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Akira keeps her voice quiet. "You don't look okay. You look really, really tired. But if you feel you're strong enough to get through it I won't gainsay you. Just - if you ever need help you can always call me, okay? I'll give you my phone number."


Shiho puts Akira's number into her phone with a nod, and offers her own, but otherwise hunkers down over her lunch.


She's crowding the poor girl now. It seems like she really feels uncomfortable around other people. 

"Alright." she murmurs. "That's all I had to say, except - I think we have a way to fix it. So don't give up hope. It might not last all that much longer."

And she nods to Ann and gets up.


"Thanks for introducing me to your friend!" she says brightly, mask back on.


"It's nothing."

She looks over at Shiho. "Good luck, Shiho." They've been on a first-name basis ever since they were kids; it's only Kamoshida who's come between them.


"Thanks, Ann. You too."


"Let's head back to the classroom, I've had enough of being outside."

Akira gets out her packed lunch as she walks.


"Alright," Ann says. 

And off they go back to Homeroom D.


The students are quietly eating lunch. It's a normal lunch period, as far as everyone else is concerned.


"Want to talk more Dissidia? I could use a break." Akira smiles slightly. 


Ann shrugs. "Sure, I guess."

She hopes that Shiho is really alright. Akira kind of left in a hurry there.


This may not be the most pleasant lunch either of them have had, what with the things hanging over their heads, but it's enjoyable enough for the circumstances, and then it's done. Back to the rest of the school day.


She really, really hopes Kamoshida doesn't drop by again. This morning was skeevy enough. 

For now she keeps her head down and studies.


Ann will follow Akira's lead for now.


And then school is done. 


Akira looks up at the last bell.

"Alright, let's go find Ryuji and get together for our game." 

The sooner this is done with the sooner Shiho will be safe.


Ann nods. "I'm with you there."


Morgana walks up beside them as they head out.


Ryuji finds them as well. "Game time?" He remembers the cover from yesterday, at least.


Akira grins. "Game time. Let's all grab our stuff and meet at the station in an hour."


"Do you want to come with me to grab my stuff, or go with Ryuji to grab his? I assume you don't want to just hang out at the station for an hour."


"I spent time with you yesterday, Ann, so if you don't mind I'd rather go with Ryuji."


Ann nods. "Works for me."


"Awesome. Let's go. See you in an hour, Ann."


"See you in an hour, Ann."

Akira follows Ryuji to whichever train he's taking. It'll be interesting to see where he lives. 

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