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Sounds dangerous.

If we're going to do something like that it should be me. You all have real lives to go back to, people who care about you. And I'm the leader here, so if I have to pull rank I guess I will.


Akira. Seriously. Don't make me bap you.

You are valuable and important too, and of all of us you're the person who can least afford to have this on her record. You're already on probation. The rest of us might get away with less bad consequences if we were caught, but you're guaranteed to go straight to juvie. 

I know you feel like you have to take responsibility for everything, but give the rest of us a chance. 


I second everything Ann said. The risk is lighter on us. We're a team.


nope, Akira. Ann and Shiho are right.

i'm not letting my cool new friend get her probation taken away and get her ass sent back to juvie.

i'm already a known troublemaker. they already know i hate Kamoshida.

if i get caught doing this, they think it's a shitty prank from a kid they've already written off, and they give me a week suspension.

A few moments pass with Ryuji typing.

care bout you, Akira. don't go to jail when i can take a smaller risk instead.


Akira takes a long moment to think of what to say to that.

Ryuji's right, the risk's lighter on him. It's just...

It's really strange to have people who care about her. Who'd risk themselves for her. Who'd fight for her. 

Alright. We'll do it your way. Don't take your phone. Wear gloves when you're handling anything you shouldn't have access to. Probably there are other things that'll still nail us eventually but let's not make it easy.


roger that, chief. i'll burn the newspaper i clip from, too.


Alright. Tonight, then. Let's get this done for good.

Good luck.

Akira pauses for a long moment. 

And if this all goes south, I want you all to know... I love you all. You're the family I never had. I know I don't know Shiho very well yet but we're all together in this for a reason, because the world's been a bitch to all of us and we all know it can be better. 

We're not just some people who know each other. We're a team. We've fought together and bled together, and we're going to get this done together. 

Thank you all for your trust. I couldn't have gotten this far without all of you being willing to reach out and work for it with me.

... that's all I had to say.




I've only just met you, Akira, but I'm already really glad to know you. You helped Ann save me, helped her find the courage to confess, and helped me stand up for myself. You're a really great friend.

Ryuji, we fell out of touch for a while, but I can see you're still the good-hearted impulsive boy who dyed his hair to keep a friend he'd just met from feeling alone. I'm glad you haven't lost that, and I'm glad we're back in touch.

Ann... I love you. You are the light I steer by, and I don't think I could've risked confessing if you hadn't found your heart and shared it first. Thank you for everything.

And Akira, you're absolutely right. We're all in this together.


Awwwww... Thank you, Shiho...


Send a sappy message and get one in return, I guess ^^


Akira, you helped me get back in touch with my oldest friends, you're a cool new friend, and you fight the shit that needs to be fought, and you're absolutely amazing in a fight, and you're inspiring

Shiho, you've always been the sane one calling me on my shit, you and Ann have been obviously crazy about each other for years and it's good you finally admitted it, glad to have you back, missed you bunches

Ann, you're clever and a fierce friend and a good gamer and one hell of a fighter and just an amazing person

all of you are so great and i'm glad you're friends with a rowdy dumbass like me


Guess that means it's my turn, huh? 

Well... I don't think it needs to be said that if it weren't for you, Akira, I wouldn't have had the chance to confess to Shiho or the courage to say it. And if it weren't for you helping Akira along the way, Ryuji, I wouldn't have survived all this much less gotten my chance to see Shiho safe. You've always been a good-hearted person and I'm really glad to know you again. 

And Shiho... You set my heart alight. You trusted me after all these years of slowly sliding apart. It's so good to finally be yours, and all because of that patient strength you've kept in you all these years. Thank you for taking the chance to be mine. Thank you for everything you suffered to keep me safe. You are so strong and so good. 

It's so good to all be back together again. That counts you too, Akira. 


... thanks, everyone. It's good to be home.

Akira sets down her phone against her chest for a moment and folds her hands over it, pressing it against her heart in a gesture of prayer.

Please let everyone I care about come from this safe and okay. 


When she's done, Morgana bumps their head into her shoulder and then curls up against her side. "All for one and one for all."



She types a quick goodnight into the group chat, and turns in.


And she awakens once again to the sound of music being played on a piano, in a prison cell.


"The prisoner, Akira Kurusu, has returned!"


She sits up. 

The manacle on her leg cuts into her skin, as cold as ever.

"Here again, huh."


"Well done. It seems you have remembered my words. You truly make it worth rehabilitating you."


She nods carefully. The more time she spends with this man, the less she likes him.


Igor chuckles. It's not a nice sound.

"The essence of the rehabilitation that you must complete will be explained in due time. Once you discover allies who share your ideals and discover your place in reality, only then will I explain it all."

He folds his hands. "Such a day should not be far off. This time, I wish to introduce you to the aid we are providing."


"Aid?" She doesn't like the sound of that.


"Due to your potential in wielding the power of the Wild Card, you can handle more than one Persona. That power holds infinite possibilities. We will assist you in nurturing that potential."

He leans forward.

"To that end, we must execute your Persona."


She can't have heard that right. 


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