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"I don't want to push, but... yeah. I'd really like that."

Ann blushes as well, and ducks her head. "I just. I want to try. To... get the feeling of Kamoshida's hands on me out of my memory. To replace it with something better."



And she slowly stands, Ann's hand still in hers, and pulls her girlfriend gently to her feet.


She follows, hand in hand. 

Carmen's right. She deserves to have this.


Shiho smiles nervously as they enter Ann's room, then falls backward onto the bed and pulls Ann down with her.


Whoa, whoa, she was not expecting to be atop Shiho today. Her brain locks up for a moment at the sudden firm contact and her body goes stiff. 

A moment later she remembers to breathe again, and she very carefully leans down and kisses Shiho's lips again. Softly. Chastely.


She sighs warmly as their lips meet, then nuzzles her nose against Ann's for a moment before pressing another soft kiss to her lips and wrapping her arms behind her, holding her close.


Ann lets herself rest a little more firmly atop Shiho, her body pressing in close. It's โ€” a lot. She's not used to being embraced like this. But it's really, really good. 

She kisses Shiho's nose, and then her cheek, and then down to her chin...

Why not lower?

She kisses very, very slowly down Shiho's neck, giving her plenty of time to tell her to stop after each kiss. The scent of Shiho's in her head, now, and she doesn't want to stop and wants to be stopped almost simultaneously, as one thought. 

She could spend forever with her lips against Shiho's skin. 


Shiho gasps very softly at the first kiss to her neck, tilting her head to give Ann easier access and running her hands up and down Ann's back.


Ann feels heat kindle in her at that sound, a familiar warmth. 

It's not so easy to stop. 

"... Shiho," she murmurs back, and presses in another kiss.


She buries one hand in Ann's hair and arches her back, eyes fluttering closed.



She really could just lose herself in Shiho, in the scent of her, in how she shifts against her body, in the feel of her breath against her skin. Every word from her is so precious. Hearing her feel good is so wonderful. 

Ann can feel the need building in her, the need to kiss and touch and โ€” all the rest of it. But Shiho asked for only makeouts, so makeouts she shall get. 

Ann buries her head in Shiho's shoulder and kisses kisses kisses and lets her body move in slow instinctive rolls. She can feel the roughness of their clothes between her skin and Shiho's as her lips explore the crook of her collar.

It's so good.


It's so tempting to just savor this, just melt under Ann's touch...

But there's more she wants to try.

She wraps her arms tightly around Ann and rolls them both over, pinning the blonde beneath her and grinning down at her.


Ann lets out a small eep, but then giggles a moment after.

"Looks like you've got me now." She grins.


"And turnabout is fair play."

And she leans down and presses a kiss to Ann's lips, then three across her cheek, then along the edge of her ear, their bodies pressed together, feeling the heat of each other so close.


Oh. Oh gosh. In some ways it's even better from this side. Shiho's lips on her skin leave afterimage tingles behind on her flushed skin and the kisses by her ear make her shudder and pull Shiho even closer atop her. 

She's so, so lucky to get to have this. 

She feels so rewarded. 


She kisses her way down from there, over Ann's jaw and down her neck, murmuring out adoration between every kiss as she makes her way to Ann's collarbone.

"My light."

    "My star."

        "My bonfire."

            "My sunbeam."

Every kiss another endearment, every word another kiss, savoring every inch of this closeness.


... It's so much. Being praised and kissed so intimately is incredible. Her body feels like every nerve is alight with her desire for Shiho. 

"Your light. Your star. Your bonfire. Your sunbeam." She says the words again, makes them real in her heart. She owns this. She deserves this. 

She grins massively and strokes Shiho's back and basks.


She runs her hands down Ann's sides, caressing from her ribs, along her waist, over her hips, and keeps burying her lips in the crook of her neck, kiss after kiss after kiss, slowly making her way up Ann's throat, under her jaw, relishing every sound her girlfriend makes.


Ann takes shivery breaths and rolls her head. "Shiho", she murmurs. "Shiho..." 

She's honestly almost completely overwhelmed, between Shiho's hands on her body and her lips as well. All of this is so new to her.


Those breathy murmurs are intoxicating for Shiho. Every moment should be Ann's delight.

She cups Ann's cheeks and kisses her gently, then darts her tongue against her lips softly and quickly.


Ann takes the offer. She's never french-kissed before either, but it can't be that hard to figure out, now can it?

They can learn together.


Learning together is the best thing. She makes little exploratory darts with her tongue, brushing against Ann's lips, her tongue, the inside of her mouth, and welcomes Ann's explorations of her in turn. 


Ann kisses and kisses, warmth and satisfaction flooding her. It's just fun to explore like this, to get to experience Shiho. To discover her in a whole new way. 

She's so fucking gay for this girl. 


Ann is her everything.

She rolls her body against her, kissing and delighting and marveling at this beautiful girlfriend who saved her from Kamoshida with magic

Shiho didn't know she was allowed to have things this good. 


Neither did Ann, but sometimes the world surprises you. 

Ann embraces Shiho more firmly, settling into her a little. Kissing is good too, but right now she just wants to feel her presence.

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