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Meanwhile, Akira has survived another day of classes, this time without most of her supplies. Kamoshida didn't attempt to find her, and the day was uneventful.


So it's back to the train station to meet up with everyone again. 


Ryuji and Morgana fall in beside her as they all leave campus. "Hey."


"Hey, how's it going?" Akira smiles at Ryuji. "Think we might win the game today?"


"Hell yeah, we've got a real shot at it," Ryuji replies with a grin. "You've been a hell of a team leader, too."


"We very well might find the treasure today," Morgana agrees. "No guarantees, but we're making enormous progress."


"Thanks a lot. I'm doing my best."

Akira stretches. "I hope Ann's doing okay..." She sighs. "Well. For now we should be fine."


He nods.


As they get close to the station, they can see Ann and Shiho sitting at a table outside the crêpe shop. Shiho waves at them.


When she sees them, Joker's face breaks out into a smug grin.

She comes up to the table and takes a seat. "Good to see you two," she says. "Anyone have my lunch?"


"Yeah, I've got it right here." Ann fishes Akira's lunch bag out of her pack with her free hand. (The other one is occupied holding Shiho's hand.)


"And I've got your bag with everything else. Ryuji, do you still have to go get your gear?"


He nods. "Yep. Not worth bringing to school. Who wants to come hang out with me on the way?"


"I'll go," Morgana replies.


"If you'd like someone to go with you..."


"Akira. You haven't eaten since breakfast. Take a minute to rest, please?"


Akira sighs. "Yeah, I guess you're right. But I don't want to make you two split up either."


"Nah, me an' Morgana can go. All good. I'll see you girls in a few."

He waves and grins and heads off, Morgana bounding along after him.


Aww. Ryuji's so good

Akira gets out her lunch — a simple bento box, weiners and rice — and starts eating. 

"You two are positively glowing," she says to Ann and Shiho. "I'm glad."


Ann blushes a little and squeezes Shiho's hand. "Yeah," she says. "I — it's been better than I could've really imagined."


"Well good." Akira's voice comes out a little more firmly than she intended. "You two deserve some nice things after all you've been through."


Shiho blushes as well, squeezing Ann's hand in return and smiling. "I didn't know I could have things this good."



Akira's stomach does a small flip. It's — confusing. She's happy for them but at the same time she's a little sad. She thought she... might have had a shot with Ann... 

Still, she smiles. It's better to be happy for them than to mope. After all, from the confession Ann blurted out it's clear these two have been headed this way for a long, long time.


Ann smiles back. "I'm so lucky to have her. And to have you, too. I might've been too late if not for you, Akira."


Akira blushes a little and looks away. "... Thanks, Ann. It was the least I could do."

She goes back to her food. She's really not sure what to do with this whole situation, honestly. 

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