeline - though she somehow now has her sword in her hand, despite having made no motion to draw it - and she doesn't actually stumble at all, or seem affected by the glowing mode ending. She's back to fighting at her previous level, maybe a bit more energetically even.

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That's... worrying. Eliese isn't close to done yet, but if Zero's rebuilding faster than she is, this only ends one way.

She drops a large blast for cover, darts backward- and swiftly removes her shirt.

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She pulls to a stop. "Surrendering already?"

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"This was never going to be a fight to the death. I'm satisfied with what I've learned so far."

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"That you'd lose a real fight?"

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"While staying primarily defensive, yes."

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"Means you'll need me to fight the other Intoners, then - I'm stronger than they are, but they're the same kind of thing as me."

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"By then I hope to have more effective weapons."

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"Going on the offensive will help. And - last time, they only beat me because One summoned a demon dragon between me and the others. My bet is they'll try to recreate that - most of them will only manage normal demons. Those'll sap their magic, but they should be plenty vulnerable to you."

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"I'd like to test that in advance- you shrugged off some things I was expecting to be effective."

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"Which ones?"

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"The timeswap, mainly- just after you started glowing."

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"Timeswap? Thought you said you can't affect time."

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"Only the perception of it."

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"The power I used wasn't affecting perception. It was affecting reality."

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"Yes, I was hoping to create a clash in a more useful manner."

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"I noticed something with my perception getting wonkier than it normally does, but I'm just attacking anywhere you might be, so I don't think it affected me much."

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"That's one way to work around it."

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"One and maybe Two'll be the same, there, but the others might be weak enough that technique would make a major dent - though I don't think One's going to try fighting us directly."

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"How many of your sisters are there?"

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"Five - they're numbered."

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"In order of strength?"

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"And creation order - though they're not much older than each other, but there's a... Noticable maturity gap, I guess. And their false memories I think give them a year's difference for each number?"

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"I see."

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"I'm going to start with Five and work my way down."

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"Building up to the big finish. Do they cooperate well enough to prepare defenses if one is attacked?"

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"Somewhat. One's the main organizer."

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"How bad an idea would it be to take her first?"

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"Won't work. She's protected by the others, same way I am. Five's the only vulnerable one right now. Four'll be vulnerable once I kill Five. It's like that all the way down the list."

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"How do you mean, protected?"

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"I can't die while the other five are alive. One can't die until Two through Five are dead. Etcetera etcetera, until we hit Four who only needs Five to die before I can kill her. I can just go ahead and kill Five."

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"How very interesting."

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"I'm guessing it's something about how this asshole flower anchored itself."

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"That does seem likely."

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"...It created them from me. They're not really my sisters. They just think they are."

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Eliese hums. Based on earlier conversation, probably a philosophic examination of what the difference false memories and real memories make to a person will not be welcomed.

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Sigh. "Anyways..."

She makes a point then of examining Eliese's currently exposed chest - a pretty clear topic change, especially given she'd been totally unfazed by actual nudity. 

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Eliese offers up her shirt.

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She takes it with a smile - though she doesn't put it on, just holds it. "This is a good fabric," she says, mildly, like she isn't still examining Eliese's body. 

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"A special blend. Custom tailored for me."

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"You're a rich girl, huh?"

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"With all the power at my disposal, it would be harder to be poor, I think. And besides, the Domain is always eager to buy the continued loyalty of its most experience magical girls."

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"I wouldn't know."

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"Perhaps I shall have the opportunity to teach you, at some point."

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"I've never cared about that kind of shit."

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"There are benefits."

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"I just steal anything I don't have."

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"One way to become rich, if you do it often enough."

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"...I get by."

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"So you do, of course."

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"But I think we might have gotten distracted again..."

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"From the more important things."

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Eliese strikes a pose with a hand on her hip and smirks.

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Very nice. 

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"Based on that reaction, I'm assuming I won't be getting my shirt back any time soon."

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"You'd have to steal it back."

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"Sounds difficult. I think I'll put that off for a while."

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"Suit yourself."

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"I always do."

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"Are you content with just looking?"

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"You are pretty."

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"You were not so shy about laying your hands on me but moments ago."

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That sounds like a challenge to her.

She steps up to it, of course - grabbing Eliese's shoulder to pull her in. 

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Not bad. 

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She likes to think she's learned from experience, over the course of her many years.

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How old is she? 

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Two and a half centuries, give or take.

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...Lots of time to gather experience, then. 

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So it goes.

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Much more than Zero's gotten. 

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Give it time.

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"Until I'm an old lady like you?"

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"That depends how active you are. Or... receptive to instruction."

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Shrug. "I don't need to be taught shit. And I'm a lot less active than I used to be, so."

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Shrug. "Suit yourself."

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"I always do," she says, teasingly.

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"Though this is the first time I've kissed someone who's thirteen times my age, give or take."

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"I hope not the last."

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"I'd be disappointed if it was."

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"And I do so hate to crush a young woman's hopes."

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"That works out."

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"Good." Kiss.

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Very nice.

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So glad she's pleased.

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More than just pleased, right now.

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Kiss! (Zero is, actually, a pretty talented - and experienced - kisser herself.)

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How much else is she experienced with, Eliese wonders...

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A lot. Zero can demonstrate...

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Please do.

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Not the worst way to spend their time.

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Fortunately so, as there does not appear to be much else to do in the immediate vicinity.

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Five lives near enough.

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Eliese would like to get the curse ready before that.

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Is Zero distracting her from that?

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She'll have to work a bit harder to make that happen.

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She probably shouldn't.

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Likely not, no.

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She'll let Eliese focus, then. Maybe leave her be for a bit - ?

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If Zero won't get too bored. Though Eliese has always found intermittent light physical exercise is good for focus.

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A bit of variety? (And Zero's been alone for years - Eliese doesn't have to worry about her getting bored.)

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Something like that.

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That's something she can provide.

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How very hospitable of her.

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First time anyone's called her 'hospitable.'

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Most people would probably be more turned off by the fight. Or pulverized.

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Zero's killed just about everyone she's fought, true - her sisters and Eliese excepted. 

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Zero's hospitality is an exclusive club.

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Only Eliese is invited.

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Fine by her.

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Not one to share?

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Only if she gets a compelling offer.

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Zero's not one to bargain, but fortunately Eliese currently lacks competition.

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Though, speaking of Eliese's work... What can Zero do to help?

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If she will consent to further examination (sittting still for 15-20 minutes at a go) and intermediate testing (painful), that will speed the process up some.

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She's fine with both (and though the sitting still is a little annoying at times, it doesn't last too long).

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Then, five days later, after waking up in the morning, Eliese announces that she believes she has something worth a serious try.

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Then let's do it.

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"You might want to sit down for this."

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She will.

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Then here we go. Eliese settled on a moderately long incantation during the development- she suspects she'll need the extra power as much as the focus and finesse.

She raises her hand and points at the flower growing out of Zero's eye. "Roots Unbound that Coil and Surge to Seek the Life from Life Within." A sickly green flare lashes out to attack the flower.

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That gets a sound out of Zero - a strangled, teeth-clenched scream - the flower twists and writhes and then starts to shrivel like a dying rose - 

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- And then Zero goes pale, and her skin withers like the flower's petals - 

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- And she collapses, and the flower surges from her eye, grows until within a single heartbeat each of its petals is larger than Eliese - 

And Zero emerges, naked and bloody and whole, from its center as it withers and dies - 

And yet the flower is whole and undamaged in her eye.


She is, also, cursing up a storm.

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"I surmise that did not entirely work as intended."

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"Goddamned bitch flower fucking killed me! ARGH!" She kicks the pile of bloody ash her old body and the enormous flower are turning into, scattering them into nothingness. 

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"And thereby rid itself of the curse, through your regeneration. Unfortunate. More intelligence than I was hoping for."

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"At least the fucking asshole didn't give me more fake sisters this time."

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"Small mercies."

"It seems we will have to deal with the ones you already have first after all."

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"...The spell might still dislodge it from them non-fatally, at least."

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"Depending how spiteful it is."

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"It was panicking, I think - and it's never killed me before, even though normally me dying roots it in deeper. Think that cost it somehow... And - "

"I don't know. If they can survive it being removed - I don't know if it'll be able to kill them."

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"One way to find out."

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"Worse comes to worse - I was already planning to kill them."

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"Do you need more time to work on it?"

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"There's always room for improvement. Practically speaking- if we can get to Five within... hm, ten minutes of a real fight starting? It won't be a problem. More than that and I'll need to get the efficiency ratio to a better place."

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"Five's pretty likely to attack us. So either it'll be right away, or it'll be a lot longer than ten minutes."

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"Then we should endeavor to make it right away."

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"I can hold her, her disciple, and any demons they try to throw at us while you attack the flower in her."

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Eliese nods. "Sound tactics. I'll want a day of rest before we face her, but I am fit to travel."

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"When should we leave?"

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Shrug. "As soon as you get up."

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"That close? Then we have the rest of the day to ourselves, it seems."

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"I thought you needed rest."

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"I won't be doing much more magic today, which is the main concern."

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Then just give Zero a bit of time to wash up.

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Fair enough.

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Zero collects her clothes from the ash smudge and heads downstream to wash the rebirth gunk off her body and the remnants of bloody ash out of her clothes.

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Eliese will await her return.

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She returns quickly. 

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Wouldn't want the rest day to be delayed, after all. There's just so much to do.

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And someone to do. 

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As it were.

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Makes sure they'll sleep well. 

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And all the better.

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Multiple benefits. 

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Just the way she likes it.

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Convenient when it happens like that. 

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Zero doesn't believe in providence.

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The result of their own hard work, then.

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She'll accept that. 

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Though sadly it'll eventually be time for Zero to sleep. 

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Eliese will take a nap as well.

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(Zero hasn't been wanting to share her bed when she sleeps, so she has a second bed set up.)

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Entirely reasonable of her.

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Until morning, then. 

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Sleep well.

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She will. 

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And the next morning, Eliese is prepared for battle.

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So's Zero. 

How does Eliese want to go about getting to Five? They can walk, but...

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She doesn't want to fly too far...

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They'll have to wade through the trash protecfing Five otherwise - how far is too far? 

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Under a mile.

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They're probably about a mile out from the edge of Five's defenses... The actual perimeter is fairly small though. 

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Then they can walk closer, and fly straight to Five before they're detected.

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Works for her. 

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Then let them set out.

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The land's weirdly unpopulated, actually - it's a bit mountainous, but the valley Zero cuts through really should be fertile farmland, especially if it's so close to a settlement. There's instead remnants of long-abandoned houses and barns dotting the landscape here or there, strangled under weeds, and tall wooden walls manned by archers cut across a defensible pass that what few people live in this land seem to be crowded behind. The entire area smells of dead fish. 

"Five'll be in a shrine off the coast," Zero says as they draw close enough that one of the archers shouts a warning. 

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"Do you have a precise location?"

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"No. But she shouldn't be hard to find."

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"How far?"

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"Place isn't that big... Definitely within visual range if we get higher up."

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"Let's see if we can get eyes on it first, then."

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They'll need to take off soon if they don't want to get shot at.

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She'll hurry.

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Pretty soon after they get out of bowshot range, Zero squints at the horizon and says, "She's over there," pointing to what looks like a colliseum in the middle of the ocean. It's right at the edge of Eliese's range.

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"An arena? Appropriate. Let us be off."

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Zero's not the biggest fan of being carried, but needs must.

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She won't have to suffer the indignity for very long. Less than a minute.

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Eliese zooms them across the water to the coliseum, dropping over the top and into the middle.

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There's a woman standing on a platform, one hand on her hip, a cocky grin on her face. She's dressed even more skimpily than Zero, in a black and gold minidress with a neckline that plunges all the way to her hips. Her outfit is either glued on or being held on with magic, because there's absolutely no way that fabric is holding her breasts in naturally. 

"This friend is much prettier than your last one, sister," she calls out. "Hopefully she'll be much more fun too." And she turns her grin on Eliese. "You here for a good time?"

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There's another woman a step below her and to the side, who doesn't say anything quite yet. Her dress is white and gold, and almost modest next to the two Intoners. She's watching Zero with something almost hungry in her gaze, and doesn't seem up be giving Eliese much of her attention. 

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"I'm not here to fuck around, Five."

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"Awww, that's a pity." There's a glint in her eye, a heavy feeling in the air. "We'll have to skip right past the foreplay then."

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And she starts to sing. The air shakes - the ground and sea below them roil like the mightiest of earthquakes has struck - Eliese can feel it in her bones, all-consumingly loud - and she starts to glow a brilliant gold, light corruscating off her - swirling in a tight orb, giving off rapid shockwaves in time with her wordless song - and clouds swirl into existence above them, a great and rapidly expanding storm, the eye centered on their colliseum - and enormous runed wheels of light spin around them, burst from Five's mouth -

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Ugh. Showy.

How about a quick shield and flying uppercut to Five's jaw?

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Unfortunately, this is a boss fight, and Five's animations are uninterruptible, which means Eliese is treated to the bizarre sensation of her actions having absolutely no impact on the world. 

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And the other woman spreads her arms. "Behold! The Fifth Song: Grand Light of Antiquity! The great power made manifest, the ceremony of glorious arrival! Burn into thine eyes the punishing lance of divine retribution! The messenger that carries the flame of hope for repentance, who forbids all adversaries and casts out all accusers! I, Hex, summon thee in my name - "

"Phanuel, arise!"

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The dark waters around them swirl clockwise as the brilliant glowing clouds above them swirl counter, and it's impossible to tell if what emerges comes from the brilliant light or the surging darkness as the colliseum floods with watery shadows - 

And something rather hard to describe, which Eliese's brain briefly thinks might be a giant golden crab because it's not like anything else makes sense, emerges. 

Sourceless - and energetic - music begins to play, complementing Five's singing the way heavy metal complements screaming. 

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"Your demon is as tacky as you are, Five," Zero says, somehow clearly audible through the ear-splitting music. 

And she draws her sword. 

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Right, can she do things now? Yes? Good.

First things first, set up some room to breathe. "Fulminating Flare," which is not classically a cheap invocation but at Eliese's rates these days she barely notices the drain and she's always rather appreciated the way it aggressively enforces her personal space against people and projectiles both physical and magical, a crackling envelope of lightning whose bolts lash out to violently explode anything that gets within a certain radius.

Next, she's looking for a few seconds opening to get the curse off on Five.

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Five has a golden spear in her hands now, somehow, and charges at Eliese point-first, so that few seconds might be a bit complicated. She is, also, still glowing, and this seems to function just like Zero's incredibly obnoxious glowy mode, so stopping her might also be a bit complicated.

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Zero's at least (somehow) keeping an eldritch amalgamation of light and shadow busy, dodging a shadowed blast - and then the being stumbles and odd runic circles flare around its core, which Zero wastes no time in lashing out at with her sword - 

She's also glowing, a bloody red that somehow drowns out the golden light around her.

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Hex seems to be hanging back, though she has an intense expression on her face, and a small sword - or long dagger - held lightly in one hand - and then she starts calling out what are, apparently, counter-spells - mostly harassing Zero; she seems to think the Intoner is a bigger threat than Eliese.

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Fine by her, she has her hands full jockeying for space here.

She does have some power to burn, though, so let's get rid of these pesky arena walls with a softly spoken "Audient Shockwave," in contrast to its booming effects. She might hope the sheer noise would briefly overpower the background music, but that's certainly too much to ask

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Nope! The music isn't really obeying classic physics.

The colliseum though is, and it crumbles with a strong enough blow. 

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Zero starts driving the giant asshole crab away from Five; this seems to reduce Five's strength - 

And Zero drops her Intoner mode suddenly, starts dodging a lot more since she's far less invulnerable - 

And Five's Intoner mode drops at the exact same moment.

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And now that Eliese is, for the moment, ahead in power, she takes the opportunity to spit out the curse at Five.

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Five stumbles.

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And Hex turns her attacks on Eliese! 

But her magic's drawn from Five's, so if Eliese can keep up the curse long enough...

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It's not something she needs to maintain after she's finished invoking it. Hex has missed her chance already.

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The heavy music in the air becomes discordant, panicked, and then fades in jagged bursts. And when Five finally collapses, so too does the demon she summoned.

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Hex collapses to her knees. 

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Seems like a victory. How is Zero doing?

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Annoyed, mostly, but her assortment of minor wounds are healing without Five's magic in the equation. "That worked, kind of," she tells Eliese. "The flower retreated from her."

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"Less than ideal, but not entirely unexpected."

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"It's the same outcome as killing her, so."

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"...Is she still breathing?"

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"Good question." Let's find out. Eliese approaches the fallen clone.

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She is, though shallowly, and she seems unconscious. 

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"Alive," Eliese says. "For now."

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"Fuck  you," Hex somehow gasps out, dragging herself to her feet with her sword in hand. "Fuck you straight to hell! What did you do to her?!"

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"Burned out the parasite."

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"Where the fuck is her magic?!"

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"It seems she has been deprived of that privilege."

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"It would have fucking killed her sooner or later, Hex - and you. So shut the fuck up with the whining."

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"Like you care."

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"I'd be happy to kill you, if you'd rather."

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"Then as the lady said. Stop whining."

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"Fuck you," she grumbles - but as she steps over to Five, she doesn't seem as hostile as she had been.

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Eliese glances at Zero to see how she'd like to proceed from here.

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"I'll stick around until she wakes up," Zero says after a long, uncomfortable moment. "I want to make clear to her face that if she warns our other sisters or tries to fuck with me in any way, that I'll come back and kill her."

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"Fine by me."

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Hex sheathes her sword so she can pick Five up. 

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"Would you like help with that?"

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"Don't touch her."

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"Sounds like a no."

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"It is."

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"Well, never let it be said I did not respect a lady's clearly stated preference."

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Yeah, right. 

She picks up Five, though, without saying anything. 

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Fair enough. They were in a fight to the death just now.

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"I'm taking her inside."

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Presumably Zero will want to follow?

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Sure. At a distance. (She's mostly hiding it, but Eliese can tell she's at least a little bit uncomfortable.)

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"The plan worked," Eliese says to her.

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"...So far."

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"What do you anticipate going wrong?"

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Shrug. "Something usually does. But the flower's always an asshole."

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"It hasn't yet put together a real defense against me, so I'm hopeful."

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"If it does, we'll figure out something else."

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"There are options."

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Yeah. Including just killing them. 

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They seem gracious in defeat so far.

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Five hasn't woken up yet, and Hex is definitely planning something. 

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Fair enough.

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...She'll just wait and see (she hates waiting).

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They can fill time somehow, surely.

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Not a bad idea. 

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Eliese is just that clever.

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Zero won't argue that. 

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Which does wonders for her ego.

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She is very pretty when she's smug...

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See, it's a win-win.

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Mutual benefit. 

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Though they should probably spare a little attention to keep track of what their "hosts" are doing.

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Only so much they can get up to right now...

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Some limits are there to be circumvented.

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Fine, they can keep an eye on Hex and Five. 

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It's a good exercise in creativity, to keep watch while... attending to mutual benefit.

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True, true. 

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(Hex doesn't actually seem to register them 'attending to mutual benefit' even while in the same room as her and Five. (She's met Intoners before.))

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Alas. That makes it slightly less fun. Though perhaps predictable in retrospect, given Five's rather provocative dress.

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Intoners have a bit of a reputation. 

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Not the worst sort to have.

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Probably one of the most benign things they're known for. 

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So it goes.

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Their current activity is more interesting than that, though. 

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So... Where were they? 

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As Eliese recalls, around about... here. Pinch!

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She grabs back. 

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(Wonder how long Five will be out. It didn't take Zero so long to recover...)

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She's out for a concerninly long time, actually, and when she comes to it's slowly and groggily. 

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Somehow Eliese doesn't think Hex would go for an offer of healing. So she'll wait.

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" - What happened?" She sounds very confused, and still kind of out of it.

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Hex glances at Eliese and Zero, because she doesn't actually know how they got rid of Five's magic.

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"I burned out the flower parasite that was infesting you."

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"The hell are you talking about?"

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"Are you not aware of the source of your previous power?"

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"It's my power." She sounds a bit uncertain though. 

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"Not anymore."

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"Magic from elsewhere, of a different flavor than that to which you are accustomed."

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"Teach me."

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"Alas, this magic is not taught or born, but gifted. And I do not not possess the power to bestow it."

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"You owe me, for stealing my power."

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"Theft is a strong word. It is not as though I now possess that which you lost."

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"Zero does."

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"Not for too much longer, if all proceeds to plan."

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"What do you mean?"

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"Zero's goal, and thereby mine as well, is to kill the parasite permanently. To do so, we must first eliminate it from you, then Four, and so on, ending with Zero herself. We did try to cut it from her first, but it was able to regenerate."

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"I want to talk to my sister. In private."

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"Of course." Assuming Zero has no objections...?

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She's not happy about it, but she's happy about nothing in this situation, so like, fuck it, may as well. 

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Eliese and Hex should excuse themselves, then.

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Hex leaves quietly. 

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Eliese will follow her.

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"...How did Zero even find you? First it was the fucking dragon..."

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"It seems to have been providential happenstance. I was attacked by a giant snake with a mirror for a face, and it somehow transported me to another world. I landed in front of her."

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"Not the weirdest story I've heard."

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"What's my competition?"

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"This magic parasite shit, for one. Just about everything with the Intoners, for two. There's a ton of minor shit, we'd be here all day if I tried to list it out. Like, Three's got these creepy ass giant baby dolls; hard to beat that on the weirdness scale. Cathedral City randomly appearing a couple centuries ago full of weird ass magic and technology, and whenever anyone tries to live there stuff goes sideways in really impressive ways, for three. Oh, and all the Intoners insist they're sisters even though they look nothing alike and can't agree on basic shit about their childhood, for four. Also all my memories from before a bit over a year ago are definitely fake, and the other disciples don't seem able to think about this logically whenever I try to tell them, for five. - I don't think that's the same bullet point as four, the Intoners have been around longer than a year. And that point's weird as fuck, because, okay, Septa's arrogant and stupid about everything that isn't fighting, and Ennea's a stubborn bitch, but Octa's normally the reasonable one. I'm not."

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"A fairly impressive list, I must admit."

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"World's interesting."

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"Makes it more fun, no?"

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"It'd be more fun if Five would let me let loose more often."

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"Is she the controlling sort?"

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"Nah. She's just started taking this whole leading a county thing seriously. There's way less killing since we won the war. It's boring."

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"No guerrilla insurgents opposing your conquest? Who did you take over from?"

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"Bunch of asshole warlords, not well liked. But - people worship the Intoners. It's not about who came before. Elves and fairies and shit are immune or resistant, but humans? Humans fall for them, hard."

"Four's the only one with opposition, mostly 'cause she got even more excessive than me but screwed up and didn't finish killing off the elves, so they're pissed at her, and so is One so none of us are supposed to help dig Four out of her idiot hole. Which at least Five looks the other way on me going to help out... Septa's doing really well with the current Resistance, though, and she can probably handle worse even without her magic."

"...Whiiich, no clue if we'll get insurgents now that Five's not magic. Probably not? Five's been reading these boring books One keeps sending her about history and governance and shit, and now she's giving people free food. Two definitely won't. I don't think Two's actually magicking people, she's just popular. Three's probably going to need to immediately leave, or like go ahead and finish turning her population into dolls - which, currently? She's got zero opposition for being a necromancer or experimenting on live subjects or turning her soldiers into monster dolls. Everything she's doing - other than the creepy baby dolls - is super cool, like, I can really appreciate the artistry there, and if you'd tried to fight your way in normally you'd have gotten to see some of that - Three lent me a bunch of her non-baby dolls because I asked nicely, and helped her get a wider variety of subjects which was fun. - Anyways, Three is probably straining the Intoner mind control at this point, even with humans."

"One's ruling from Cathedral City so she's only got soldiers she trained up from everyone else's populations, no one else can live in her territory."

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"Not a complete geopolitical collapse brewing. That's always pleasant to see."

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Shrug. "I don't really care."

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"That sort of chaos is always more annoying when you don't have a ready option to leave the planet behind and find a new one."

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"Oh, I like chaos. It's fun adding fuel to that. But Five might get upset if her people get hurt? I don't get it, but she's always been really obsessive about possessions I guess. She'll get all huffy if I tear a dress. But if the other Intoners' lands descend into chaos..."

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At least she has a concept of boundaries.

"Then it's a fair game?"

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"Exactly. And Five might even join me! She needs to get out more."

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"Running a territory while caring about the welfare of its inhabitants does take time and energy. But perhaps she will revise her strategy now."

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"Maybe delegate for a bit while the dust settles from her being less captivating to random humans."

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"That may not be very much an issue if she keeps the same taste in clothing."

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Snort. "She will."

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"Good; it would be a shame for such bold style to pass."

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"Five's not the sort to get less bold."

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"So I can expect even more provocative pieces to reveal themselves from her wardrobe?"

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"That dress is relatively tame."

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"How exciting."

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"Think she'll like you, once she gets over the magic thing."

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"It is always nice to be liked."

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"You don't seem the kind to care."

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"I am several dozen times older than any of you. Your potential validation of my ego, while of course would not be dismissed, is not required to sustain my self-image."

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"How old are you? 'Cause I'm pretty sure I'm one."

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"Upwards of two hundred fifty."

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"Huh. Now I'm wondering how old Zero is..."

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"'Several dozen' is a significant exaggeration with respect to her."

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"Doesn't tell me much."

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"Then perhaps you should pose the question to her."

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"I'd not want to disclose the lady's age without her consent."

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"Hopefully she doesn't cut my head off for asking," she says, exceptionally cheerfully. 

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"I'm sure it will be an entertaining spectacle if she does."

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"Knew I liked you."

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"Speaking of... How long do you think she and Five will take?"

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"Depends on what turns their conversation takes, I suppose."

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"...Dunno. Five's acting weird already."

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"Then we ought to act as though we have as much time as would be advantageous."

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"And how much would that be?"

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"Oh, at least twenty minutes, I'd say."

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"Five might not take that long... So we should get going."

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"As you say."

She steps in for an aggressive kiss.

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Hex steps up, too, biting Eliese's lip hard enough to draw quite a bit of blood from a normal human.

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Eliese continues to not be a normal human. And more than capable of reciprocating that level of force.

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Mmmph! (Hex is a much more normal human than she used to be! (This does not discourage her. In fact, she instead tries to see if there's a level of force that will make Eliese bleed.))

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Not one presently available to her, though she will certainly enjoy the attempts.

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And Hex enjoys any retaliation, so it works out.

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Most excellent indeed.

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"...Seriously?" they hear unfortunately soon thereafter. "We left you two alone for ten minutes."

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"Hex's appetite is a match for mine."

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"It felt to me like this or another fight, and we seemed to be doing so well on the peace process."

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"Mmm, wouldn't say no to a fight either."

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Eliese makes a 'you see?' gesture.

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She rolls her eyes. "Whatever."

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Eliese disentangles herself from Hex.

"Was your own conversation productive?"

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"What Zero means to say is that it was. We're not going to kill each other, we agree that evil parasitic flowers shouldn't eat the planet, I'm going to help her, she's going to try not to kill my other sisters, and she's going to try to get me a non-evil magic source but understandably prioritizes killing the evil parasitic flower."

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"A happy ending for all parties."

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"The ones that matter."

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"Just so. I assume you will want some time to be sure your territory remains secure before we begin making plans for Four?"

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"I can multitask. And you'll want to move fast to keep ahead of One. She's not gonna trust Zero with this."

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"Yes, better to keep momentum while we have it."

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"I can keep the place from burning to the ground."

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"Then are we aiming for a more diplomatic approach to begin with?" Eliese directs the question to Zero.

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"Four is the least reasonable Intoner."

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Five makes a face. "Yeeeaaaahhhhh. And she's been getting worse."

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"It may not be a good idea to bring Five along, then."

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"She'll be calmer if I'm there, at least once Zero's driven the flower out. She's... Touchy about her life choices. She's been kinda low key fighting with One and Two, is only really friendly with me and Three. And Three's... Probably  too high energy and too far into the 'doesn't give a shit' side of things, 'specially since I think Four's depressed."

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"I will defer to your knowledge of the psychology in question. We will need to shape the battlefield with care, or have you wait a distance away."

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"How fast are you?"

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"Enough to comfortably keep up with your Intoner modes."

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"If she's unconscious for as long as I was, you should be able to leave me out of the battle zone."

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"So since I cannot teach you magic, I am to be your taxi service?"

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"It's only fair."

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"I suppose it is."

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"So that's settled."

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"How far is it to Four's base?"

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"About... Six hundred miles? I can get you a map, though also she's on the tallest peak in a really big mountain range, so not exactly easy to miss."

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"You'd be surprised. Navigation can be a difficult problem for the unwary."

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"Sounds like you have firsthand experience. Should I worry about a crash into the mountain?"

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"That depends how large our convoy is. And whether you are placed in a vehicle with a first-time pilot."

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"Should be just me, you, and Zero. What's a 'pilot'?"

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"The person in charge of steering."

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"Like - uhhh. What's the word."

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"A helmsman. Idiot."

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She kicks Zero, even though this has absolutely no effect. "Sailing is other people's job. I just beat up warlords and move money around."

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"You have a Navy."

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Shrug. "They're pretty much just here to police the harbors and chase down pirates - you're the only person likely to outright attack us. And running the Navy is the Admiral's job - she's been at it for decades, and I'm not stupid enough to think I know how to do her job better than her. I tell her what I want done, she tells me if she can do it and what she needs."

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She makes a frustrated noise. 

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Eliese is sensing a little sibling discord.

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Just a little? 

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"Well, you're no longer actively killing each other."

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"We'll see."

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She snorts and shakes her head. "We should get moving."

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"As you wish."

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Five just needs to let her people know she's alive and that Hex will be taking the reins for a bit. 

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They'll wait while she does that, then.

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The main chunk of time is transit; she's absent often enough to have a smooth process here. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Fair enough.

Does Zero have anything she wants to talk about while they have a moment of privacy?

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She's fine. (She does not sound super fine.)

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No ground rules she'd like to propose, now that their traveling party is growing?

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Like what? Zero can deal with Five being obnoxious when it happens.

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Would her starting to flirt with Eliese count as obnoxious? Or more to the point, would Zero consider Eliese reciprocating an infringement on her hospitality?

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"Why should I care? I'm not your pimp."

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"Certainly not. Though it seems to me a good idea to establish what degree of purely transactional you wish our relationship to be."

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"I don't trade, and I don't fucking negotiate. I take what I want," she says, far more forcibly than Eliese's calm tone could possibly warrant. (She's acting more nervous than angry, though - or at least there's some old fear lurking under her anger.)

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"And what is it that you want?" Eliese asks. "I will tell you this- you are a bright girl whose company I have rather enjoyed in the time we have known each other, and I have no desire to harm you inadvertently."

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- She turns away from Eliese, hiding her expression. "How the fuck should I know?" she mutters under her breath - it's unclear if the remark is actually meant for Eliese. Louder: "What are you after?"

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"To provide you with the chance to choose for yourself."

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She throws her hands up in the air. "Fine! I don't fucking know, okay?" She lowers her hands and breathes out heavily, then glances back at Eliese, expression guarded. She shakes her head then, and looks away, though her posture's differently tense. "Honestly? What I want depends on if you're going to fucking backstab me like everyone else has." Huff. "Though I don't care if you flirt with Five either way. Exclusivity's a trap."

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"Noted. I've no intention of betraying you, and I doubt that there is anything in this world that would induce me to do so."

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Humorless snort. "Well, you're not going to sell me out for gold." She pauses, then shakes her head angrily. "But the last bitch just dropped me in a ditch when I got sick and stopped being fucking cute or whatever." She clenches her fists. "I tore her and her newest 'girlfriend' to bloody shreds when I caught them, and I'll do worse to you if you ever think leaving me for dead is a good fucking idea."

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"I thank you for your honesty. I would not abuse the trust of anyone I cared about in such a way."

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"...Are you saying you care about me?"

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"Hm. It seems I am."

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She has no clue how to handle this.

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Eliese will be making no particular demands of her. She can think it over at her leisure.

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She nods in acknowledgment.

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"...Let's see if Five is done."

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A fine idea. She did say it wouldn't be too long...

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Five does in fact extract herself fairly soon.

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Excellent. Matters all arranged to her satisfaction?

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Yep. Hex has it from here. 

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Then shall they depart?

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"I'm good to go."

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Zero nods.

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Off they go.

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As promised, the Land of Mountains sure does contain a lot of mountains! They're also all pretty tall actually, and it's hard to spot which one is the tallest - though only one of them in the vague area Five indicates has a giant castle at the peak.

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That seems a likely spot.

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Zero's squinting a bit suspiciously. "Any idea where she'll be in that?" she asks Five.

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"Uh. Her rooms are at the top?"

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"So she doesn't sleep in the dungeons?"

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"They're insufficiently dramatic for brooding."

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"And much less convenient to blast open, which is a point in our favor."

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"So you wanna go in hot?"

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"It worked on you, didn't it?"

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"Four's a bit more reserved than me."

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"Truly? But you are so shy and retiring."

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"Difficult to imagine, I know."

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"Would you suggest then a different approach?"

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"...I mean, she's gonna be pissed at you no matter what you do. Four doesn't really have anything but her magic."

"But like, I've never been able to really help her? I don't judge her, but... I guess that hasn't been enough."

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"No other- hobbies or interests at all?"

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"...I don't think her and Septa egging each other into committing genocide she later lowkey hates herself over really counts? Dunno, she used to be more - like, she was interested in people, she wanted to learn about the weird technology from Cathedral City, she was always talking about nerd shit. That kinda - stopped."

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"Hm. Post-traumatic stress, perhaps."

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"No clue what's happened that could be traumatic."

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"All that genocide, perhaps."

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"Why in the world would that be traumatic? Like, it's a bit over the top, but fighting isn't bad."

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"I realize this may come as a surprise, considering your age, but not everyone thinks and reacts in exactly the same ways."

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"...Yeah I really don't get other people all that well."

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"It is a skill one can learn through experience."

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She makes a face. "Ugh. Why are they all like that?"

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"Purely to vex you specifically."

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She sticks her tongue out at Eliese.

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"More skills should be like fighting and singing."

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"Oh, you're a singer?"

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"Of course."

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"How lovely. I can carry a tune, but never found any great passion for the exercise."

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"Maybe I can give you some instruments and you can back me up."

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"I'm more of a visual artist."

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"What kinds?"

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"Oil painting, most recently, though I've experimented with a number of media."

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"I'd love to see it."

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"I'll have to do a sketch for you at some point."

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"You should paint me."

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"I'll need supplies for that."

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"I'll get you some once we're done here."

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"Very generous. Don't forget to plan the perfect outfit."

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"Oh, I always do."

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"I'll look forward to it."

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"Though admittedly, this is somewhat a tangent from the question of Four."

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"Seriously. We're getting close."

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"Indeed. So, while I could blast off the top of the castle, that would not leave me much margin for the fight before setting off the curse."

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"I can pin her if you can set me down near her."

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"What about her aide?"

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"I can take both Four and Septa."

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"Very well," she nods.

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"Drop me off where I'll have a good view."

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"You can pick your peak."

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She points one out. 

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Then Eliese can drop her off.

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"Don't forget about me up here."

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"Of course not. We have a date, after all."

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"I'll see you soon."

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"Stay safe."

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"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

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"Enjoy the show."

And off back to Zero.

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Who's tense and more than ready to get started. (She really wants to punch someone.)

Permalink Mark Unread

Then let them begin.

"Sky's Wrath Descends to Smite and Smite Again." A useful little spell for when you don't have the orbital superiority to call down artillery support from your actual spaceships. Well, she says little, but no one under the age of fifty would have the capacity to even think about casting it.

The sky above the castle on the mountain shivers, then cracks and collapses into a blazing beam that falls upon the structure with an overwhelming whistling noise.

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It explodes!

...With an odd lack of resistance from a base supposedly inhabited by an Intoner, actually. And there's no sign of Four as the dust settles.

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"...I was expecting more of a reaction."

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"Don't tell me she's fucking run off..." She shakes her head. "Let's check closer. And she might be on a different floor..."

Permalink Mark Unread

Up through the air to do that.

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Yeah, she's not here. The only potential enemies are the miscellaneous random soldiers, who can't hold a candle to either woman and mostly don't even try.

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A little disappointing, to be honest.

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"Four's always been obnoxious."

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"We should regroup, pick Five up again."

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"See if she knows where Four went."

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Fortunately, Eliese did memorize where she dropped Five off.

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"What happened?"

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"Apparently Four was out running errands. No fight to be had for us."

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"She's usually not the kind to run away..."

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"Perhaps we ought to have made an appointment."

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"Might've just given her a headstart. Though she can fly so even now, who knows where she is..." 

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"It'll have to be a hunt, then."

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"If the fight's actually in the air - I won't be much help keeping her busy, unless you can give me a way to fly on my own."

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"Unfortunately, I left all my flight packs at home."

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To Five: "Exactly how the fuck does she fly, anyways?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"She's somehow got tame wyverns - I haven't heard about any dragons, though - and she repurposed some elven airships. Those are weird as hell; they've got this giant dart thingy on top which Four says makes it float, even though that doesn't really make any sense. If she's trying to drag this fight into the air I'd bet she has a flying demon, too, though I'd be really surprised if she's already summoned it. Those things are costly as fuck."

"Four's also like, always appearing suddenly at meetups out of the clouds. No one can track her. Like, there's never not clouds when she's arriving, even in Two's desert which is normally painfully cloudless - if she can control the weather, she hasn't told any of us, buuut it'd make sense in a weird way. There's a shitton of clouds here, but you could possibly narrow down ones she might be hiding in?"

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(The frigid mountains around them are, in fact, shrouded in heavy snow clouds, with further mist rapidly gathering as the temperature drops, and it's growing dark out even though it should be the height of day...)

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"Well, if Eliese can drop me on her airship or whatever, then I can keep her busy. And it's not like I'll die if I crash the thing."

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"Better to take the airships intact, if we can. Those would make our future travels easier."

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"We'll see what happens."

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"I suggest we regroup for now, and begin the search in earnest tomorrow."

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"She'll get away."

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"She's already gone. We didn't see any ships launch from the castle before or after the attack, or any signs of these wyverns or flying demons."

Permalink Mark Unread

" - She's nearby. Five's right about the weather manipulation - Four's fucking magic's in these clouds. They're getting dense too quickly. I can't feel where she is, I'm not a damn dragon, but if her magic's here - she's within earshot. So like, however far away thunder can be heard from at most, shouting distance at closest. And she's smart on war, even if she's dumb as fuck on everything else. And if she feels like acting smart, she'd be close enough to get info on your powers from your attack. We don't want to give her time to figure that shit out."

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"I won't be doing very much else on that scale today, but fine."

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She makes a face. "Could you fight a demon right now? Like what Five summoned."

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"Of course. As long as it doesn't seal itself inside a reinforced bunker. The constraint is, again, saving enough power to burn the flower out of Four."

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"...I haven't used - or shown off - much of my magic yet. I can make platforms if I need to, and if we can pin down a wyvern I can turn it into something more useful for me to ride - I could do that to a bird or, hell, a mouse or something in a pinch, it'd just be more obnoxious." She makes a face. "Might be worth it so I'm not fucking around with transforming shit within Four's range. And anything I've made like that, I can use my Intoner mode through."

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"That does indeed sound useful. An extra perspective to act from should not be discounted."

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"Then let's catch a bird."

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They might need to go a little ways downslope to find one.

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Cheep cheep. Cheep cheep cheep.

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Zero starts to sing, softly - a low, melancholy Song, wholly unlike the burning energy that'd poured off Five - though her high and clear voice is soon joined by a sourceless music that chimes like birdsong - that hums like the wind - 

And the bird begins to glow - to experience the first moment of a soul entering its body - and then it twists into whatever shape that soul demands, so long as its soul meets the boundaries set by the Zeroth Song - that it must fly, that it must bear Zero into battle, that it must be clever and loyal, that it must be able to hold its own in a fight, that it must love her -

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It twists, stretches, enveloped in a burst of pure white-

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And her long shining coils flow out, and she loops for joy, fluttering her wings.

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" - Huh, didn't know I could do that."

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"Do what?" Twist twist loop loop. "You could do anything you wanted, I bet."

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She hums. "Maybe." The Â¿bird? gets the sense that Zero wants her to land nearby. "Hey - do I smell weirdly tasty to you?"

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Yepyep, she can land. And wind her neck around Zero in a big hug! Sniffsniffsniiiiiiff. "You do!!"

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Smug grin - and, unlike how she acts with literally everyone else, she doesn't make any effort to enforce her personal space. "That smell? It's the Flower." She gestures at the petals sprouting from her eye. "It's a parasite - and dragons eat them."

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Hmmm. She stares at the Flower very seriously.

"Can I eat it without eating you?"

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(The Flower's petals flex, almost curling back a little - away from the dragon, closer to Zero's skin.)

"Not while it's in me. And if you try to nibble it, it'll move back into my body. But Eliese's figured out a way to rip it out; we're working on that right now."

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Ooh? Which one's Eliese? She turns to sniff at the other two humans.

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She points her out. "The other one's Five."

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"Uh. Hi! I also didn't know Zero can just create dragons what the actual fuck - "

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"If it makes you feel better, making a second would cost too much."

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"Hello there."

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"Hiii!" Sniffsniff. Nope, not tasty.

"You have pretty friends." She rubs her cheek on Zero. "But not as pretty as you."

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She tolerates this. (The ex-bird gets the distinct sense that she secretly likes it but also doesn't want explicit attention drawn to that.)

"Thanks. And, hmmm... You'll be Daniella."

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"Daniella! That's my name!" she says excitedly.

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"And mine's Zero."

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"Zero. Zzzzzzzzzero. Zzzeeeeeeero. Zeroooooooo. Hm. I like my name better."

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Heh. "Don't wear mine out, then."

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"Okay!" she chirps. "Don't worry, your name is good because it's yours."

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"Not something that keeps me up at night."

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"Good." Nuzzle.

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"Though - we need to focus right now."

"Can you smell anyone else like me nearby?"

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Hmmmmmm... Daniella unwinds from Zero a bit to have more length to wave her head around with.

"Oh, yes! In the clouds, over there!"

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"That's our target. Eliese will try to remove the Flower from her. We'll kill her if that doesn't work."

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"Okay! I can take you to her."

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"She'll attack us on the way, so be ready."

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Nod nod nod.

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Is Eliese ready? 

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She is.

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"Five, stay here."

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"Then let's go." She swings herself onto Daniella's back. 

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Up up and away. As it were.

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Whee flying!! She's going to take Zero to find the tasty sister!!!

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The sky here is really cold - there's a ton of wind, enough to interfere with even Daniella's flying, and ice is trying its best to form on her wings and Zero's body. The wind in fact seems to be on the borderline of a snow tornado, centered around the tasty sister - 

But they can break through, even if it sucks.

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Soon enough, they burst out past the eye of the storm, to a deceptively placid - and relatively clear - area. It's the first time they've been able to see more than a few dozen feet away since they flew into these clouds.

And on an airship - really a blimp - stand two women. One is extremely obviously Four - she has a certain presence. Her clothes are downright modest, unlike her sisters - and oddly modern, too. She wears a double-buttoned vest, a skirt that falls almost to her knees over thigh-high boots, a large jacket around her shoulders... 

"Sister," she calls, somehow perfectly audible over the screaming wind and the great distance. "This is your first and only warning: surrender."

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Right, she has line of sight, so is this another unskippable cutscene or can she just murmur out the curse and have done?

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"Fuck you, I don't stop - " Zero snarls - 

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And, yeah, it's another unskippable cutscene - Four snarls back, "This ends here!" And she shrieks the last word, an ear-splitting scream that disrupts Eliese's building curse - that builds and builds and starts to waver, all-encompassing - a warbling call that twists, becomes electronic and discordant - 

And then the music starts in a sudden rush of drums and electric guitars. It's different from Five's - heavier, louder, faster, and more focused on Eliese, pounding in her bones - 

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And the woman standing beside her steps forward, spreading her arms. 

In a thundering voice, that rings even over the music: "Behold the Fourth Song: Impenetrable Shield of Antiquity! The vigilant power granted to our own, the radiant transfiguration into glory! Cast your blighted sins into the crevace of the sacred and forbidden mountain, that binds oaths and splits beneath the feet of the unrighteous! The holy and the accursed have descended upon thy heights! I, Septa, summon thee in my name - "


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The world swirls with a violent green light, heavy and echoing off the walls of cloud around them - burning into their eyes as the music burns into their bones - 

And from a great, swirling ring of light beneath Four's feet - 

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- A mountain emerges.

Its sides are the dark grey of a raging night storm, its lines glowing with a sickly green light - it wraps protectively around Four and Septa - fires light upon its side, tremendous cannons aimed at whoever may threaten it - 

And squares of light surround its opponents, as the space between them and it simply ceases to be quite so large. The squares form a path, a narrow band of normalcy in a world gone mad - and all three find themselves being drawn down that path, drawn in to Four's demon. 

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Ugh. Here we go again.

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Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

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They're going to have to fight hard to dodge the cannonfire - the projectiles are a burning green fire, strong enough to discomfort even Zero and Eliese - as well as the wyvern-fire that begins to pour in, as numerous wyverns break forth from the clouds around them, joining Armaros's attack - 

"How," Zero growls, before nudging Daniella into a barrel roll to dodge - "The fuck is she fucking doing this - "

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Armaros drags them close enough that they get a good look at the first of its whirling eyes - the void within its pupil - 

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" - Fuck, don't let it pull us in - Daniella, attack the eye!" And as she says that, she begins to glow - the glow spreads to Daniella - and her own Song rises, striking discordantly at Four's as she and her dragon accelerate - the music, especially the lyrics, speeds up until it's a jangling blur - 

Daniella can at least do some serious damage like this, and she feels herself speeding up, her fire burning hotter in her, coming more quickly to her call.

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(Eliese boosts her passive buffs by enough that she's no longer regenerating more power than she's spending. Still got enough to fire off the curse when she gets the real window, and she'll happily bet on herself in a melee mid-air or otherwise with anything but maybe that biggest asshole, Ampharos or whatever the name was.)

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The wyverns and canons at least go down fairly easily - the eye is significantly harder, as Daniella apparently has to hit the pupil exactly, which roams and jumps around - 

But she shatters the first eye - 

And with a lurch, the world around them shifts, gravity spinning and turning - 

They're being pulled to a second eye, now, roughly ninety degrees around the massive bulk of the demon. And, of course, they are continuing to get shot at. (This is going to be a problem more for Daniella, especially since the Intoner mode runs out right after the first eye shatters.)

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oh no she feels so slow now :( where'd the happy fire go :(

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Eliese will bodyblock for her companions if she has to.

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Not too necessary, Daniella's still got a lot of flexibility in her coils.

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Getting shot at also seems to help Zero get back into the zoomy happy fire Intoner mode, because while she's not able to swing into it as smoothly when the next eye comes into view - she does get Daniella that boost in time.

"There should only be two more!" she shouts at her companions once they've shattered that one - and started being dragged to the next. "It'll escalate as we go through its eyes."

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"I am beginning to tire of these game levels."

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"Fucking tell me about it. Though, could be worse - Three likes goddamn puzzles."

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"Good, something to look forward to."

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"Maybe she'll let us skip to the end instead of going through this fucking shit - I'm gonna punch Four in the goddamned face - " 

She nudges Daniella to roll out of the way of another barrage of attacks. "Argh - can you take out those fucking cannons so we can focus on killing this thing?"

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"On it." Hello naughty cannons, it is scrap time.

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That helps, a lot - especially on the last eye, where the demon really steps up its attempts to kill them -

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Hehehe, unfortunately for it, Daniella is better. She and Zero are the unbeatable team! And Eliese is there too, she guesses. But Zero's still better.

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They get through it, at least - 

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- And the demon starts shifting after they destroy the fourth eye, an enormous crack opening around its middle -

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Hmmmm that's probably not a good sign.

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Thought it does widen enough to give Eliese back her line of sight on Four! ...Though the demon is continuing to shift, and there's a building glow around her, and a power humming in the air, just behind the music -

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Yeah, she's has a feeling she'll have to deal with whatever this bullshit is before she can get the curse off properly.

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There's no grand spell, this time. No chant. No dramatic leadin.

She simply calls - clear and loud into the storm - "Zophiel! Come to me!"

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" - Is she fucking insane - "

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- And the music shifts, becomes darker and heavier, as a deep roar splits the sky like thunder - and a dragon wings out of the building light - it's larger than Daniella, its eyes blinded, glowing rings along its back, scales heavy and shiny like metal - 

They have a few seconds to react before it's on them. 

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Evasive maneuvers!

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While Eliese accelerates to attack speeds, before it's fully formed.

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It's pretty fast itself - but at least not as fast as Eliese - though the beam of green light that launches from its mouth doesn't look like something Eliese will want to get hit by. 

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It usually is good practice to dodge magical attacks, yes.

Her strategy here is more or less attempting to outspeed the thing, using her incredible strength and durability to target whatever weakpoints it may have with close combat. Eyes, exposed mouthparts if she stays quick enough, any gaps in its hide, glowing highlighted target circles, and so forth.

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Seems to be literally just the inside of its mouth while it is actively breathing magical fire, at a angle where it's really difficult to not get hit! She doesn't even do chip damage to the rest; it's just flat out immune to attacks. 

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- Except for when a glowy Zero and Daniella slam into it. That, it feels, though it still takes only chip damage. 

Unfortunately, glowy mode doesn't last long. 

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Enough for Eliese to wager a small bit of her reserve on a magical attack, to see if that also has an effect. A stuttering barrage of lasers, emitted from her chest.

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Only the ones that clip its open mouth have an effect, though those do a lot more damage than she'd been managing earlier.

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"Can you attack it from inside itself or something?" Zero calls over.

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..She'll hitch a ride with the dragon on their side if she winds up needing to at the end.

How does Zophiel feel about a "Conflagrating Stellar Bomb" shoved down its gullet?

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- It really doesn't like that!!! It's exceptionally difficult for Eliese to actually land that shot without getting hit - but once her own hit is in, the dragon roars in pain and begins to tumble from the sky, continuously breathing fire.

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That seems to be taken care of, then.

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"Zero..." Four's voice echoes around them. "I've realized something, Zero."

"This world... There's no point to it. It's meaningless."

"Don't you think it should stop existing?"

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"That's not like you, Four."

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"I hadn't realized, then, how utterly meaningless it all is. Without that... This world should be destroyed. And I'm the only one who can."

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"...The Flower's gotten you."

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"Join me, Zero. Or die with everyone else."

The music starts growing louder.

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"We have to find her."

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"Daniella - "

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She's on the job! Big sniff energy right here.

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She can pinpoint Four's location admidst the fog - she's exposed, at least, the demon no longer wrapped around her.

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"Over there!" she calls to Eliese, and dives in. Daniella doesn't want the world to end, she just got here and she likes it. Zero lives in the world, after all.

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Zero starts to sing as well, and her music doesn't clash with Four's - unlike the glowy mode - but instead complements it well. (Her voice is high, melodic, a smooth and strange contrast to how she normally speaks.)

It's difficult to tell exactly what she's doing, but the buildup of pressure in the air is slowing down. 

"Drop me in sword-reach of her," Daniella hears Zero say, even though Zero's also singing at the same time. 

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She can do that for sure. Her accuracy is pin-point.

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Four's Disciple steps up to the fight -

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But Zero can keep them both at least busy - especially if Daniella helps.

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Yes, she is the best at helping!

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All Eliese needs is one clean shot...

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Hard to get! Four's  fast, and in Intoner mode more often than Zero - something Five hadn't been doing - 

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And Septa's a much more active participant in this fight than Hex was - she's also a participant who's keeping track of both Daniella and Eliese, attacking them if they seem likely to threaten Four. (She's not entirely capable of actually keeping up with the Intoner fight, especially when both Intoners accelerate into full glowy mod; she's good enough to make sure that doesn't entirely matter.)

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Well, you don't get to be her age without learning a few tricks. Most of which are, admittedly, off the table for now. But she did once spend half a decade with a kinethetist developing some foundational principles for a superpowered martial art. Let's see how well Septa's apparently innate talents stack up to that.

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Better than they have any right to! 

...But not quite well enough. 

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Give it another five to ten years. For now, Eliese is taking her out of the fight.

Hopefully that opens things up some.

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Enough Zero can pin Four long enough for Eliese's spell, at least.

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Finally. She snaps it out brusquely, descending to touch down on the deck.

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And Four crumbles.

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Does that mean they won?

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Well, the music fades, and the demon vanishes, and the weather seems to be calming - luckily the airship still works, so Zero doesn't plummet out of the sky - so seems like it. 

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Eliese will check that Four's all right.

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She's breathing, though she looks like she's in pain.

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Hm. Breath is a good sign. And Septa?

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Also breathing! And all around in better shape.

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Fits the pattern from last time, then.

"Do you want to watch these or find the controls?"

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"I'll find the controls."

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"As you wish."

Eliese will go sit near Four, then. And press a mild sense-dulling spell onto her. It's the closest thing she has to a painkiller.

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That doesn't seem to do much to settle the restlessness.

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More will have to wait until she's lucid enough to talk. And speaking of more, Eliese will cancel her extra enhancements. Start letting her well of power trickle back to full.

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Zero figures out the controls soon enough, and steers their ship over to pick up Five.

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Who immediately comes over to check on Four. "How's she doing?" she asks Eliese, quietly.

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"Worse than you, I think."

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"What happened? She should be stronger than me..."

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"That might be part of the problem. If she was more reliant on the Flower than you, removing it may have had a correspondingly greater impact."

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"There shouldn't be that big of a jump between us, though."

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"I also think she may care less to survive than you did. She indicated a desire to destroy the world during the fight."

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" - I'm - I didn't know she was that depressed."

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"Mm. I expect she will be in need of a significant amount of support when she wakes."

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"...I've never known - how."

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"We can try together."

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"...I hope that's enough."

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"We will do what we can to ensure it is."

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"You know... If anyone can help her - if anyone can turn this dark world around - I think it'd be you."

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"I'm flattered you think so."

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"You've helped me and Zero."

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"I have, haven't I?"

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"Well, for one, I'm not so arrogant I can't admit she'd have flat out killed me if she fought me for real. She's gotten more powerful over the last year - or more desperate."

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"Not unless she found another way to deal with the Flower. Though she does have that dragon now, admittedly."

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" - That sword of hers is dragon bone. I spotted that when we fought a year ago; it leaves deeper wounds than it should, and they healed pretty slow. Honestly I think she'd have been mostly fine up until One - or possibly up until she's the last one left, 'cause she'd have had to find someone else with a different dragon-bone sword to kill her. Even then, the Flower'd probably have tried to pull something, but this time with no one powerful enough to stop it. I guess unless One suddenly lost like all of her paranoia and agreed to mutual murder-suicide - she's got a dragon, so that would've worked probably. But One's like. Really paranoid, and there's no way she'd trust Zero that far - and honestly no way Zero'd trust her."

"Fighting demons would've also been a lot harder without you or a dragon, buuut Zero's kinda insane like that, and she'd have been collecting our disciples anyways. I'm not super clear on if that'd give her access to our demons, but it would give her a lot more power and flexibility."

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"She didn't want to have to kill you."

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"She's never hesitated, sooo don't think that really matters?"

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"It may for your relationship going forward."

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...Awkward shrug. "Don't think she likes me anyways."

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"Both of us liking you's pretty good enough, though."

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"So I'm to be the pivot?"

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"What, you've never dreamed of your own harem?"

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"In my youth."

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"Then maybe it's time to live a little! Embrace your inner youth."

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"By embracing the outer youths, yes, I see."

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"I think it'll work."

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"If you think it worth the attempt, then of course."

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"I'm good at figuring out what things are worth trying."

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"How handy."

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"It's been useful."

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"I imagine so."

"It seems we may be waiting a while longer for Four to awaken. Will you watch her if I go check how Zero's doing?"

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"Sure thing."

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Over to the ship controls.

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Just follow the sight of the best and cutest and most excellentest dragon hugging her special person!!

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Zero's been... In a mood, to put it likely. She isn't pushing Daniella away (though she doesn't want to admit that this is nice) but she's not leaning into the hug, either, and her shoulders tense when Eliese approaches.

"Done checking on Four?"

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"Still alive, but I think she's in no hurry to wake up."

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"...There might not be much of her left when she does."

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"We shall cross that bridge when we come to it."

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"Might be worth preparing for." She shrugs, though. 

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"How are you feeling?"

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"I can keep going."

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"I do not doubt that."

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"Then it doesn't matter."

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"Do you think so?"

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"I would prefer you come out of this intact, as well as your sisters."

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She looks away, leaning into Daniella a bit. 

"...The Flower's escalating."

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"With what Four threw at us?"

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"...It took her over, and then it gave her enough power to summon a demon dragon, and it specifically directed her in a way that made your spell harder to use."

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"Not as passive of it as one might hope."

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"It's too smart to be passive."

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"Don't like that either."

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"Doesn't much matter what we like, either."

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"An ill-mannered guest, all told."

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Huff. "Yeah."

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"So you are worried about the challenges we have yet to face?"

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Shrug. "I'll get through them, one way or another."

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"I have every confidence in you."

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Faint smile. "Just don't get cocky."

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"You might have reminded me before I wasted so much energy on destroying an empty castle this morning."

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"Lessons for next time."

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"Life is a process of continual learning."

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"A good perspective for a teacher."

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"For anyone, really."

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"If you say so."

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"Trust me."

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"At least for a little bit."

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"I do appreciate that."

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"You'll need to continue performing to expectations to keep it, though."

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"Oh, am I being graded? Will there be extra credit opportunities?"

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"I'm not one for traditional schooling."

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"Alas. A kiss with you will have to be it's own reward, then."

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Kiss, then? 

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As she desires.

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Good, because she very much desires. 

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Hmmm yes this okay, Zero is happy.

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Does Daniella object to them having a bit of extra fun here - ?

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Daniella spins in a circle. "As long as you don't crash the ship!"

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It can handle itself for a bit.

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How considerate of it.

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Gives them plenty of time to get reaquainted... 

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Eliese certainly doesn't want to neglect the relationship.

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Even with all the other girls clamoring for her attention?

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That only makes an equitable distribution of attention more important.

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Though that'll result in smaller shares for each, if the number of girls goes up. 

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Then it will be something to discuss with the involved parties.

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Zero's not in the mood to talk to the other Intoners.

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Eliese can serve as intermediary.

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If she wants. 

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In the name of harmony and accord.

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Doesn't seem like her usual thing. 

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That's the price of being a fully-realized person, occasionally not doing the usual thing.

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How strange.

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The world is vast, and encompasses many wonders.

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Good thing Eliese is one of them.

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She is indeed wondrous and worthy of admiration.

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Tasty Eliese.

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She'll add that to her list of excellent qualities.

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Must be getting pretty long. 

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Surely it should not be shorter.

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She should make sure 'cute' is on there too. 

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No harm in duplicating if it already is.

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List it multiple times for emphasis. 

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Something like that.

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'Kissable,' too.

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That one might require more empirical verification.

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Then what are they waiting for? 

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If she can spare the time...

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They're not at their destination yet. 

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Then it would seem so.

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Time for more kisses! 

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They'll have no trouble passing time until Four wakes, it seems.

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Four - and Septa with her - somehow remain unconscious until after Zero's steered the airship all the way back to Five's realm. (The airship is fairly fast, but this is still a concerningly long time.) When she wakes, it's slowly and unhappily. 

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"Welcome back."

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"Wha - Where'm I?"

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"Still on your ship, though the ship itself has moved."

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"To Five's domain."

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"I lost. Why didn't Zero kill me?"

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"Because she found a way to kill your parasite instead."

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She humphs skeptically. 

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"Five had a similar reaction."

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"Where is she?"

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"Taking a nap, I believe."

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"And who are you?"

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"My name is Eliese. A visitor from another world, with alien magic."

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"Why are you helping Zero?"

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"She asked me to."

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"If I'd landed on you instead of her, perhaps we would be having a different conversation."

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She scowls. "So you're just taking the side of the first girl you ran across?"

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"The present depends on the past; change the past, change the present. Though my experiences of this world have thus far rather borne out Zero's point of view."

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"This world deserves to die."

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"Isn't it obvious?"

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"It is not to me."

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"This world is utterly meaningless - and it's false."

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"False in what way?"

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"There's - I already knew, but the Flower showed me so much more - this world doesn't exist on its own, it's not real, the only real thing is the void that came before, where anything could happen - and everything happened, and nothing lasted - and the most powerful shoved out everyone else's possibilities, forced everything to go their way, and they broke everything, they created something that shouldn't exist and forced everyone else to exist in reference to them, and their world had meaning even if its meaning sucked but then they failed, and - one of them tried to imprint a story on their universe, and it echoed through the void, and our world's nothing more than an echo of an echo of an echo, we don't even have the meaning they did - we were created by accident, nothing cares, and nothing we do matters because everything returns to the void, and - "

"So it might as well return to the void where anything can happen, and where we're not bound by the chains of a false world."

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"Well," Eliese says after a considering moment. "I suppose that's one way to think. Personally, I was never much in favor of letting anyone else dictate what meaning or lack thereof my life possesses."

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She scowls. "No one is dictating that to me. I'm not weak."

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"Spare a thought for the others, then, who yet wish to make their own decisions in this world. Flawed though it may be."

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"Why should they be trapped? No one in this world - let alone around the Intoners - has any ability to make real decisions. We warp their minds just by existing, and this world doesn't care about them. Their families starve, and there's nothing they can do when winter comes. Why not let them live in an unbounded existence instead?"

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"Living is the crux, I think. Most would assume that they would find their selves too unmade with the world."

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"If becoming anything you can dream of destroys who you are, then why should you persist?"

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"I think you would benefit even more than Zero from the opportunity to emigrate from this world, when I discover the method to return whence I came."

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She hesistates.

Then: "Why would your world be any different?"

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"It's considerably bigger than a single planet, for one. Greater depth of technology, which leads to a higher basic standard of living. No Intoners, the only magic is of my kind, though," her lips quirk, "as I myself prove, there are still those less than perfectly benevolent in their use of power."

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Frown. "That doesn't sound - real." She shakes her head.

Then, suddenly: "I want to find the first world. The first Creation. Whoever - I want to find whoever created the story that echoed and became me. I want to know what she was thinking."

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"A worthy goal."

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She's quiet for a long moment, evaluating Eliese.

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Hopefully she finds what she's looking for.

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"Why are you helping me?"

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"Because I was asked to. Because it is within my power. Because I don't have a reason not to."

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It's not entirely clear if she trusts that. 

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"Is there anything you need right now?"

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"...Where's Septa?"

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"Just over there."

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After a moment: "Destroying the Flower removed my magic, didn't it?"

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Eliese nods. "That is my understanding. Five has already made plans to acquire more."

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"I don't need magic."

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"As you like, of course."

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"...Why are you so nice?"

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"Fundamentally? Because I can afford to be. I have lived for quite a long time, learned many things, and attained a degree of power such that there are very few things left in this or any other worlds that can threaten me on an existential level or present a problem I cannot, in time, overcome."

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"Most people wouldn't be nice even then."

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"I am not most people."

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"That's becoming increasingly clear..."

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Smile. "Good."

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She hesitates for a bit, then: "What did you do, back in your old world? And how did you get here?"

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"I was a soldier, for a long time. Then a teacher and a researcher, which I liked rather more, on the whole. As for how I got here- a snake monster with a mirror for a face tried to eat me, and transported me here instead."

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Frown. "That doesn't sound like any monster I've heard of - though Three would know more."

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"I'll be sure to ask when we meet her."

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" - She won't be happy with you. She likes her magic, more than any of us."

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"Then I suppose I had better hone my charm."

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"Don't think it's just the charm that matters."

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"If you have suggestions, I'd be delighted to hear them."

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"...Three's not going to like having her security ripped away. She surrounds herself with her dolls because they're totally under her control, and she exerts way more influence over her people than any of us - she's the one who confirmed my suspicions about the mind control. She uses it on purpose, and pushes it as far as it'll go. Her dolls are made from her people, twisted until even the tiny remnants of will the Intoners leave them are ground into dust. She's hedonistic and clingy and desperate for attention, and too scared to let people close, to trust them within arms reach."

"Charm can't fix that. You can't make her safe by being nice."

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"I see. Thank you for your insight."

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"She'll want - need - her own power."

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"Alas, mine is not so easily shared."

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"If you want her to like you? Figure that out."

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"Oh yes, only the most famously unsolved mystery in the last thousand years of galactic history. I'm sure it will take me no more than an afternoon or two."

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"If you're as competent as you say..." She's smiling, though. 

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"Your faith is touching, newly born as it is."

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"You still need to prove it."

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"My deeds thus far do not suffice?"

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"Have only seen a few of those up close and personal."

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"Fair enough. I was quite disappointed to find you were out of the house when we attempted to visit at first, by the way."

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"Unfortunately for you, I'm not stupid."

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"Yes, all the dramatic confrontations seem to be initiated at the Intoner's whim, rather than mine. Very sad."

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"Don't waste your energy until you've confirmed your target, next time."

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"You know I'm right."

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"Sadly. It's what I deserve for trying to show off, I suppose."

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"Show off your strategic planning next time."

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"But mindless explosions are so much more fun in the moment."

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"If you're Five, maybe."

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"She was the relevant party, so."

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"Then don't combine flirting and war."

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"No fun allowed."

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"Do you prefer fun, or victory?"

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"It's not often I am required to choose. And it did work out in the end, here."

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"...You'll need to be more careful going forward. One especially is way more powerful than me."

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"So I've been told."

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"...Don't know how much Five or Zero know about it. It's not just raw magical power - One's smart."

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"Is she obligated to wait for us to go to her before attacking by- whatever narrative contrivances have ensured the sanctity of the fights against you and Five?"

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"I don't think so..."

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"Then we should expect her to interrupt us in the near future. Once might be a fluke, twice is the beginning of a pattern it would be better to stop before it continues."

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"She's known for a year that Zero wants to kill us, so she's also had a lot of time to prepare."

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"Hopefully not for me in particular."

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"Probably not."

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"Then I think there is yet a chance for us."

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"...We'll see."

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"So we shall."

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"You should make plans, then - and Septa will be helpful for that once she's awake."

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"It will be a war council. I will see when Zero is free."

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"Come get us when you know."

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"Do you need anything before I go?"

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"...Maybe some food and water."

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She will see to it.

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"You are quite welcome."

Then after that, she'll find Zero.

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Zero isn't far. "Four's awake?"

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"She is, if not quite so sanguine as Five was."

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Shrug. "Five's weird as hell."

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"Perhaps. Four has at least provisionally decided that destroying this world can wait, in favor of preparing to find the original world, whence came the story she is based on."

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"She planning to destroy that instead?"

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"That was unclear. It depends on what impression the originator makes, I think."

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"Could have repercussions for this world. And she's based on me - I can take her now, but once I'm normal human... She might decide I'm close enough to go after."

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"I'll still be here! So don't worry!"

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"Didn't say she'll succeed." 

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Happy wiggles!

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Head scritches!

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"And perhaps you can make friends before that happens."

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Yeah that thoroughly ruins her mood. "I don't need her to like me."

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"Just not to try to kill you."

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"As long as she doesn't succeed, I don't care."

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"Well, fair enough."

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"And anyways... The Flower gave all of them these - fake memories of me. None of them will like the reality."

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Nosepoke. "I like the reality. And maybe they can too, after we take care of the evil tastiness."

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Nose scritch. "You're biased."

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"Biased to truth!" she chirps.

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"At least biased in a different direction than them."

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"I don't know. I rather favor Daniella's interpretation."

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"Maybe both of you are biased."

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"Or you are yourself."

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"Nah. I'm totally unbiased in all things."

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"Of course."

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"Good you agree with me."

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"It is the wise thing to do."

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"Take advantage of my unbiased perspective."

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"And avoid provoking your ire."

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"Exactly so."

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"Well, all that aside. Four reminds me that it would be prudent to make more comprehensive preparations before we continue, and to be alert for One to interfere."

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"If she was going to interfere, she would have already. She's up to something else."

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"What makes you say that?"

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"Last time I did this, she summoned all the Intoners to Cathedral City. I lost when I faced them together. She keeps a tight hold on the Intoners, and she's not dumb - she would've focused her full effort on keeping me from Five. Also, she's got a dragon. Not exactly limited mobility, there."

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"Hm. I see."

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"I'm not entirely sure what, though."

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"Perhaps we ought to do some reconnaissance."

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"Normally I'd rather just move quickly through my targets... I don't want to get delayed."

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"It may end up saving us time. Four did catch us off guard."

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"We still took her down quickly."

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Nod. "But not exactly cleanly."

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Ugh. Sigh. 

"If you want to scout, I won't stop you."

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"I'd rather not get unexpectedly in over my head."

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"How horribly sensible of you."

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"It seems time to start taking things a little more seriously."

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"Whimsy has its time and place."

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"One outside of combat."

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"With stakes, anyway."

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"Trash mobs aren't real combat."

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"An apt way to put it."

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"Maybe One will have some actual proper challenges for me. No trash mobs, and no hiding behind demons."

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"Or maybe she won't, just to piss you off."

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"Might have to punish her for that."

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"Beyond what is already planned?"

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"Our existing plans will happen no matter what she does, so. It's not exactly a punishment."

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"I suppose that's true. Did you have something in mind?"

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"It'll come to me in the moment."

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"Not even a general space of idea?"

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"I like the spontaneity!"

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"If it makes you happy."

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"Close enough."

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"Well then. If you can take care of things here for a time, I will go on my scouting mission."

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"I can keep the others in line."

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"A kiss for luck, then?"

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Hey, no fair, where's Daniella's kiss?

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How about a kiss on her nose? 

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Eliese will take her leave, then.

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No wait Eliese needs to do one too.

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Oh, very well. There.

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Chin scritch.

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And now she really is leaving.

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"Bye-bye!" Daniella chirps, winding her body around Zero for a hug.

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Ridiculous girl. (More chin scritch.)

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Happy hum!

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"You like kissing?"

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"It looks like you have fun when you do it!"

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"More or less."

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"I'm glad!"

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"Did you have fun?"

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Another little nose kiss. 

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Eeeee wiggles!

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"Have energy you need to work off?"

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Hmmmmm "Maybe. How do I tell?"

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"Could see if exercising makes you less wiggly."

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"Okay! What should I do?"

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"You could fly."

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"Will you come with me?"

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"Might help keep you from getting lost." 

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"And I like spending time with you."

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"Most don't." Chin scritch.

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Scritches considered good.

"Then most people are silly!"

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"That, too."

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"Let's go flying then."

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Zero will have to hold onto her back again. 

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Daniella is more than okay with that!!

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Then off they go! Wheee!

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Zero's hard to impress with loops and speed like this, sadly.

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So she should go faster?

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If she thinks she can...

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She'll give it her best shot!

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Not bad! 

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Smug Daniella.

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A pretty good look on her.

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She is always looking good.

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An extra good look, then. 

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Maybe time for some fancier tricks now, too.

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Daniella's up for it!

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Let's see what she's got.

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Twists and loops! Chasing her own tail! Writing letters in the sky!

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Enough to tire her out a bit? 

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Hmmm.... she could go for some cuddle time now.

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Zero usually isn't the cuddly type. 

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Can Daniella convince her to make an exception by being especially cute and adorable?

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Fine, fine. 

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Mm yes good cozy snuggles. And there's enough of Daniella that Zero doesn't even need a blanket!

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Ridiculous dragon. 

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Cute ridiculous dragon.

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If she insists. 

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She does!!

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Time for a nap?

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Cozy snuggly nap time.

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:3 :3 :3

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(Aha, yes, but isn't Zero just so comfy right now? Check and mate.)

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She's not sure if that's how tactics works. 

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Nope, too comfy, argument does not apply.

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Nor how arguments work. 

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On the other hand, refusing to engage is often an effective strategy. Force the fight to be on her terms. 

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In other words, Daniella wins! Yay!

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If that's how she wants to think about it. 

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It makes her happy, so yes!

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A good enough reason. 

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Now back to cuddles.

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Smug snugs.