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"Hey! So yeah, been an intense day, but things are going okay enough." Akira smiles. "How are things going for you?"


"Sounds like it." She frowns briefly, shakes her head, and then smiles wryly at Akira. "And just the usual, on my end: working on experimental drugs, seeing patients, passing time."


"Oh, you do research? That's cool."


She smiles a bit wider. "I do, yes. It's hard work, but it can be quite satisfying when you get it right."


Is she doing that deliberately? Who knows. 

"Yeah. I've always appreciated tinkering with computers, myself. If I get into university I'll be trying for a computer science degree."


"Interesting. I've always meant to learn more about computers, but as it is I just know enough to use them and do basic maintenance. There are some improvements I wouldn't mind seeing to the analysis software for my instruments, but software development is a wide field and I'm sure you'll find something that sparks your own passion there."


"I'm mostly self-taught right now. My father was in the business so I learned a lot about it from him." 

Not exactly happy memories, but she appreciates the help nonetheless. One of the few things her father did right.


Maybe it was something in Akira's tone, maybe Tae just knows that trans kids rarely have good parents, but her expression softens for a moment, sympathy clearly visible.

"What sort of things have caught your interest, so far?"


"Honestly, I've kind of always wished I could work in computer security. Maybe it's just having read too many detective books as a kid, but the idea of foiling crooks with good planning and forethought appeals. If not that, maybe working with networks? Everyone uses the internet all the time, so I feel like it's really cool to get to have a part in making it."


"Ooh. That does sound interesting," she replies with a smile. "I'm curious how all that gets made, honestly."


Sojiro shows up with a plate of curry and a coffee for Akira, giving her a brief little hint of a smile before turning to Takemi.

"Anything I can get for you, Doctor?"


"One more coffee please, if you don't mind, Sakura-san?"


"Be right back with it," he replies with a nod.


Akira smiles at Boss. "Thanks for the curry." 

She looks back at Doctor Takemi as she starts to eat.

"I'm mostly learning more basic things than that right now — stuff like how to code, the parts of a computer, that kind of thing. But when I learn about networking I'll definitely tell you all about it, Doctor."


She thanks Sakura-san as he departs as well, and turns back to Akira.

"Sounds like a plan, Akira-chan. And you don't have to call me Doctor. Takemi is fine."


Gosh, not even with an honorific? That's pretty casual. 

Then again, she guesses she has been sharing quite a bit of her life with Takemi... 

"Alright, Takemi." Akira gives her a small smile. "I guess I'll have to stop by the clinic again when I can get a spare moment, since we're friends."

She tilts her head. "Incidentally, where do you get those dresses of yours, or is that a secret? I just thought of it since I stopped in at Lapin Angelique a couple days ago and was envying the stuff there, and you seen to have somewhat similar style."


"An online store called Sorceresstique, they specialize in this sort of thing. They're a bit pricey for students, though."


"Aw, that's too bad to hear. It's a shame that all the good fashion's in such limited production runs. Still, I might check it out. Maybe try and get a part-time job to cover a dress or two."


"You should! I bet you'd look cute in them."


I agree with the good doctor, moitié, and I'm glad you have someone so supportive and friendly~ in your corner.


Oh shut up, what is she, like twenty-six or something? She's practically twice my age.

Akira smiles anyway. "I'll see what I can do. Got to find that true self, you know. A few days ago I couldn't even imagine wearing a Shujin girl's uniform each day."


"I'm glad you get to have that. You deserve it."


"Yeah." Akira's casual smile deepens a little, just thinking about it. "It's really good to have."


Sojiro brings Takemi's coffee over and takes the empty mug. "Here you go, Doctor."


"Thank you, Sakura-san."

Turning back to Akira, she asks, "Are you and your friends holding up okay with the stress?"

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