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The train ride is cramped and boring. She doesn't even have room to sit down, this time. Good thing she's recovered from yesterday.

Soon enough she's through her transfers and walking up to school.


Back to Kawakami's class. Ann's here, as usual.


Ann gives her a small smile as she comes in, but doesn't say anything.


Kawakami is still tired.

Akira's classmates still gossip about her. Today the rumors are accusing Ann of cheating on Kamoshida and Akira of being the temptress that stole her away.


Kawakami has not gotten any more tolerant of the gossipmongers interrupting classtime than she was yesterday. 

The class settles down.


That... is way more than she would like the rumor mill to know. She's been sloppy. Maybe necessarily so, but there's no way Kamoshida hasn't heard that. 

She's got a sinking feeling in her gut.


Class proceeds like it usually does from there. Teachers lecture, students listen (or pretend to do so), questions are asked and answered on both sides.

Lunch arrives.


... Kamoshida's going to get wind of this, whatever she does. 

She might as well spend lunch with Ann. Better not to talk to Shiho again though, if this school's this gossipy. 

"Hey," she says to Ann quietly. "Dissidia?"


"... Sure, I guess."


Lunch passes easily enough. Kamoshida doesn't come find them. Dissidia talk is at least enjoyable.

And then it's back to classes through the rest of the schoolday.

Finally they're done. It's 15:15, school is out, what do they do?


Akira gets out her phone and texts Ann. 

Worried for Shiho bc rumors

I don't want to be off campus, Shiho might not be able to phone us

I think we have to get her safe

Where is she right now?


Volleyball practice.



Should've thought of this at lunch.

... let's go watch volleyball.

She's got no choice but to dive right into the fire, now.


You're sure?


Only way we can make sure Shiho's safe now. It's ugly but we have to do it.

She texts Ryuji.

Got to do some delicate work at school. Go home for right now and do your best to act casual.


Ann texts back. 

Shiho hates it when people hover over her. If you show up to practice she's just going to clam up to you even more. You do realize that, right?


No, I didn't know that. That's important, thank you for sharing. 

A way to help Shiho without making it feel like she's hovering over her... 

— it's obvious when she thinks about it that way. She's just got to trust her. Shiho knows what she can handle. 

She's got to text Shiho. Not any directions or an offer of help so much as a simple "this might happen." How the fuck to phrase it though. 

She hasn't got time to get it perfect

Hey Shiho, heard a rumor Coach might be planning an extra hard practice session today. Just a heads-up. 


Shiho is typing for a long moment, before finally simply saying:



... It sucks, it sucks it sucks it sucks to be helpless like this. 

But she's got to trust Shiho. She wouldn't want to be treated like she didn't know what she was doing with her parents. She doesn't know what Shiho does to foil Kamoshida, she must have ways. 

She's just got to trust her.

She texts back Ann. 

Gave Shiho a simple heads-up. I really hope it's enough. I want to go down there but that's definitely hovering. 

We just have to trust her. 


... Whatever you think is best. 

What do we do now?


Stick to the plan. If Shiho wants help she can call or text. It'll take at least an hour for you two to get your stuff together, that's time we can wait to see if Shiho texts back and see if she needs help.

I'll stay at the crepe shop while you grab your stuff with Ryuji. Text me if you get any word from Shiho.

She texts Ryuji back. 

Grab your stuff, I'll meet you at the crepe place. Sorry for prv text. Plan's still on.


see you there


Fuck this sucks. 

But she's made the plan so she'd better stick to it. Crêpe place for her.

She heads off towards it.


Ann follows.


Ryuji's the first one to meet her at the crêpe shop. He takes one look at Akira and immediately sits down across from her. "Y'ain't doin' Shiho any good worrying yourself into a mess. We've got cash from yesterday's Metaverse run, lemme get you a crêpe. What kind do you want?"

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