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"Sure! You still main Ivy?"


"It's Ignis, now, but I still have a soft spot for her."

And for a little while they can pass the time in conversation.


It's an enjoyable conversation. Nice to hang out again. And then the meal's over. 

Ryuji shakes Akira's shoulder. "How're you doing?"


Akira stirs, and finally takes a breath. 

"I feel like I got run over by a truck," she says. "What's happened?"


"We were done for, then you awoke your Persona and looked awesome doing it, and then you led us out of the castle like an absolute badass. You an' Julie were burning shadows down left and right. You got us all out the exit, and then you collapsed. I looked after you while Ann got the packs here to the café, then I helped you walk here, and then we ate a snack while we let you rest a bit."


"And I grabbed as much of the loot as I could while chasing after you!"


"Yeah, that about covers it."



Akira lifts her hand and rubs her face. It sucks to move right now, but she can do it. 

"Okay, we got to... home. Back to... the district. Leblanc." 


Ryuji nods. "It's in Yongen-Jaya, Morgana said? We can get you there. Ready to walk? Be a short trip into the station, then you can sit for the ride. Should be seats this late."


"Yeah. Okay. I -" She tries her feet. Putting her weight on her legs is rewarded with stabbing pain. 

"That's gonna suck but I think I can manage it. Can't be worse than dysphoria."


Ryuji raises an eyebrow. He remembers how much he hated the time after his awakening, and he is impressed that she's this functional after fighting harder for three times as long. Also, dysphoria? That is a conversation for later though.

"You can lean on me, Akira. We got this."


"Alright. Together." 

She tries for a smile but doesn't quite manage it. It's more of a grimace.


He picks up his pack and hers, then helps her get to her feet and get her arm over his shoulder again.


"I'll help too." Ann comes up and helps Ryuji steady Akira.

"To the station we go."


Every step hurts, but it's not far to the station and then she can sit on the train. 

Akira does her best.


And then they get to the turnstile.


Morgana swipes Akira's pass.


And Ryuji still has a hand free for his.


Ann swipes hers as well, and then on they can go. Akira's going to have to take a few steps unassisted though.


Walking without someone to lean on is an intensely miserable experience. But she manages to support herself a little on the solid part of the turnstile, and then Ann's waiting on the other side to help her along again. 


And they can get her into the train. Maybe they take a few funny looks along the way, but they look like upstanding students just helping a worn-out friend, because there's a guy and a girl helping this girl get on the train. 

And look at that! An open seat! Two even! Ryuji lets Ann and Akira have them.


A Chair. Some kami is looking out for her today. 

She sits and stays.


Ann looks over at Akira and gives her a pat on the shoulder. 

"You did so good today."


Akira grunts noncommittally. 


"You really did. Kicked so much ass."

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